import numpy as np
from .binary_classification_objective import BinaryClassificationObjective
from evalml.model_understanding.graphs import confusion_matrix
[docs]class CostBenefitMatrix(BinaryClassificationObjective):
"""Score using a cost-benefit matrix. Scores quantify the benefits of a given value, so greater numeric
scores represents a better score. Costs and scores can be negative, indicating that a value is not beneficial.
For example, in the case of monetary profit, a negative cost and/or score represents loss of cash flow."""
name = "Cost Benefit Matrix"
greater_is_better = True
score_needs_proba = False
perfect_score = np.inf
is_bounded_like_percentage = False # Range (-Inf, Inf)
[docs] def __init__(self, true_positive, true_negative, false_positive, false_negative):
"""Create instance of CostBenefitMatrix.
true_positive (float): Cost associated with true positive predictions
true_negative (float): Cost associated with true negative predictions
false_positive (float): Cost associated with false positive predictions
false_negative (float): Cost associated with false negative predictions
if None in {true_positive, true_negative, false_positive, false_negative}:
raise ValueError("Parameters to CostBenefitMatrix must all be numeric values.")
self.true_positive = true_positive
self.true_negative = true_negative
self.false_positive = false_positive
self.false_negative = false_negative
[docs] def objective_function(self, y_true, y_predicted, X=None):
"""Calculates cost-benefit of the using the predicted and true values.
y_predicted (pd.Series): Predicted labels
y_true (pd.Series): True labels
X (pd.DataFrame): Ignored.
float: Cost-benefit matrix score
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_predicted, normalize_method='all')
cost_matrix = np.array([[self.true_negative, self.false_positive],
[self.false_negative, self.true_positive]])
total_cost = np.multiply(conf_matrix.values, cost_matrix).sum()
return total_cost