Source code for evalml.data_checks.no_variance_data_check

import pandas as pd

from .data_check import DataCheck
from .data_check_message import DataCheckError, DataCheckWarning

from evalml.utils.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__file__)

[docs]class NoVarianceDataCheck(DataCheck): """Check if the target or any of the features have no variance."""
[docs] def __init__(self, count_nan_as_value=False): """Check if the target or any of the features have no variance. Arguments: count_nan_as_value (bool): If True, missing values will be counted as their own unique value. If set to True, a feature that has one unique value and all other data is missing, a DataCheckWarning will be returned instead of an error. Defaults to False. """ self._dropnan = not count_nan_as_value
def _check_for_errors(self, column_name, count_unique, any_nulls): """Checks if a column has no variance. Arguments: column_name (str): Name of the column we are checking. count_unique (float): Number of unique values in this column. any_nulls (bool): Whether this column has any missing data. Returns: DataCheckError if the column has no variance. """ message = f"{column_name} has {int(count_unique)} unique value." if count_unique <= 1: return DataCheckError(message.format(name=column_name), elif count_unique == 2 and not self._dropnan and any_nulls: return DataCheckWarning(f"{column_name} has two unique values including nulls. " "Consider encoding the nulls for " "this column to be useful for machine learning.",
[docs] def validate(self, X, y): """Check if the target or any of the features have no variance (1 unique value). Arguments: X (pd.DataFrame): The input features. y (pd.Series): The target data. Returns: list (DataCheckWarning or DataCheckError): List of warnings/errors corresponding to features or target with no variance. """ if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): X = pd.DataFrame(X) if not isinstance(y, pd.Series): y = pd.Series(y) unique_counts = X.nunique(dropna=self._dropnan).to_dict() any_nulls = (X.isnull().any()).to_dict() messages = [] for name in unique_counts: message = self._check_for_errors(name, unique_counts[name], any_nulls[name]) if message: messages.append(message) y_name = getattr(y, "name") if not y_name: y_name = "Y" target_message = self._check_for_errors(y_name, y.nunique(dropna=self._dropnan), y.isnull().any()) if target_message: messages.append(target_message) return messages