import pandas as pd
from .binary_classification_pipeline_mixin import (
from evalml.objectives import get_objective
from evalml.pipelines.classification_pipeline import ClassificationPipeline
from evalml.pipelines.time_series_pipeline_base import TimeSeriesPipelineBase
from evalml.problem_types import ProblemTypes
from evalml.utils import (
[docs]class TimeSeriesClassificationPipeline(TimeSeriesPipelineBase, ClassificationPipeline):
"""Pipeline base class for time series classification problems.
component_graph (list or dict): List of components in order. Accepts strings or ComponentBase subclasses in the list.
Note that when duplicate components are specified in a list, the duplicate component names will be modified with the
component's index in the list. For example, the component graph
[Imputer, One Hot Encoder, Imputer, Logistic Regression Classifier] will have names
["Imputer", "One Hot Encoder", "Imputer_2", "Logistic Regression Classifier"]
parameters (dict): Dictionary with component names as keys and dictionary of that component's parameters as values.
An empty dictionary {} implies using all default values for component parameters. Pipeline-level
parameters such as date_index, gap, and max_delay must be specified with the "pipeline" key. For example:
Pipeline(parameters={"pipeline": {"date_index": "Date", "max_delay": 4, "gap": 2}}).
random_seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to 0.
[docs] def fit(self, X, y):
"""Fit a time series classification pipeline.
X (pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray): The input training data of shape [n_samples, n_features]
y (pd.Series, np.ndarray): The target training targets of length [n_samples]
X, y = self._convert_to_woodwork(X, y)
y = self._encode_targets(y)
self._fit(X, y)
return self
def _estimator_predict_proba(self, features, y):
"""Get estimator predicted probabilities.
This helper passes y as an argument if needed by the estimator.
y_arg = None
if self.estimator.predict_uses_y:
y_arg = y
return self.estimator.predict_proba(features, y=y_arg)
def _predict(self, X, y, objective=None, pad=False):
features = self.compute_estimator_features(X, y)
features_no_nan, y_no_nan = drop_rows_with_nans(features, y)
predictions = self._estimator_predict(features_no_nan, y_no_nan)
if pad:
padded = pad_with_nans(
predictions, max(0, features.shape[0] - predictions.shape[0])
return infer_feature_types(padded)
return predictions
[docs] def predict(self, X, y=None, objective=None):
"""Make predictions using selected features.
X (pd.DataFrame, or np.ndarray): Data of shape [n_samples, n_features].
y (pd.Series, np.ndarray, None): The target training targets of length [n_samples].
objective (Object or string): The objective to use to make predictions.
pd.Series: Predicted values.
if self.estimator is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot call predict() on a component graph because the final component is not an Estimator."
X, y = self._convert_to_woodwork(X, y)
y = self._encode_targets(y)
n_features = max(len(y), X.shape[0])
predictions = self._predict(X, y, objective=objective, pad=False)
# In case gap is 0 and this is a baseline pipeline, we drop the nans in the
# predictions before decoding them
predictions = pd.Series(
self._decode_targets(predictions.dropna()), name=self.input_target_name
padded = pad_with_nans(predictions, max(0, n_features - predictions.shape[0]))
return infer_feature_types(padded)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X, y=None):
"""Make probability estimates for labels.
X (pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray): Data of shape [n_samples, n_features].
pd.DataFrame: Probability estimates.
if self.estimator is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot call predict_proba() on a component graph because the final component is not an Estimator."
X, y = self._convert_to_woodwork(X, y)
y = self._encode_targets(y)
features = self.compute_estimator_features(X, y)
features_no_nan, y_no_nan = drop_rows_with_nans(features, y)
proba = self._estimator_predict_proba(features_no_nan, y_no_nan)
proba.columns = self._encoder.classes_
padded = pad_with_nans(proba, max(0, features.shape[0] - proba.shape[0]))
return infer_feature_types(padded)
[docs] def score(self, X, y, objectives):
"""Evaluate model performance on current and additional objectives.
X (pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray): Data of shape [n_samples, n_features].
y (pd.Series): True labels of length [n_samples].
objectives (list): Non-empty list of objectives to score on.
dict: Ordered dictionary of objective scores.
X, y = self._convert_to_woodwork(X, y)
objectives = self.create_objectives(objectives)
y_encoded = self._encode_targets(y)
y_shifted = y_encoded.shift(
y_predicted, y_predicted_proba = self._compute_predictions(
X, y, objectives, time_series=True
y_shifted, y_predicted, y_predicted_proba = drop_rows_with_nans(
y_shifted, y_predicted, y_predicted_proba
return self._score_all_objectives(
[docs]class TimeSeriesBinaryClassificationPipeline(
"""Pipeline base class for time series binary classification problems.
component_graph (list or dict): List of components in order. Accepts strings or ComponentBase subclasses in the list.
Note that when duplicate components are specified in a list, the duplicate component names will be modified with the
component's index in the list. For example, the component graph
[Imputer, One Hot Encoder, Imputer, Logistic Regression Classifier] will have names
["Imputer", "One Hot Encoder", "Imputer_2", "Logistic Regression Classifier"]
parameters (dict): Dictionary with component names as keys and dictionary of that component's parameters as values.
An empty dictionary {} implies using all default values for component parameters. Pipeline-level
parameters such as date_index, gap, and max_delay must be specified with the "pipeline" key. For example:
Pipeline(parameters={"pipeline": {"date_index": "Date", "max_delay": 4, "gap": 2}}).
random_seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to 0.
problem_type = ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_BINARY
def _predict(self, X, y, objective=None, pad=False):
features = self.compute_estimator_features(X, y)
features_no_nan, y_no_nan = drop_rows_with_nans(features, y)
if objective is not None:
objective = get_objective(objective, return_instance=True)
if not objective.is_defined_for_problem_type(self.problem_type):
raise ValueError(
f"Objective {} is not defined for time series binary classification."
if self.threshold is None:
predictions = self._estimator_predict(features_no_nan, y_no_nan)
proba = self._estimator_predict_proba(features_no_nan, y_no_nan)
proba = proba.iloc[:, 1]
if objective is None:
predictions = proba > self.threshold
predictions = objective.decision_function(
proba, threshold=self.threshold, X=features_no_nan
if pad:
predictions = pad_with_nans(
predictions, max(0, features.shape[0] - predictions.shape[0])
return infer_feature_types(predictions)
def _score(X, y, predictions, objective):
"""Given data, model predictions or predicted probabilities computed on the data, and an objective, evaluate and return the objective score."""
if predictions.ndim > 1:
predictions = predictions.iloc[:, 1]
return TimeSeriesClassificationPipeline._score(X, y, predictions, objective)
[docs]class TimeSeriesMulticlassClassificationPipeline(TimeSeriesClassificationPipeline):
"""Pipeline base class for time series multiclass classification problems.
component_graph (list or dict): List of components in order. Accepts strings or ComponentBase subclasses in the list.
Note that when duplicate components are specified in a list, the duplicate component names will be modified with the
component's index in the list. For example, the component graph
[Imputer, One Hot Encoder, Imputer, Logistic Regression Classifier] will have names
["Imputer", "One Hot Encoder", "Imputer_2", "Logistic Regression Classifier"]
parameters (dict): Dictionary with component names as keys and dictionary of that component's parameters as values.
An empty dictionary {} implies using all default values for component parameters. Pipeline-level
parameters such as date_index, gap, and max_delay must be specified with the "pipeline" key. For example:
Pipeline(parameters={"pipeline": {"date_index": "Date", "max_delay": 4, "gap": 2}}).
random_seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to 0.
problem_type = ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_MULTICLASS