Source code for evalml.pipelines.regression.time_series_baseline_regression

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from evalml.pipelines import TimeSeriesRegressionPipeline
from evalml.utils.gen_utils import (

[docs]class TimeSeriesBaselineRegressionPipeline(TimeSeriesRegressionPipeline): """Baseline Pipeline for time series regression problems.""" _name = "Time Series Baseline Regression Pipeline" component_graph = ["Time Series Baseline Regressor"]
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fit a time series regression pipeline. Arguments: X (ww.DataTable, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, or None): The input training data of shape [n_samples, n_features] y (ww.DataColumn, pd.Series, np.ndarray): The target training targets of length [n_samples] Returns: self """ if X is None: X = pd.DataFrame() X = _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X) y = _convert_to_woodwork_structure(y) X = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(X.to_dataframe()) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(y.to_series()) X_t = self._compute_features_during_fit(X, y) if X_t.empty: X_t = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(len(y))) y_shifted = y.shift( X_t, y_shifted = drop_rows_with_nans(X_t, y_shifted), y_shifted) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X, y, objective=None): """Make predictions using selected features. Arguments: X (ww.DataTable, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, or None): Data of shape [n_samples, n_features] y (ww.DataColumn, pd.Series, np.ndarray): The target training targets of length [n_samples]. y is required for this pipeline. objective (Object or string): The objective to use to make predictions Returns: pd.Series: Predicted values. """ if X is None: X = pd.DataFrame() X = _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X) y = _convert_to_woodwork_structure(y) X = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(X.to_dataframe()) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(y.to_series()) predictions = self.estimator.predict(None, y) return pad_with_nans(predictions, max(0, X.shape[0] - predictions.shape[0]))