Source code for evalml.pipelines.components.estimators.estimator

from abc import abstractmethod

from evalml.exceptions import MethodPropertyNotFoundError
from evalml.pipelines.components import ComponentBase

[docs]class Estimator(ComponentBase): """A component that fits and predicts given data""" @property @classmethod @abstractmethod def supported_problem_types(cls): """Problem types this estimator supports"""
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Make predictions using selected features. Args: X (pd.DataFrame) : features Returns: pd.Series : estimated labels """ try: return self._component_obj.predict(X) except AttributeError: raise MethodPropertyNotFoundError("Estimator requires a predict method or a component_obj that implements predict")
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """Make probability estimates for labels. Args: X (pd.DataFrame) : features Returns: pd.DataFrame : probability estimates """ try: return self._component_obj.predict_proba(X) except AttributeError: raise MethodPropertyNotFoundError("Estimator requires a predict_proba method or a component_obj that implements predict_proba")
@property def feature_importances(self): """Returns feature importances. Returns: list(float) : importance associated with each feature """ try: return self._component_obj.feature_importances_ except AttributeError: raise MethodPropertyNotFoundError("Estimator requires a feature_importances property or a component_obj that implements feature_importances_")