Source code for evalml.automl.automl_search

import copy
import pickle
import sys
import time
import traceback
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict

import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import BaseCrossValidator

from .pipeline_search_plots import PipelineSearchPlots, SearchIterationPlot

from evalml.automl.automl_algorithm import IterativeAlgorithm
from evalml.automl.callbacks import log_error_callback
from evalml.automl.engine import SequentialEngine
from evalml.automl.utils import (
from evalml.data_checks import DefaultDataChecks
from evalml.exceptions import (
from evalml.model_family import ModelFamily
from evalml.objectives import (
from evalml.pipelines import (
from evalml.pipelines.components.utils import get_estimators
from evalml.pipelines.utils import make_pipeline
from evalml.problem_types import (
from evalml.tuners import SKOptTuner
from evalml.utils import (
from evalml.utils.logger import (

logger = get_logger(__file__)

[docs]class AutoMLSearch: """Automated Pipeline search. Arguments: X_train (pd.DataFrame): The input training data of shape [n_samples, n_features]. Required. y_train (pd.Series): The target training data of length [n_samples]. Required for supervised learning tasks. problem_type (str or ProblemTypes): type of supervised learning problem. See evalml.problem_types.ProblemType.all_problem_types for a full list. objective (str, ObjectiveBase): The objective to optimize for. Used to propose and rank pipelines, but not for optimizing each pipeline during fit-time. When set to 'auto', chooses: - LogLossBinary for binary classification problems, - LogLossMulticlass for multiclass classification problems, and - R2 for regression problems. max_iterations (int): Maximum number of iterations to search. If max_iterations and max_time is not set, then max_iterations will default to max_iterations of 5. max_time (int, str): Maximum time to search for pipelines. This will not start a new pipeline search after the duration has elapsed. If it is an integer, then the time will be in seconds. For strings, time can be specified as seconds, minutes, or hours. patience (int): Number of iterations without improvement to stop search early. Must be positive. If None, early stopping is disabled. Defaults to None. tolerance (float): Minimum percentage difference to qualify as score improvement for early stopping. Only applicable if patience is not None. Defaults to None. allowed_component_graphs (dict): A dictionary of lists or ComponentGraphs indicating the component graphs allowed in the search. The format should follow { "Name_0": [list_of_components], "Name_1": [ComponentGraph(...)] } The default of None indicates all pipeline component graphs for this problem type are allowed. Setting this field will cause allowed_model_families to be ignored. e.g. allowed_component_graphs = { "My_Graph": ["Imputer", "One Hot Encoder", "Random Forest Classifier"] } allowed_model_families (list(str, ModelFamily)): The model families to search. The default of None searches over all model families. Run evalml.pipelines.components.utils.allowed_model_families("binary") to see options. Change `binary` to `multiclass` or `regression` depending on the problem type. Note that if allowed_pipelines is provided, this parameter will be ignored. data_splitter (sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrossValidator): Data splitting method to use. Defaults to StratifiedKFold. tuner_class: The tuner class to use. Defaults to SKOptTuner. optimize_thresholds (bool): Whether or not to optimize the binary pipeline threshold. Defaults to True. start_iteration_callback (callable): Function called before each pipeline training iteration. Callback function takes three positional parameters: The pipeline instance and the AutoMLSearch object. add_result_callback (callable): Function called after each pipeline training iteration. Callback function takes three positional parameters: A dictionary containing the training results for the new pipeline, an untrained_pipeline containing the parameters used during training, and the AutoMLSearch object. error_callback (callable): Function called when `search()` errors and raises an Exception. Callback function takes three positional parameters: the Exception raised, the traceback, and the AutoMLSearch object. Must also accepts kwargs, so AutoMLSearch is able to pass along other appropriate parameters by default. Defaults to None, which will call `log_error_callback`. additional_objectives (list): Custom set of objectives to score on. Will override default objectives for problem type if not empty. alternate_thresholding_objective (str): The objective to use for thresholding binary classification pipelines if the main objective provided isn't tuneable. Defaults to F1. random_seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to 0. n_jobs (int or None): Non-negative integer describing level of parallelism used for pipelines. None and 1 are equivalent. If set to -1, all CPUs are used. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. ensembling (boolean): If True, runs ensembling in a separate batch after every allowed pipeline class has been iterated over. If the number of unique pipelines to search over per batch is one, ensembling will not run. Defaults to False. max_batches (int): The maximum number of batches of pipelines to search. Parameters max_time, and max_iterations have precedence over stopping the search. problem_configuration (dict, None): Additional parameters needed to configure the search. For example, in time series problems, values should be passed in for the date_index, gap, and max_delay variables. train_best_pipeline (boolean): Whether or not to train the best pipeline before returning it. Defaults to True. pipeline_parameters (dict): A dict of the parameters used to initialize a pipeline with. Keys should consist of the component names and values should specify parameter values e.g. pipeline_parameters = { 'Imputer' : { 'numeric_impute_strategy': 'most_frequent' } } custom_hyperparameters (dict): A dict of the hyperparameter ranges used to iterate over during search. Keys should consist of the component names and values should specify a singular value or skopt.Space. e.g. custom_hyperparameters = { 'Imputer' : { 'numeric_impute_strategy': Categorical(['most_frequent', 'median']) } } sampler_method (str): The data sampling component to use in the pipelines if the problem type is classification and the target balance is smaller than the sampler_balanced_ratio. Either 'auto', which will use our preferred sampler for the data, 'Undersampler', 'Oversampler', or None. Defaults to 'auto'. sampler_balanced_ratio (float): The minority:majority class ratio that we consider balanced, so a 1:4 ratio would be equal to 0.25. If the class balance is larger than this provided value, then we will not add a sampler since the data is then considered balanced. Overrides the `sampler_ratio` of the samplers. Defaults to 0.25. _ensembling_split_size (float): The amount of the training data we'll set aside for training ensemble metalearners. Only used when ensembling is True. Must be between 0 and 1, exclusive. Defaults to 0.2 _pipelines_per_batch (int): The number of pipelines to train for every batch after the first one. The first batch will train a baseline pipline + one of each pipeline family allowed in the search. engine (EngineBase or None): The engine instance used to evaluate pipelines. If None, a SequentialEngine will be used. """ _MAX_NAME_LEN = 40 def __init__( self, X_train=None, y_train=None, problem_type=None, objective="auto", max_iterations=None, max_time=None, patience=None, tolerance=None, data_splitter=None, allowed_component_graphs=None, allowed_model_families=None, start_iteration_callback=None, add_result_callback=None, error_callback=None, additional_objectives=None, alternate_thresholding_objective="F1", random_seed=0, n_jobs=-1, tuner_class=None, optimize_thresholds=True, ensembling=False, max_batches=None, problem_configuration=None, train_best_pipeline=True, pipeline_parameters=None, custom_hyperparameters=None, sampler_method="auto", sampler_balanced_ratio=0.25, _ensembling_split_size=0.2, _pipelines_per_batch=5, engine=None, ): if X_train is None: raise ValueError( "Must specify training data as a 2d array using the X_train argument" ) if y_train is None: raise ValueError( "Must specify training data target values as a 1d vector using the y_train argument" ) try: self.problem_type = handle_problem_types(problem_type) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "choose one of (binary, multiclass, regression) as problem_type" ) if is_time_series(self.problem_type): warnings.warn( "Time series support in evalml is still in beta, which means we are still actively building " "its core features. Please be mindful of that when running search()." ) self._SLEEP_TIME = 0.1 self.tuner_class = tuner_class or SKOptTuner self.start_iteration_callback = start_iteration_callback self.add_result_callback = add_result_callback self.error_callback = error_callback or log_error_callback self.data_splitter = data_splitter self.optimize_thresholds = optimize_thresholds self.ensembling = ensembling if objective == "auto": objective = get_default_primary_search_objective(self.problem_type.value) objective = get_objective(objective, return_instance=False) self.objective = self._validate_objective(objective) self.alternate_thresholding_objective = None if ( is_binary(self.problem_type) and self.optimize_thresholds and self.objective.score_needs_proba ): self.alternate_thresholding_objective = get_objective( alternate_thresholding_objective, return_instance=True ) if ( self.alternate_thresholding_objective is not None and self.alternate_thresholding_objective.score_needs_proba ): raise ValueError( "Alternate thresholding objective must be a tuneable objective and cannot need probabilities!" ) if self.data_splitter is not None and not issubclass( self.data_splitter.__class__, BaseCrossValidator ): raise ValueError("Not a valid data splitter") if not objective.is_defined_for_problem_type(self.problem_type): raise ValueError( "Given objective {} is not compatible with a {} problem.".format(, self.problem_type.value ) ) if additional_objectives is None: additional_objectives = get_core_objectives(self.problem_type) # if our main objective is part of default set of objectives for problem_type, remove it existing_main_objective = next( ( obj for obj in additional_objectives if == ), None, ) if existing_main_objective is not None: additional_objectives.remove(existing_main_objective) else: additional_objectives = [get_objective(o) for o in additional_objectives] additional_objectives = [ self._validate_objective(obj) for obj in additional_objectives ] self.additional_objectives = additional_objectives self.objective_name_to_class = { o for o in [self.objective] + self.additional_objectives } if not isinstance(max_time, (int, float, str, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"Parameter max_time must be a float, int, string or None. Received {type(max_time)} with value {str(max_time)}.." ) if isinstance(max_time, (int, float)) and max_time < 0: raise ValueError( f"Parameter max_time must be None or non-negative. Received {max_time}." ) if max_batches is not None and max_batches < 0: raise ValueError( f"Parameter max_batches must be None or non-negative. Received {max_batches}." ) if max_iterations is not None and max_iterations < 0: raise ValueError( f"Parameter max_iterations must be None or non-negative. Received {max_iterations}." ) self.max_time = ( convert_to_seconds(max_time) if isinstance(max_time, str) else max_time ) self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.max_batches = max_batches self._pipelines_per_batch = _pipelines_per_batch if not self.max_iterations and not self.max_time and not self.max_batches: self.max_batches = 1"Using default limit of max_batches=1.\n") if patience and (not isinstance(patience, int) or patience < 0): raise ValueError( "patience value must be a positive integer. Received {} instead".format( patience ) ) if tolerance and (tolerance > 1.0 or tolerance < 0.0): raise ValueError( "tolerance value must be a float between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. Received {} instead".format( tolerance ) ) self.patience = patience self.tolerance = tolerance or 0.0 self._results = { "pipeline_results": {}, "search_order": [], } self._pipelines_searched = dict() self.random_seed = random_seed self.n_jobs = n_jobs if not self.plot: logger.warning( "Unable to import plotly; skipping pipeline search plotting\n" ) if allowed_component_graphs is not None: if not isinstance(allowed_component_graphs, dict): raise ValueError( "Parameter allowed_component_graphs must be either None or a dictionary!" ) for graph_name, graph in allowed_component_graphs.items(): if not isinstance(graph, (list, dict, ComponentGraph)): raise ValueError( "Every component graph passed must be of type list, dictionary, or ComponentGraph!" ) self.allowed_component_graphs = allowed_component_graphs self.allowed_model_families = allowed_model_families self._automl_algorithm = None self._start = 0.0 self._baseline_cv_scores = {} self.show_batch_output = False self._validate_problem_type() self.problem_configuration = self._validate_problem_configuration( problem_configuration ) self._train_best_pipeline = train_best_pipeline self._best_pipeline = None self._searched = False self.X_train = infer_feature_types(X_train) self.y_train = infer_feature_types(y_train) default_data_splitter = make_data_splitter( self.X_train, self.y_train, self.problem_type, self.problem_configuration, n_splits=3, shuffle=True, random_seed=self.random_seed, ) self.data_splitter = self.data_splitter or default_data_splitter self.pipeline_parameters = pipeline_parameters or {} self.custom_hyperparameters = custom_hyperparameters or {} self.search_iteration_plot = None self._interrupted = False parameters = copy.copy(self.pipeline_parameters) if self.problem_configuration: parameters.update({"pipeline": self.problem_configuration}) self.sampler_method = sampler_method self.sampler_balanced_ratio = sampler_balanced_ratio self._sampler_name = None if is_classification(self.problem_type): self._sampler_name = self.sampler_method if self.sampler_method in ["auto", "Oversampler"]: self._sampler_name = get_best_sampler_for_data( self.X_train, self.y_train, self.sampler_method, self.sampler_balanced_ratio, ) if self._sampler_name not in parameters and self._sampler_name is not None: parameters[self._sampler_name] = { "sampling_ratio": self.sampler_balanced_ratio } elif self._sampler_name is not None: parameters[self._sampler_name].update( {"sampling_ratio": self.sampler_balanced_ratio} ) if self.allowed_component_graphs is None:"Generating pipelines to search over...") allowed_estimators = get_estimators( self.problem_type, self.allowed_model_families ) logger.debug( f"allowed_estimators set to {[ for estimator in allowed_estimators]}" ) drop_columns = ( self.pipeline_parameters["Drop Columns Transformer"]["columns"] if "Drop Columns Transformer" in self.pipeline_parameters else None ) index_and_unknown_columns = list(["index", "unknown"], return_schema=True).columns ) unknown_columns = list("unknown", return_schema=True).columns ) index_and_unknown_columns = _put_into_original_order( self.X_train, index_and_unknown_columns ) if len(index_and_unknown_columns) > 0 and drop_columns is None: parameters["Drop Columns Transformer"] = { "columns": index_and_unknown_columns } if len(unknown_columns): f"Removing columns {unknown_columns} because they are of 'Unknown' type" ) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=ParameterNotUsedWarning) self.allowed_pipelines = [ make_pipeline( self.X_train, self.y_train, estimator, self.problem_type, parameters=parameters, sampler_name=self._sampler_name, ) for estimator in allowed_estimators ] self._catch_warnings(w) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=ParameterNotUsedWarning) self.allowed_pipelines = get_pipelines_from_component_graphs( self.allowed_component_graphs, self.problem_type, parameters, self.random_seed, ) self._catch_warnings(w) if self.allowed_pipelines == []: raise ValueError("No allowed pipelines to search")"{len(self.allowed_pipelines)} pipelines ready for search.") run_ensembling = self.ensembling text_in_ensembling = ( len("natural_language", return_schema=True).columns) > 0 ) if run_ensembling and len(self.allowed_pipelines) == 1: logger.warning( "Ensembling is set to True, but the number of unique pipelines is one, so ensembling will not run." ) run_ensembling = False if run_ensembling and self.max_iterations is not None: # Baseline + first batch + each pipeline iteration + 1 first_ensembling_iteration = ( 1 + len(self.allowed_pipelines) + len(self.allowed_pipelines) * self._pipelines_per_batch + 1 ) if self.max_iterations < first_ensembling_iteration: run_ensembling = False logger.warning( f"Ensembling is set to True, but max_iterations is too small, so ensembling will not run. Set max_iterations >= {first_ensembling_iteration} to run ensembling." ) else: f"Ensembling will run at the {first_ensembling_iteration} iteration and every {len(self.allowed_pipelines) * self._pipelines_per_batch} iterations after that." ) if self.max_batches and self.max_iterations is None: self.show_batch_output = True if run_ensembling: ensemble_nth_batch = len(self.allowed_pipelines) + 1 num_ensemble_batches = (self.max_batches - 1) // ensemble_nth_batch if num_ensemble_batches == 0: run_ensembling = False logger.warning( f"Ensembling is set to True, but max_batches is too small, so ensembling will not run. Set max_batches >= {ensemble_nth_batch + 1} to run ensembling." ) else: f"Ensembling will run every {ensemble_nth_batch} batches." ) self.max_iterations = ( 1 + len(self.allowed_pipelines) + self._pipelines_per_batch * (self.max_batches - 1 - num_ensemble_batches) + num_ensemble_batches ) else: self.max_iterations = ( 1 + len(self.allowed_pipelines) + (self._pipelines_per_batch * (self.max_batches - 1)) ) if not engine: self._engine = SequentialEngine() else: self._engine = engine self.automl_config = AutoMLConfig( self.data_splitter, self.problem_type, self.objective, self.additional_objectives, self.alternate_thresholding_objective, self.optimize_thresholds, self.error_callback, self.random_seed, self.X_train.ww.schema, self.y_train.ww.schema, ) self.allowed_model_families = list( set([p.model_family for p in (self.allowed_pipelines)]) ) logger.debug( f"allowed_pipelines set to {[ for pipeline in self.allowed_pipelines]}" ) logger.debug(f"allowed_model_families set to {self.allowed_model_families}") self._automl_algorithm = IterativeAlgorithm( max_iterations=self.max_iterations, allowed_pipelines=self.allowed_pipelines, tuner_class=self.tuner_class, random_seed=self.random_seed, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, number_features=self.X_train.shape[1], pipelines_per_batch=self._pipelines_per_batch, ensembling=run_ensembling, text_in_ensembling=text_in_ensembling, pipeline_params=parameters, custom_hyperparameters=custom_hyperparameters, ) def _catch_warnings(self, warning_list): if len(warning_list) == len(self.allowed_pipelines) and len(warning_list) > 0: # we find the value(s) that we must throw the warning for final_message = set([]) for idx, msg in enumerate(warning_list): if idx == 0: final_message = final_message.union(msg.message.components) else: final_message = final_message.intersection(msg.message.components) warnings.warn(ParameterNotUsedWarning(final_message)) def _get_batch_number(self): batch_number = 1 if ( self._automl_algorithm is not None and self._automl_algorithm.batch_number > 0 ): batch_number = self._automl_algorithm.batch_number return batch_number def _pre_evaluation_callback(self, pipeline): if self.start_iteration_callback: self.start_iteration_callback(pipeline, self) def _validate_objective(self, objective): non_core_objectives = get_non_core_objectives() if isinstance(objective, type): if objective in non_core_objectives: raise ValueError( f"{} is not allowed in AutoML! " "Use evalml.objectives.utils.get_core_objective_names() " "to get all objective names allowed in automl." ) return objective() return objective def __str__(self): def _print_list(obj_list): lines = sorted(["\t{}".format( for o in obj_list]) return "\n".join(lines) def _get_funct_name(function): if callable(function): return function.__name__ else: return None search_desc = ( f"{handle_problem_types(self.problem_type).name} Search\n\n" f"Parameters: \n{'='*20}\n" f"Objective: {get_objective(self.objective).name}\n" f"Max Time: {self.max_time}\n" f"Max Iterations: {self.max_iterations}\n" f"Max Batches: {self.max_batches}\n" f"Allowed Pipelines: \n{_print_list(self.allowed_pipelines or [])}\n" f"Patience: {self.patience}\n" f"Tolerance: {self.tolerance}\n" f"Data Splitting: {self.data_splitter}\n" f"Tuner: {self.tuner_class.__name__}\n" f"Start Iteration Callback: {_get_funct_name(self.start_iteration_callback)}\n" f"Add Result Callback: {_get_funct_name(self.add_result_callback)}\n" f"Additional Objectives: {_print_list(self.additional_objectives or [])}\n" f"Random Seed: {self.random_seed}\n" f"n_jobs: {self.n_jobs}\n" f"Optimize Thresholds: {self.optimize_thresholds}\n" ) rankings_desc = "" if not self.rankings.empty: rankings_str = self.rankings.drop( ["parameters"], axis="columns" ).to_string() rankings_desc = f"\nSearch Results: \n{'='*20}\n{rankings_str}" return search_desc + rankings_desc def _validate_problem_configuration(self, problem_configuration=None): if is_time_series(self.problem_type): required_parameters = {"date_index", "gap", "max_delay"} if not problem_configuration or not all( p in problem_configuration for p in required_parameters ): raise ValueError( "user_parameters must be a dict containing values for at least the date_index, gap, and max_delay " f"parameters. Received {problem_configuration}." ) return problem_configuration or {} def _handle_keyboard_interrupt(self): """Presents a prompt to the user asking if they want to stop the search. Returns: bool: If True, search should terminate early """ leading_char = "\n" start_of_loop = time.time() while True: choice = ( input(leading_char + "Do you really want to exit search (y/n)? ") .strip() .lower() ) if choice == "y":"Exiting AutoMLSearch.") return True elif choice == "n": # So that the time in this loop does not count towards the time budget (if set) time_in_loop = time.time() - start_of_loop self._start += time_in_loop return False else: leading_char = ""
[docs] def search(self, show_iteration_plot=True): """Find the best pipeline for the data set. Arguments: feature_types (list, optional): list of feature types, either numerical or categorical. Categorical features will automatically be encoded show_iteration_plot (boolean, True): Shows an iteration vs. score plot in Jupyter notebook. Disabled by default in non-Jupyter enviroments. """ if self._searched: " has already been run and will not run again on the same instance. Re-initialize AutoMLSearch to search again." ) return # don't show iteration plot outside of a jupyter notebook if show_iteration_plot: try: get_ipython except NameError: show_iteration_plot = False log_title(logger, "Beginning pipeline search")"Optimizing for %s. " % "{} score is better.\n".format( "Greater" if self.objective.greater_is_better else "Lower" ) ) f"Using {self._engine.__class__.__name__} to train and score pipelines." ) if self.max_batches is not None: f"Searching up to {self.max_batches} batches for a total of {self.max_iterations} pipelines. " ) elif self.max_iterations is not None:"Searching up to %s pipelines. " % self.max_iterations) if self.max_time is not None: "Will stop searching for new pipelines after %d seconds.\n" % self.max_time ) "Allowed model families: %s\n" % ", ".join([model.value for model in self.allowed_model_families]) ) self.search_iteration_plot = None if self.plot: self.search_iteration_plot = self.plot.search_iteration_plot( interactive_plot=show_iteration_plot ) self._start = time.time() try: self._add_baseline_pipelines() except KeyboardInterrupt: if self._handle_keyboard_interrupt(): self._interrupted = True current_batch_pipelines = [] current_batch_pipeline_scores = [] new_pipeline_ids = [] loop_interrupted = False while self._should_continue(): computations = [] try: if not loop_interrupted: current_batch_pipelines = self._automl_algorithm.next_batch() except StopIteration:"AutoML Algorithm out of recommendations, ending") break try: new_pipeline_ids = [] log_title(logger, f"Evaluating Batch Number {self._get_batch_number()}") for pipeline in current_batch_pipelines: self._pre_evaluation_callback(pipeline) computation = self._engine.submit_evaluation_job( self.automl_config, pipeline, self.X_train, self.y_train ) computations.append(computation) current_computation_index = 0 while self._should_continue() and len(computations) > 0: computation = computations[current_computation_index] if computation.done(): evaluation = computation.get_result() data, pipeline, job_log = ( evaluation.get("scores"), evaluation.get("pipeline"), evaluation.get("logger"), ) pipeline_id = self._post_evaluation_callback( pipeline, data, job_log ) new_pipeline_ids.append(pipeline_id) computations.pop(current_computation_index) current_computation_index = (current_computation_index + 1) % max( len(computations), 1 ) time.sleep(self._sleep_time) loop_interrupted = False except KeyboardInterrupt: loop_interrupted = True if self._handle_keyboard_interrupt(): self._interrupted = True for computation in computations: computation.cancel() full_rankings = self.full_rankings current_batch_idx = full_rankings["id"].isin(new_pipeline_ids) current_batch_pipeline_scores = full_rankings[current_batch_idx][ "mean_cv_score" ] if ( len(current_batch_pipeline_scores) and current_batch_pipeline_scores.isna().all() ): raise AutoMLSearchException( f"All pipelines in the current AutoML batch produced a score of np.nan on the primary objective {self.objective}." ) self.search_duration = time.time() - self._start elapsed_time = time_elapsed(self._start) desc = f"\nSearch finished after {elapsed_time}" desc = desc.ljust(self._MAX_NAME_LEN) self._find_best_pipeline() if self._best_pipeline is not None: best_pipeline = self.rankings.iloc[0] best_pipeline_name = best_pipeline["pipeline_name"]"Best pipeline: {best_pipeline_name}") f"Best pipeline {}: {best_pipeline['mean_cv_score']:3f}" ) self._searched = True
def _find_best_pipeline(self): """Finds the best pipeline in the rankings If self._best_pipeline already exists, check to make sure it is different from the current best pipeline before training and thresholding""" if len(self.rankings) == 0: return best_pipeline = self.rankings.iloc[0] if not ( self._best_pipeline and self._best_pipeline == self.get_pipeline(best_pipeline["id"]) ): best_pipeline = self.get_pipeline(best_pipeline["id"]) if self._train_best_pipeline: X_train = self.X_train y_train = self.y_train best_pipeline = self._engine.submit_training_job( self.automl_config, best_pipeline, X_train, y_train ).get_result() self._best_pipeline = best_pipeline def _num_pipelines(self): """Return the number of pipeline evaluations which have been made Returns: int: the number of pipeline evaluations made in the search """ return len(self._results["pipeline_results"]) def _should_continue(self): """Given the original stopping criterion and current state, should the search continue? Returns: bool: True if yes, False if no. """ if self._interrupted: return False num_pipelines = self._num_pipelines() # check max_time and max_iterations elapsed = time.time() - self._start if self.max_time and elapsed >= self.max_time: return False elif self.max_iterations and num_pipelines >= self.max_iterations: return False # check for early stopping if self.patience is None or self.tolerance is None: return True first_id = self._results["search_order"][0] best_score = self._results["pipeline_results"][first_id]["mean_cv_score"] num_without_improvement = 0 for id in self._results["search_order"][1:]: curr_score = self._results["pipeline_results"][id]["mean_cv_score"] significant_change = ( abs((curr_score - best_score) / best_score) > self.tolerance ) score_improved = ( curr_score > best_score if self.objective.greater_is_better else curr_score < best_score ) if score_improved and significant_change: best_score = curr_score num_without_improvement = 0 else: num_without_improvement += 1 if num_without_improvement >= self.patience: "\n\n{} iterations without improvement. Stopping search early...".format( self.patience ) ) return False return True def _validate_problem_type(self): for obj in self.additional_objectives: if not obj.is_defined_for_problem_type(self.problem_type): raise ValueError( "Additional objective {} is not compatible with a {} problem.".format(, self.problem_type.value ) ) def _get_baseline_pipeline(self): """Creates a baseline pipeline instance.""" if self.problem_type == ProblemTypes.BINARY: baseline = BinaryClassificationPipeline( component_graph=["Baseline Classifier"], custom_name="Mode Baseline Binary Classification Pipeline", parameters={"Baseline Classifier": {"strategy": "mode"}}, ) elif self.problem_type == ProblemTypes.MULTICLASS: baseline = MulticlassClassificationPipeline( component_graph=["Baseline Classifier"], custom_name="Mode Baseline Multiclass Classification Pipeline", parameters={"Baseline Classifier": {"strategy": "mode"}}, ) elif self.problem_type == ProblemTypes.REGRESSION: baseline = RegressionPipeline( component_graph=["Baseline Regressor"], custom_name="Mean Baseline Regression Pipeline", parameters={"Baseline Classifier": {"strategy": "mean"}}, ) else: pipeline_class, pipeline_name = { ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_REGRESSION: ( TimeSeriesRegressionPipeline, "Time Series Baseline Regression Pipeline", ), ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_MULTICLASS: ( TimeSeriesMulticlassClassificationPipeline, "Time Series Baseline Multiclass Pipeline", ), ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_BINARY: ( TimeSeriesBinaryClassificationPipeline, "Time Series Baseline Binary Pipeline", ), }[self.problem_type] date_index = self.problem_configuration["date_index"] gap = self.problem_configuration["gap"] max_delay = self.problem_configuration["max_delay"] baseline = pipeline_class( component_graph=["Time Series Baseline Estimator"], custom_name=pipeline_name, parameters={ "pipeline": { "date_index": date_index, "gap": gap, "max_delay": max_delay, }, "Time Series Baseline Estimator": { "date_index": date_index, "gap": gap, "max_delay": max_delay, }, }, ) return baseline def _add_baseline_pipelines(self): """Fits a baseline pipeline to the data. This is the first pipeline fit during search. """ baseline = self._get_baseline_pipeline() self._pre_evaluation_callback(baseline)"Evaluating Baseline Pipeline: {}") computation = self._engine.submit_evaluation_job( self.automl_config, baseline, self.X_train, self.y_train ) evaluation = computation.get_result() data, pipeline, job_log = ( evaluation.get("scores"), evaluation.get("pipeline"), evaluation.get("logger"), ) self._post_evaluation_callback(pipeline, data, job_log) @staticmethod def _get_mean_cv_scores_for_all_objectives(cv_data, objective_name_to_class): scores = defaultdict(int) n_folds = len(cv_data) for fold_data in cv_data: for field, value in fold_data["all_objective_scores"].items(): # The 'all_objective_scores' field contains scores for all objectives # but also fields like "# Training" and "# Testing", so we want to exclude them since # they are not scores if field in objective_name_to_class: scores[field] += value return { objective: float(score) / n_folds for objective, score in scores.items() } def _post_evaluation_callback(self, pipeline, evaluation_results, job_log): job_log.write_to_logger(logger) training_time = evaluation_results["training_time"] cv_data = evaluation_results["cv_data"] cv_scores = evaluation_results["cv_scores"] is_baseline = pipeline.model_family == ModelFamily.BASELINE cv_score = cv_scores.mean() cv_sd = cv_scores.std() percent_better_than_baseline = {} mean_cv_all_objectives = self._get_mean_cv_scores_for_all_objectives( cv_data, self.objective_name_to_class ) if is_baseline: self._baseline_cv_scores = mean_cv_all_objectives for obj_name in mean_cv_all_objectives: objective_class = self.objective_name_to_class[obj_name] # In the event add_to_rankings is called before search _baseline_cv_scores will be empty so we will return # nan for the base score. percent_better = objective_class.calculate_percent_difference( mean_cv_all_objectives[obj_name], self._baseline_cv_scores.get(obj_name, np.nan), ) percent_better_than_baseline[obj_name] = percent_better high_variance_cv = self._check_for_high_variance(pipeline, cv_score, cv_sd) pipeline_id = len(self._results["pipeline_results"]) self._results["pipeline_results"][pipeline_id] = { "id": pipeline_id, "pipeline_name":, "pipeline_class": pipeline.__class__, "pipeline_summary": pipeline.summary, "parameters": pipeline.parameters, "mean_cv_score": cv_score, "standard_deviation_cv_score": cv_sd, "high_variance_cv": high_variance_cv, "training_time": training_time, "cv_data": cv_data, "percent_better_than_baseline_all_objectives": percent_better_than_baseline, "percent_better_than_baseline": percent_better_than_baseline[ ], "validation_score": cv_scores[0], } self._pipelines_searched.update({pipeline_id: pipeline.clone()}) if pipeline.model_family == ModelFamily.ENSEMBLE: input_pipeline_ids = [ self._automl_algorithm._best_pipeline_info[model_family]["id"] for model_family in self._automl_algorithm._best_pipeline_info ] self._results["pipeline_results"][pipeline_id][ "input_pipeline_ids" ] = input_pipeline_ids self._results["search_order"].append(pipeline_id) if not is_baseline: score_to_minimize = ( -cv_score if self.objective.greater_is_better else cv_score ) try: self._automl_algorithm.add_result( score_to_minimize, pipeline, self._results["pipeline_results"][pipeline_id], ) except PipelineNotFoundError: pass # True when running in a jupyter notebook, else the plot is an instance of plotly.Figure if isinstance(self.search_iteration_plot, SearchIterationPlot): self.search_iteration_plot.update(self.results, self.objective) if self.add_result_callback: self.add_result_callback( self._results["pipeline_results"][pipeline_id], pipeline, self ) return pipeline_id def _check_for_high_variance(self, pipeline, cv_mean, cv_std, threshold=0.2): """Checks cross-validation scores and logs a warning if variance is higher than specified threshhold.""" pipeline_name = high_variance_cv = False if cv_std != 0 and cv_mean != 0: high_variance_cv = bool(abs(cv_std / cv_mean) > threshold) if high_variance_cv: logger.warning( f"\tHigh coefficient of variation (cv >= {threshold}) within cross validation scores.\n\t{pipeline_name} may not perform as estimated on unseen data." ) return high_variance_cv
[docs] def get_pipeline(self, pipeline_id): """Given the ID of a pipeline training result, returns an untrained instance of the specified pipeline initialized with the parameters used to train that pipeline during automl search. Arguments: pipeline_id (int): pipeline to retrieve Returns: PipelineBase: untrained pipeline instance associated with the provided ID """ pipeline_results = self.results["pipeline_results"].get(pipeline_id) if pipeline_results is None: raise PipelineNotFoundError("Pipeline not found in automl results") pipeline = self._pipelines_searched.get(pipeline_id) parameters = pipeline_results.get("parameters") if pipeline is None or parameters is None: raise PipelineNotFoundError( "Pipeline class or parameters not found in automl results" ) return, random_seed=self.random_seed)
[docs] def describe_pipeline(self, pipeline_id, return_dict=False): """Describe a pipeline Arguments: pipeline_id (int): pipeline to describe return_dict (bool): If True, return dictionary of information about pipeline. Defaults to False. Returns: Description of specified pipeline. Includes information such as type of pipeline components, problem, training time, cross validation, etc. """ if pipeline_id not in self._results["pipeline_results"]: raise PipelineNotFoundError("Pipeline not found") pipeline = self.get_pipeline(pipeline_id) pipeline_results = self._results["pipeline_results"][pipeline_id] pipeline.describe() if pipeline.model_family == ModelFamily.ENSEMBLE: "Input for ensembler are pipelines with IDs: " + str(pipeline_results["input_pipeline_ids"]) ) log_subtitle(logger, "Training")"Training for {} problems.".format(pipeline.problem_type)) if ( self.optimize_thresholds and self.objective.is_defined_for_problem_type(ProblemTypes.BINARY) and self.objective.can_optimize_threshold ): "Objective to optimize binary classification pipeline thresholds for: {}".format( self.objective ) ) "Total training time (including CV): %.1f seconds" % pipeline_results["training_time"] ) log_subtitle(logger, "Cross Validation", underline="-") all_objective_scores = [ fold["all_objective_scores"] for fold in pipeline_results["cv_data"] ] all_objective_scores = pd.DataFrame(all_objective_scores) for c in all_objective_scores: if c in ["# Training", "# Validation"]: all_objective_scores[c] = all_objective_scores[c].map( lambda x: "{:2,.0f}".format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else np.nan ) continue mean = all_objective_scores[c].mean(axis=0) std = all_objective_scores[c].std(axis=0) all_objective_scores.loc["mean", c] = mean all_objective_scores.loc["std", c] = std all_objective_scores.loc["coef of var", c] = ( std / mean if abs(mean) > 0 else np.inf ) all_objective_scores = all_objective_scores.fillna("-") with pd.option_context( "display.float_format", "{:.3f}".format, "expand_frame_repr", False ): if return_dict: return pipeline_results
[docs] def add_to_rankings(self, pipeline): """Fits and evaluates a given pipeline then adds the results to the automl rankings with the requirement that automl search has been run. Arguments: pipeline (PipelineBase): pipeline to train and evaluate. """ pipeline_rows = self.full_rankings[ self.full_rankings["pipeline_name"] == ] for parameter in pipeline_rows["parameters"]: if pipeline.parameters == parameter: return computation = self._engine.submit_evaluation_job( self.automl_config, pipeline, self.X_train, self.y_train ) evaluation = computation.get_result() data, pipeline, job_log = ( evaluation.get("scores"), evaluation.get("pipeline"), evaluation.get("logger"), ) self._post_evaluation_callback(pipeline, data, job_log) self._find_best_pipeline()
@property def results(self): """Class that allows access to a copy of the results from `automl_search`. Returns: dict containing `pipeline_results`: a dict with results from each pipeline, and `search_order`: a list describing the order the pipelines were searched. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._results) @property def rankings(self): """Returns a pandas.DataFrame with scoring results from the highest-scoring set of parameters used with each pipeline.""" return self.full_rankings.drop_duplicates(subset="pipeline_name", keep="first") @property def full_rankings(self): """Returns a pandas.DataFrame with scoring results from all pipelines searched""" ascending = True if self.objective.greater_is_better: ascending = False pipeline_results_cols = [ "id", "pipeline_name", "mean_cv_score", "standard_deviation_cv_score", "validation_score", "percent_better_than_baseline", "high_variance_cv", "parameters", ] if not self._results["pipeline_results"]: full_rankings_cols = ( pipeline_results_cols[0:2] + ["search_order"] + pipeline_results_cols[2:] ) # place search_order after pipeline_name return pd.DataFrame(columns=full_rankings_cols) rankings_df = pd.DataFrame(self._results["pipeline_results"].values()) rankings_df = rankings_df[pipeline_results_cols] rankings_df.insert( 2, "search_order", pd.Series(self._results["search_order"]) ) # place search_order after pipeline_name rankings_df.sort_values("mean_cv_score", ascending=ascending, inplace=True) rankings_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return rankings_df @property def best_pipeline(self): """Returns a trained instance of the best pipeline and parameters found during automl search. If `train_best_pipeline` is set to False, returns an untrained pipeline instance. Returns: PipelineBase: A trained instance of the best pipeline and parameters found during automl search. If `train_best_pipeline` is set to False, returns an untrained pipeline instance. """ if not self._best_pipeline: raise PipelineNotFoundError( "automl search must be run before selecting `best_pipeline`." ) return self._best_pipeline
[docs] def save( self, file_path, pickle_type="cloudpickle", pickle_protocol=cloudpickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, ): """Saves AutoML object at file path Arguments: file_path (str): location to save file pickle_type {"pickle", "cloudpickle"}: the pickling library to use. pickle_protocol (int): the pickle data stream format. Returns: None """ if pickle_type == "cloudpickle": pkl_lib = cloudpickle elif pickle_type == "pickle": pkl_lib = pickle else: raise ValueError( f"`pickle_type` must be either 'pickle' or 'cloudpickle'. Received {pickle_type}" ) with open(file_path, "wb") as f: pkl_lib.dump(self, f, protocol=pickle_protocol)
[docs] @staticmethod def load( file_path, pickle_type="cloudpickle", ): """Loads AutoML object at file path Arguments: file_path (str): location to find file to load pickle_type {"pickle", "cloudpickle"}: the pickling library to use. Currently not used since the standard pickle library can handle cloudpickles. Returns: AutoSearchBase object """ with open(file_path, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f)
[docs] def train_pipelines(self, pipelines): """Train a list of pipelines on the training data. This can be helpful for training pipelines once the search is complete. Arguments: pipelines (list(PipelineBase)): List of pipelines to train. Returns: Dict[str, PipelineBase]: Dictionary keyed by pipeline name that maps to the fitted pipeline. Note that the any pipelines that error out during training will not be included in the dictionary but the exception and stacktrace will be displayed in the log. """ check_all_pipeline_names_unique(pipelines) fitted_pipelines = {} computations = [] X_train = self.X_train y_train = self.y_train for pipeline in pipelines: computations.append( self._engine.submit_training_job( self.automl_config, pipeline, X_train, y_train ) ) while computations: computation = computations.pop(0) if computation.done(): try: fitted_pipeline = computation.get_result() fitted_pipelines[] = fitted_pipeline except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Train error for {}: {str(e)}") tb = traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) logger.error("Traceback:") logger.error("\n".join(tb)) else: computations.append(computation) return fitted_pipelines
[docs] def score_pipelines(self, pipelines, X_holdout, y_holdout, objectives): """Score a list of pipelines on the given holdout data. Arguments: pipelines (list(PipelineBase)): List of pipelines to train. X_holdout (pd.DataFrame): Holdout features. y_holdout (pd.Series): Holdout targets for scoring. objectives (list(str), list(ObjectiveBase)): Objectives used for scoring. Returns: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: Dictionary keyed by pipeline name that maps to a dictionary of scores. Note that the any pipelines that error out during scoring will not be included in the dictionary but the exception and stacktrace will be displayed in the log. """ X_holdout, y_holdout = infer_feature_types(X_holdout), infer_feature_types( y_holdout ) check_all_pipeline_names_unique(pipelines) scores = {} objectives = [get_objective(o, return_instance=True) for o in objectives] computations = [] for pipeline in pipelines: computations.append( self._engine.submit_scoring_job( self.automl_config, pipeline, X_holdout, y_holdout, objectives ) ) while computations: computation = computations.pop(0) if computation.done(): pipeline_name = computation.meta_data["pipeline_name"] try: scores[pipeline_name] = computation.get_result() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Score error for {pipeline_name}: {str(e)}") if isinstance(e, PipelineScoreError): nan_scores = {objective: np.nan for objective in e.exceptions} scores[pipeline_name] = {**nan_scores, **e.scored_successfully} else: # Traceback already included in the PipelineScoreError so we only # need to include it for all other errors tb = traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) logger.error("Traceback:") logger.error("\n".join(tb)) scores[pipeline_name] = { np.nan for objective in objectives } else: computations.append(computation) return scores
@property def plot(self): # Return an instance of the plot with the latest scores try: return PipelineSearchPlots(self.results, self.objective) except ImportError: return None @property def _sleep_time(self): return self._SLEEP_TIME