Source code for evalml.automl.progress

"""Progress abstraction holding stopping criteria and progress information."""
import logging
import time

from evalml.utils.logger import get_logger

[docs]class Progress: """Progress object holding stopping criteria and progress information. Args: max_time (int): Maximum time to search for pipelines. max_iterations (int): Maximum number of iterations to search. max_batches (int): The maximum number of batches of pipelines to search. Parameters max_time, and max_iterations have precedence over stopping the search. patience (int): Number of iterations without improvement to stop search early. tolerance (float): Minimum percentage difference to qualify as score improvement for early stopping. automl_algorithm (str): The automl algorithm to use. Used to calculate iterations if max_batches is selected as stopping criteria. objective (str, ObjectiveBase): The objective used in search. verbose (boolean): Whether or not to log out stopping information. """ def __init__( self, max_time=None, max_batches=None, max_iterations=None, patience=None, tolerance=None, automl_algorithm=None, objective=None, verbose=False, ): self.max_time = max_time self.current_time = None self.start_time = None self.max_batches = max_batches self.current_batch = 0 self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.current_iterations = 0 self.patience = patience self.tolerance = tolerance self.automl_algorithm = automl_algorithm self.objective = objective self._best_score = None self._without_improvement = 0 self._last_id = 0 if verbose: self.logger = get_logger(f"{__name__}.verbose") else: self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def start_timing(self): """Sets start time to current time.""" self.start_time = time.time()
[docs] def elapsed(self): """Return time elapsed using the start time and current time.""" return self.current_time - self.start_time
[docs] def should_continue(self, results, interrupted=False, mid_batch=False): """Given AutoML Results, return whether or not the search should continue. Args: results (dict): AutoMLSearch results. interrupted (bool): whether AutoMLSearch was given an keyboard interrupt. Defaults to False. mid_batch (bool): whether this method was called while in the middle of a batch or not. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if search should continue, False otherwise. """ if interrupted: return False # update and check max_time, max_iterations, and max_batches self.current_time = time.time() self.current_iterations = len(results["pipeline_results"]) self.current_batch = self.automl_algorithm.batch_number if self.max_time and self.elapsed() >= self.max_time: return False elif self.max_iterations and self.current_iterations >= self.max_iterations: return False elif ( self.max_batches and self.current_batch >= self.max_batches and not mid_batch ): return False # check for early stopping if self.patience is not None and self.tolerance is not None: last_id = results["search_order"][-1] curr_score = results["pipeline_results"][last_id]["mean_cv_score"] if self._best_score is None: self._best_score = curr_score return True elif last_id > self._last_id: self._last_id = last_id score_improved = ( curr_score > self._best_score if self.objective.greater_is_better else curr_score < self._best_score ) significant_change = ( abs((curr_score - self._best_score) / self._best_score) > self.tolerance ) if score_improved and significant_change: self._best_score = curr_score self._without_improvement = 0 else: self._without_improvement += 1 if self._without_improvement >= self.patience: "\n\n{} iterations without improvement. Stopping search early...".format( self.patience, ), ) return False return True
[docs] def return_progress(self): """Return information about current and end state of each stopping criteria in order of priority. Returns: List[Dict[str, unit]]: list of dictionaries containing information of each stopping criteria. """ progress = [] if self.max_time: progress.append( { "stopping_criteria": "max_time", "current_state": self.elapsed(), "end_state": self.max_time, "unit": "seconds", }, ) if self.max_iterations or self.max_batches: max_iterations = ( self.max_iterations if self.max_iterations else sum( [ self.automl_algorithm.num_pipelines_per_batch(n) for n in range(self.max_batches) ], ) ) progress.append( { "stopping_criteria": "max_iterations", "current_state": self.current_iterations, "end_state": max_iterations, "unit": "iterations", }, ) if self.max_batches: progress.append( { "stopping_criteria": "max_batches", "current_state": self.current_batch, "end_state": self.max_batches, "unit": "batches", }, ) return progress