import copy
from abc import abstractmethod
from evalml.pipelines.components.transformers import Transformer
from evalml.utils.woodwork_utils import infer_feature_types
[docs]class BaseSampler(Transformer):
Base Sampler component. Used as the base class of all sampler components.
parameters (dict): Dictionary of parameters for the component. Defaults to None.
component_obj (obj): Third-party objects useful in component implementation. Defaults to None.
random_seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to 0.
modifies_features = True
modifies_target = True
[docs] def fit(self, X, y):
"""Fits the sampler to the data.
X (pd.DataFrame): Input features.
y (pd.Series): Target.
if y is None:
raise ValueError("y cannot be None")
X_ww, y_ww = self._prepare_data(X, y)
self._initialize_sampler(X_ww, y_ww)
return self
def _initialize_sampler(self, X, y):
"""Helper function to initialize the sampler component object.
X (pd.DataFrame): Features.
y (pd.Series): The target data.
def _prepare_data(self, X, y):
"""Transforms the input data to pandas data structure that our sampler can ingest.
X (pd.DataFrame): Training features.
y (pd.Series): Target.
pd.DataFrame, pd.Series: Prepared X and y data as pandas types
X = infer_feature_types(X)
if y is None:
raise ValueError("y cannot be None")
y = infer_feature_types(y)
return X, y
def _convert_dictionary(self, sampling_dict, y):
"""Converts the provided sampling dictionary from a dictionary of ratios to a dictionary of number of samples.
Expects the provided dictionary keys to be the target values y, and the associated values to be the min:max ratios.
Converts and returns a dictionary with the same keys, but changes the values to be the number of samples rather than ratio.
sampling_dict (dict): The input sampling dictionary passed in from user.
y (pd.Series): The target values.
dict: A dictionary with target values as keys and the number of samples as values.
# check that the lengths of the dict and y are equal
y_unique = y.unique()
if len(sampling_dict) != len(y_unique):
raise ValueError(
"Sampling dictionary contains a different number of targets than are provided in the data."
if len(set(sampling_dict.keys()).intersection(set(y_unique))) != len(y_unique):
raise ValueError("Dictionary keys are different from target values!")
new_dic = {}
y_counts = y.value_counts()
for k, v in sampling_dict.items():
# turn the ratios into sampler values
if self.__class__.__name__ == "Undersampler":
# for undersampling, we make sure we never sample more than the
# total samples for that class
new_dic[k] = int(min(y_counts.values[-1] / v, y_counts[k]))
# for oversampling, we need to make sure we never sample less than
# the total samples for that class
new_dic[k] = int(max(y_counts.values[0] * v, y_counts[k]))
return new_dic
def _dictionary_to_params(self, sampling_dict, y):
"""If a sampling ratio dictionary is provided, add the updated sampling dictionary to the
parameters and return the updated parameter dictionary. Otherwise, simply return the current parameters.
sampling_dict (dict): The input sampling dictionary passed in from user.
y (pd.Series): The target values.
dict: The parameters dictionary with the sampling_ratio_dict value replaced as necessary.
param_copy = copy.copy(self.parameters)
if self.parameters["sampling_ratio_dict"]:
new_dic = self._convert_dictionary(
self.parameters["sampling_ratio_dict"], y
param_copy["sampling_ratio_dict"] = new_dic
return param_copy