Source code for evalml.pipelines.utils

"""Utility methods for EvalML pipelines."""
import logging

from woodwork import logical_types

from . import (
from .binary_classification_pipeline import BinaryClassificationPipeline
from .multiclass_classification_pipeline import (
from .pipeline_base import PipelineBase
from .regression_pipeline import RegressionPipeline

from evalml.data_checks import DataCheckActionCode
from evalml.model_family import ModelFamily
from evalml.pipelines.components import (  # noqa: F401
from evalml.pipelines.components.transformers.encoders.label_encoder import (
from evalml.pipelines.components.utils import (
from evalml.problem_types import (
from evalml.utils import import_or_raise, infer_feature_types

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_preprocessing_components(
    X, y, problem_type, estimator_class, sampler_name=None
    """Given input data, target data and an estimator class, construct a recommended preprocessing chain to be combined with the estimator and trained on the provided data.

        X (pd.DataFrame): The input data of shape [n_samples, n_features].
        y (pd.Series): The target data of length [n_samples].
        problem_type (ProblemTypes or str): Problem type.
        estimator_class (class): A class which subclasses Estimator estimator for pipeline.
        sampler_name (str): The name of the sampler component to add to the pipeline. Defaults to None.

        list[Transformer]: A list of applicable preprocessing components to use with the estimator.
    pp_components = []

    if is_classification(problem_type):

    all_null_cols = X.columns[X.isnull().all()]
    if len(all_null_cols) > 0:

    index_and_unknown_columns = list(["index", "unknown"], return_schema=True).columns
    if len(index_and_unknown_columns) > 0:

    email_columns = list("EmailAddress", return_schema=True).columns)
    if len(email_columns) > 0:

    url_columns = list("URL", return_schema=True).columns)
    if len(url_columns) > 0:

    input_logical_types = {type(lt) for lt in X.ww.logical_types.values()}
    types_imputer_handles = {

    datetime_cols = list(["Datetime"], return_schema=True).columns)

    add_datetime_featurizer = len(datetime_cols) > 0
    if add_datetime_featurizer and estimator_class.model_family not in [

    text_columns = list("NaturalLanguage", return_schema=True).columns)
    if len(text_columns) > 0:

    if len(input_logical_types.intersection(types_imputer_handles)) or len(

    if (
        and estimator_class.model_family != ModelFamily.ARIMA

    # The URL and EmailAddress Featurizers will create categorical columns
    categorical_cols = list(["category", "URL", "EmailAddress"], return_schema=True).columns
    if len(categorical_cols) > 0 and estimator_class not in {

    sampler_components = {
        "Undersampler": Undersampler,
        "Oversampler": Oversampler,
    if sampler_name is not None:
                "imblearn.over_sampling", error_msg="imbalanced-learn is not installed"
        except ImportError:
                "Could not import imblearn.over_sampling, so defaulting to use Undersampler"

    if estimator_class.model_family == ModelFamily.LINEAR_MODEL:

    return pp_components

def _get_pipeline_base_class(problem_type):
    """Returns pipeline base class for problem_type."""
    if problem_type == ProblemTypes.BINARY:
        return BinaryClassificationPipeline
    elif problem_type == ProblemTypes.MULTICLASS:
        return MulticlassClassificationPipeline
    elif problem_type == ProblemTypes.REGRESSION:
        return RegressionPipeline
    elif problem_type == ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_REGRESSION:
        return TimeSeriesRegressionPipeline
    elif problem_type == ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_BINARY:
        return TimeSeriesBinaryClassificationPipeline
        return TimeSeriesMulticlassClassificationPipeline

[docs]def make_pipeline( X, y, estimator, problem_type, parameters=None, sampler_name=None, extra_components=None, ): """Given input data, target data, an estimator class and the problem type, generates a pipeline class with a preprocessing chain which was recommended based on the inputs. The pipeline will be a subclass of the appropriate pipeline base class for the specified problem_type. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): The input data of shape [n_samples, n_features]. y (pd.Series): The target data of length [n_samples]. estimator (Estimator): Estimator for pipeline. problem_type (ProblemTypes or str): Problem type for pipeline to generate. parameters (dict): Dictionary with component names as keys and dictionary of that component's parameters as values. An empty dictionary or None implies using all default values for component parameters. sampler_name (str): The name of the sampler component to add to the pipeline. Only used in classification problems. Defaults to None extra_components (list[ComponentBase]): List of extra components to be added after preprocessing components. Defaults to None. Returns: PipelineBase object: PipelineBase instance with dynamically generated preprocessing components and specified estimator. Raises: ValueError: If estimator is not valid for the given problem type, or sampling is not supported for the given problem type. """ X = infer_feature_types(X) y = infer_feature_types(y) problem_type = handle_problem_types(problem_type) if estimator not in get_estimators(problem_type): raise ValueError(f"{} is not a valid estimator for problem type") if not is_classification(problem_type) and sampler_name is not None: raise ValueError( f"Sampling is unsupported for problem_type {str(problem_type)}" ) preprocessing_components = _get_preprocessing_components( X, y, problem_type, estimator, sampler_name ) extra_components = extra_components or [] complete_component_list = preprocessing_components + extra_components + [estimator] component_graph = PipelineBase._make_component_dict_from_component_list( complete_component_list ) base_class = _get_pipeline_base_class(problem_type) return base_class( component_graph, parameters=parameters, )
[docs]def generate_pipeline_code(element): """Creates and returns a string that contains the Python imports and code required for running the EvalML pipeline. Args: element (pipeline instance): The instance of the pipeline to generate string Python code. Returns: str: String representation of Python code that can be run separately in order to recreate the pipeline instance. Does not include code for custom component implementation. Raises: ValueError: If element is not a pipeline, or if the pipeline is nonlinear. """ # hold the imports needed and add code to end code_strings = [] if not isinstance(element, PipelineBase): raise ValueError( "Element must be a pipeline instance, received {}".format(type(element)) ) if isinstance(element.component_graph, dict): raise ValueError("Code generation for nonlinear pipelines is not supported yet") code_strings.append( "from {} import {}".format( element.__class__.__module__, element.__class__.__name__ ) ) code_strings.append(repr(element)) return "\n".join(code_strings)
def _make_stacked_ensemble_pipeline( input_pipelines, problem_type, final_estimator=None, n_jobs=-1, random_seed=0 ): """Creates a pipeline with a stacked ensemble estimator. Args: input_pipelines (list(PipelineBase or subclass obj)): List of pipeline instances to use as the base estimators for the stacked ensemble. This must not be None or an empty list or else EnsembleMissingPipelinesError will be raised. problem_type (ProblemType): problem type of pipeline final_estimator (Estimator): Metalearner to use for the ensembler. Defaults to None. n_jobs (int or None): Integer describing level of parallelism used for pipelines. None and 1 are equivalent. If set to -1, all CPUs are used. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Defaults to -1. Returns: Pipeline with appropriate stacked ensemble estimator. """ def _make_new_component_name(model_type, component_name, idx=None): idx = " " + str(idx) if idx is not None else "" return f"{str(model_type)} Pipeline{idx} - {component_name}" component_graph = ( {"Label Encoder": ["Label Encoder", "X", "y"]} if is_classification(problem_type) else {} ) final_components = [] used_model_families = [] parameters = {} if is_classification(problem_type): parameters = { "Stacked Ensemble Classifier": { "n_jobs": n_jobs, } } estimator = StackedEnsembleClassifier pipeline_name = "Stacked Ensemble Classification Pipeline" else: parameters = { "Stacked Ensemble Regressor": { "n_jobs": n_jobs, } } estimator = StackedEnsembleRegressor pipeline_name = "Stacked Ensemble Regression Pipeline" pipeline_class = { ProblemTypes.BINARY: BinaryClassificationPipeline, ProblemTypes.MULTICLASS: MulticlassClassificationPipeline, ProblemTypes.REGRESSION: RegressionPipeline, }[problem_type] for pipeline in input_pipelines: model_family = pipeline.component_graph[-1].model_family model_family_idx = ( used_model_families.count(model_family) + 1 if used_model_families.count(model_family) > 0 else None ) used_model_families.append(model_family) final_component = None ensemble_y = "y" for name, component_list in pipeline.component_graph.component_dict.items(): new_component_list = [] new_component_name = _make_new_component_name( model_family, name, model_family_idx ) for i, item in enumerate(component_list): if i == 0: fitted_comp = handle_component_class(item) new_component_list.append(fitted_comp) parameters[new_component_name] = pipeline.parameters.get(name, {}) elif isinstance(item, str) and item not in ["X", "y"]: new_component_list.append( _make_new_component_name(model_family, item, model_family_idx) ) elif isinstance(item, str) and item == "y": if is_classification(problem_type): new_component_list.append("Label Encoder.y") else: new_component_list.append("y") else: new_component_list.append(item) if i != 0 and item.endswith(".y"): ensemble_y = _make_new_component_name( model_family, item, model_family_idx ) component_graph[new_component_name] = new_component_list final_component = new_component_name final_components.append(final_component) component_graph[] = ( [estimator] + [comp + ".x" for comp in final_components] + [ensemble_y] ) return pipeline_class( component_graph, parameters=parameters, custom_name=pipeline_name, random_seed=random_seed, ) def _make_component_list_from_actions(actions): """Creates a list of components from the input DataCheckAction list. Args: actions (list(DataCheckAction)): List of DataCheckAction objects used to create list of components Returns: list(ComponentBase): List of components used to address the input actions """ components = [] cols_to_drop = [] for action in actions: if action.action_code == DataCheckActionCode.DROP_COL: cols_to_drop.append(action.metadata["column"]) elif action.action_code == DataCheckActionCode.IMPUTE_COL: metadata = action.metadata if metadata["is_target"]: components.append( TargetImputer(impute_strategy=metadata["impute_strategy"]) ) elif action.action_code == DataCheckActionCode.DROP_ROWS: indices = action.metadata["indices"] components.append(DropRowsTransformer(indices_to_drop=indices)) if cols_to_drop: components.append(DropColumns(columns=cols_to_drop)) return components
[docs]def make_timeseries_baseline_pipeline(problem_type, gap, forecast_horizon): """Make a baseline pipeline for time series regression problems. Args: problem_type: One of TIME_SERIES_REGRESSION, TIME_SERIES_MULTICLASS, TIME_SERIES_BINARY gap (int): Non-negative gap parameter. forecast_horizon (int): Positive forecast_horizon parameter. Returns: TimeSeriesPipelineBase, a time series pipeline corresponding to the problem type. """ pipeline_class, pipeline_name = { ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_REGRESSION: ( TimeSeriesRegressionPipeline, "Time Series Baseline Regression Pipeline", ), ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_MULTICLASS: ( TimeSeriesMulticlassClassificationPipeline, "Time Series Baseline Multiclass Pipeline", ), ProblemTypes.TIME_SERIES_BINARY: ( TimeSeriesBinaryClassificationPipeline, "Time Series Baseline Binary Pipeline", ), }[problem_type] baseline = pipeline_class( component_graph=[ "Delayed Feature Transformer", "Time Series Baseline Estimator", ], custom_name=pipeline_name, parameters={ "pipeline": { "date_index": None, "gap": gap, "max_delay": 0, "forecast_horizon": forecast_horizon, }, "Delayed Feature Transformer": { "max_delay": 0, "gap": gap, "forecast_horizon": forecast_horizon, "delay_target": True, "delay_features": False, }, "Time Series Baseline Estimator": { "gap": gap, "forecast_horizon": forecast_horizon, }, }, ) return baseline
[docs]def rows_of_interest( pipeline, X, y=None, threshold=None, epsilon=0.1, sort_values=True, types="all" ): """Get the row indices of the data that are closest to the threshold. Works only for binary classification problems and pipelines. Args: pipeline (PipelineBase): The fitted binary pipeline. X (ww.DataTable, pd.DataFrame): The input features to predict on. y (ww.DataColumn, pd.Series, None): The input target data, if available. Defaults to None. threshold (float): The threshold value of interest to separate positive and negative predictions. If None, uses the pipeline threshold if set, else 0.5. Defaults to None. epsilon (epsilon): The difference between the probability and the threshold that would make the row interesting for us. For instance, epsilon=0.1 and threhsold=0.5 would mean we consider all rows in [0.4, 0.6] to be of interest. Defaults to 0.1. sort_values (bool): Whether to return the indices sorted by the distance from the threshold, such that the first values are closer to the threshold and the later values are further. Defaults to True. types (str): The type of rows to keep and return. Can be one of ['incorrect', 'correct', 'true_positive', 'true_negative', 'all']. Defaults to 'all'. 'incorrect' - return only the rows where the predictions are incorrect. This means that, given the threshold and target y, keep only the rows which are labeled wrong. 'correct' - return only the rows where the predictions are correct. This means that, given the threshold and target y, keep only the rows which are correctly labeled. 'true_positive' - return only the rows which are positive, as given by the targets. 'true_negative' - return only the rows which are negative, as given by the targets. 'all' - return all rows. This is the only option available when there is no target data provided. Returns: The indices corresponding to the rows of interest. Raises: ValueError: If pipeline is not a fitted Binary Classification pipeline. ValueError: If types is invalid or y is not provided when types is not 'all'. ValueError: If the threshold is provided and is exclusive of [0, 1]. """ valid_types = ["incorrect", "correct", "true_positive", "true_negative", "all"] if types not in valid_types: raise ValueError( "Invalid arg for 'types'! Must be one of {}".format(valid_types) ) if types != "all" and y is None: raise ValueError("Need an input y in order to use types {}".format(types)) if ( not isinstance(pipeline, BinaryClassificationPipeline) or not pipeline._is_fitted ): raise ValueError( "Pipeline provided must be a fitted Binary Classification pipeline!" ) if threshold is not None and (threshold < 0 or threshold > 1): raise ValueError( "Provided threshold {} must be between [0, 1]".format(threshold) ) if threshold is None: threshold = pipeline.threshold or 0.5 # get predicted proba pred_proba = pipeline.predict_proba(X) pos_value_proba = pred_proba.iloc[:, -1] preds = pos_value_proba >= threshold preds_value_proba = abs(pos_value_proba - threshold) # placeholder for y if it isn't supplied y_current = y if y is not None else preds # logic for breaking apart the different categories mask = y_current if types in ["correct", "incorrect"]: mask = preds == y mask = mask.astype(bool) if types in ["correct", "true_positive"]: preds_value_proba = preds_value_proba[mask.values] elif types in ["incorrect", "true_negative"]: preds_value_proba = preds_value_proba[~mask.values] if sort_values: preds_value_proba = preds_value_proba.sort_values(kind="stable") preds_value_proba = preds_value_proba[preds_value_proba <= epsilon] return preds_value_proba.index.tolist()