Source code for evalml.pipelines.components.utils

# flake8:noqa
import inspect

from evalml.exceptions import MissingComponentError
from evalml.model_family.utils import handle_model_family
from evalml.pipelines.components import ComponentBase, Estimator, Transformer
from evalml.problem_types import ProblemTypes, handle_problem_types
from evalml.utils import get_logger
from evalml.utils.gen_utils import get_importable_subclasses

logger = get_logger(__file__)

_all_estimators = get_importable_subclasses(Estimator, used_in_automl=False)
_all_estimators_used_in_search = get_importable_subclasses(Estimator, used_in_automl=True)
_all_transformers = get_importable_subclasses(Transformer, used_in_automl=False)
all_components = _all_estimators + _all_transformers

[docs]def allowed_model_families(problem_type): """List the model types allowed for a particular problem type. Arguments: problem_types (ProblemTypes or str): binary, multiclass, or regression Returns: list[ModelFamily]: a list of model families """ estimators = [] problem_type = handle_problem_types(problem_type) for estimator in _all_estimators_used_in_search: if problem_type in set(handle_problem_types(problem) for problem in estimator.supported_problem_types): estimators.append(estimator) return list(set([e.model_family for e in estimators]))
[docs]def get_estimators(problem_type, model_families=None): """Returns the estimators allowed for a particular problem type. Can also optionally filter by a list of model types. Arguments: problem_type (ProblemTypes or str): problem type to filter for model_families (list[ModelFamily] or list[str]): model families to filter for Returns: list[class]: a list of estimator subclasses """ if model_families is not None and not isinstance(model_families, list): raise TypeError("model_families parameter is not a list.") problem_type = handle_problem_types(problem_type) if model_families is None: model_families = allowed_model_families(problem_type) model_families = [handle_model_family(model_family) for model_family in model_families] all_model_families = allowed_model_families(problem_type) for model_family in model_families: if model_family not in all_model_families: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized model type for problem type %s: %s" % (problem_type, model_family)) estimator_classes = [] for estimator_class in _all_estimators_used_in_search: if problem_type not in [handle_problem_types(supported_pt) for supported_pt in estimator_class.supported_problem_types]: continue if estimator_class.model_family not in model_families: continue estimator_classes.append(estimator_class) return estimator_classes
def handle_component_class(component_class): """Standardizes input from a string name to a ComponentBase subclass if necessary. If a str is provided, will attempt to look up a ComponentBase class by that name and return a new instance. Otherwise if a ComponentBase subclass is provided, will return that without modification. Arguments: component (str, ComponentBase): input to be standardized Returns: ComponentBase """ if inspect.isclass(component_class) and issubclass(component_class, ComponentBase): return component_class if not isinstance(component_class, str): raise ValueError(("component_graph may only contain str or ComponentBase subclasses, not '{}'") .format(type(component_class))) component_classes = { component for component in all_components} if component_class not in component_classes: raise MissingComponentError('Component "{}" was not found'.format(component_class)) component_class = component_classes[component_class] return component_class