Source code for evalml.automl.automl_algorithm.iterative_algorithm

import inspect
from operator import itemgetter

import numpy as np
from import Categorical, Integer, Real

from .automl_algorithm import AutoMLAlgorithm, AutoMLAlgorithmException

from evalml.model_family import ModelFamily
from evalml.pipelines.utils import _make_stacked_ensemble_pipeline


[docs]class IterativeAlgorithm(AutoMLAlgorithm): """An automl algorithm which first fits a base round of pipelines with default parameters, then does a round of parameter tuning on each pipeline in order of performance."""
[docs] def __init__(self, allowed_pipelines=None, max_iterations=None, tuner_class=None, random_seed=0, pipelines_per_batch=5, n_jobs=-1, # TODO remove number_features=None, # TODO remove ensembling=False, pipeline_params=None, _frozen_pipeline_parameters=None, _estimator_family_order=None): """An automl algorithm which first fits a base round of pipelines with default parameters, then does a round of parameter tuning on each pipeline in order of performance. Arguments: allowed_pipelines (list(class)): A list of PipelineBase instances indicating the pipelines allowed in the search. The default of None indicates all pipelines for this problem type are allowed. max_iterations (int): The maximum number of iterations to be evaluated. tuner_class (class): A subclass of Tuner, to be used to find parameters for each pipeline. The default of None indicates the SKOptTuner will be used. random_seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to 0. pipelines_per_batch (int): The number of pipelines to be evaluated in each batch, after the first batch. n_jobs (int or None): Non-negative integer describing level of parallelism used for pipelines. number_features (int): The number of columns in the input features. ensembling (boolean): If True, runs ensembling in a separate batch after every allowed pipeline class has been iterated over. Defaults to False. pipeline_params (dict or None): Pipeline-level parameters that should be passed to the proposed pipelines. _frozen_pipeline_parameters (dict or None): Pipeline-level parameters are frozen and used in the proposed pipelines. _estimator_family_order (list(ModelFamily) or None): specify the sort order for the first batch. Defaults to _ESTIMATOR_FAMILY_ORDER. """ self._estimator_family_order = _estimator_family_order or _ESTIMATOR_FAMILY_ORDER indices = [] pipelines_to_sort = [] pipelines_end = [] for pipeline in allowed_pipelines or []: if pipeline.model_family in self._estimator_family_order: indices.append(self._estimator_family_order.index(pipeline.model_family)) pipelines_to_sort.append(pipeline) else: pipelines_end.append(pipeline) pipelines_start = [pipeline for _, pipeline in (sorted(zip(indices, pipelines_to_sort), key=lambda pair: pair[0]) or [])] allowed_pipelines = pipelines_start + pipelines_end super().__init__(allowed_pipelines=allowed_pipelines, max_iterations=max_iterations, tuner_class=tuner_class, random_seed=random_seed) self.pipelines_per_batch = pipelines_per_batch self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.number_features = number_features self._first_batch_results = [] self._best_pipeline_info = {} self.ensembling = ensembling and len(self.allowed_pipelines) > 1 self._pipeline_params = pipeline_params or {} self._frozen_pipeline_parameters = _frozen_pipeline_parameters or {}
[docs] def next_batch(self): """Get the next batch of pipelines to evaluate Returns: list(PipelineBase): a list of instances of PipelineBase subclasses, ready to be trained and evaluated. """ if self._batch_number == 1: if len(self._first_batch_results) == 0: raise AutoMLAlgorithmException('No results were reported from the first batch') self._first_batch_results = sorted(self._first_batch_results, key=itemgetter(0)) next_batch = [] if self._batch_number == 0: next_batch = [, {}), random_seed=self.random_seed) for pipeline in self.allowed_pipelines] # One after training all pipelines one round elif (self.ensembling and self._batch_number != 1 and (self._batch_number) % (len(self._first_batch_results) + 1) == 0): input_pipelines = [] for pipeline_dict in self._best_pipeline_info.values(): pipeline = pipeline_dict['pipeline'] pipeline_params = pipeline_dict['parameters'] parameters = self._combine_parameters(pipeline, pipeline_params) input_pipelines.append(, random_seed=self.random_seed)) ensemble = _make_stacked_ensemble_pipeline(input_pipelines, input_pipelines[0].problem_type, random_seed=self.random_seed, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) next_batch.append(ensemble) else: num_pipelines = (len(self._first_batch_results) + 1) if self.ensembling else len(self._first_batch_results) idx = (self._batch_number - 1) % num_pipelines pipeline = self._first_batch_results[idx][1] for i in range(self.pipelines_per_batch): proposed_parameters = self._tuners[].propose() parameters = self._combine_parameters(pipeline, proposed_parameters) next_batch.append(, random_seed=self.random_seed)) self._pipeline_number += len(next_batch) self._batch_number += 1 return next_batch
def _combine_parameters(self, pipeline, proposed_parameters): """Helper function for logic to transform proposed parameters and frozen parameters.""" return {**self._transform_parameters(pipeline, proposed_parameters), **self._frozen_pipeline_parameters}
[docs] def add_result(self, score_to_minimize, pipeline, trained_pipeline_results): """Register results from evaluating a pipeline Arguments: score_to_minimize (float): The score obtained by this pipeline on the primary objective, converted so that lower values indicate better pipelines. pipeline (PipelineBase): The trained pipeline object which was used to compute the score. trained_pipeline_results (dict): Results from training a pipeline. """ if pipeline.model_family != ModelFamily.ENSEMBLE: if self.batch_number == 1: try: super().add_result(score_to_minimize, pipeline, trained_pipeline_results) except ValueError as e: if 'is not within the bounds of the space' in str(e): raise ValueError("Default parameters for components in pipeline {} not in the hyperparameter ranges: {}".format(, e)) else: raise(e) else: super().add_result(score_to_minimize, pipeline, trained_pipeline_results) if self.batch_number == 1: self._first_batch_results.append((score_to_minimize, pipeline)) current_best_score = self._best_pipeline_info.get(pipeline.model_family, {}).get('mean_cv_score', np.inf) if score_to_minimize is not None and score_to_minimize < current_best_score and pipeline.model_family != ModelFamily.ENSEMBLE: self._best_pipeline_info.update({pipeline.model_family: {'mean_cv_score': score_to_minimize, 'pipeline': pipeline, 'parameters': pipeline.parameters, 'id': trained_pipeline_results['id']} })
def _transform_parameters(self, pipeline, proposed_parameters): """Given a pipeline parameters dict, make sure n_jobs and number_features are set.""" parameters = {} if 'pipeline' in self._pipeline_params: parameters['pipeline'] = self._pipeline_params['pipeline'] for name, component_class in pipeline.linearized_component_graph: component_parameters = proposed_parameters.get(name, {}) init_params = inspect.signature(component_class.__init__).parameters # Inspects each component and adds the following parameters when needed if 'n_jobs' in init_params: component_parameters['n_jobs'] = self.n_jobs if 'number_features' in init_params: component_parameters['number_features'] = self.number_features # For first batch, pass the pipeline params to the components that need them if name in self._pipeline_params and self._batch_number == 0: for param_name, value in self._pipeline_params[name].items(): if isinstance(value, (Integer, Real)): # get a random value in the space component_parameters[param_name] = value.rvs(random_state=self.random_seed)[0] elif isinstance(value, Categorical): component_parameters[param_name] = value.rvs(random_state=self.random_seed) else: component_parameters[param_name] = value if name in self._pipeline_params and name == 'Drop Columns Transformer' and self._batch_number > 0: component_parameters['columns'] = self._pipeline_params[name]['columns'] if 'pipeline' in self._pipeline_params: for param_name, value in self._pipeline_params['pipeline'].items(): if param_name in init_params: component_parameters[param_name] = value parameters[name] = component_parameters return parameters