Source code for evalml.utils.woodwork_utils

"""Woodwork utility methods."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import woodwork as ww
from woodwork.logical_types import Unknown

from evalml.utils.gen_utils import is_all_numeric

numeric_and_boolean_ww = [

def _numpy_to_pandas(array):
    if len(array.shape) == 1:
        data = pd.Series(array)
        data = pd.DataFrame(array)
    return data

def _list_to_pandas(list):
    return _numpy_to_pandas(np.array(list))

_nullable_types = {"Int64", "Float64", "boolean"}

def _raise_value_error_if_nullable_types_detected(data):
    types = { data.dtype} if isinstance(data, pd.Series) else data.dtypes
    cols_with_nullable_types = {
        col: str(ptype)
        for col, ptype in dict(types).items()
        if str(ptype) in _nullable_types
    if cols_with_nullable_types:
        raise ValueError(
            "Evalml does not support the new pandas nullable types because "
            "our dependencies (sklearn, xgboost, lightgbm) do not support them yet."
            "If your data does not have missing values, please use the non-nullable types (bool, int64, float64). "
            "If your data does have missing values, use float64 for int and float columns and category for boolean columns. "
            f"These are the columns with nullable types: {list(cols_with_nullable_types.items())}"

[docs]def infer_feature_types(data, feature_types=None, ignore_nullable_types=False): """Create a Woodwork structure from the given list, pandas, or numpy input, with specified types for columns. If a column's type is not specified, it will be inferred by Woodwork. Args: data (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series): Input data to convert to a Woodwork data structure. feature_types (string, ww.logical_type obj, dict, optional): If data is a 2D structure, feature_types must be a dictionary mapping column names to the type of data represented in the column. If data is a 1D structure, then feature_types must be a Woodwork logical type or a string representing a Woodwork logical type ("Double", "Integer", "Boolean", "Categorical", "Datetime", "NaturalLanguage") ignore_nullable_types (bool): Whether to ignore raising an error upon detection of Nullable types. Defaults to False. Returns: A Woodwork data structure where the data type of each column was either specified or inferred. Raises: ValueError: If there is a mismatch between the dataframe and the woodwork schema. """ if isinstance(data, list): data = _list_to_pandas(data) elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = _numpy_to_pandas(data) if not ignore_nullable_types: _raise_value_error_if_nullable_types_detected(data) def convert_all_nan_unknown_to_double(data): def is_column_pd_na(data, col): return data[col].isna().all() def is_column_unknown(data, col): return isinstance(data.ww.logical_types[col], Unknown) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): all_null_unk_cols = [ col for col in data.columns if (is_column_unknown(data, col) and is_column_pd_na(data, col)) ] if len(all_null_unk_cols): for col in all_null_unk_cols: data.ww.set_types({col: "Double"}) return data if data.ww.schema is not None: if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) and not ww.is_schema_valid( data, data.ww.schema ): ww_error = ww.get_invalid_schema_message(data, data.ww.schema) if "dtype mismatch" in ww_error: ww_error = ( "Dataframe types are not consistent with logical types. This usually happens " "when a data transformation does not go through the ww accessor. Call df.ww.init() to " f"get rid of this message. This is a more detailed message about the mismatch: {ww_error}" ) else: ww_error = f"{ww_error}. Please initialize ww with df.ww.init() to get rid of this message." raise ValueError(ww_error) data.ww.init(schema=data.ww.schema) return convert_all_nan_unknown_to_double(data) if isinstance(data, pd.Series): if all(data.isna()): data = data.replace(pd.NA, np.nan) feature_types = "Double" return ww.init_series(data, logical_type=feature_types) else: ww_data = data.copy() ww_data.ww.init(logical_types=feature_types) return convert_all_nan_unknown_to_double(ww_data)
def _convert_numeric_dataset_pandas(X, y): """Convert numeric and non-null data to pandas datatype. Raises ValueError if there is null or non-numeric data. Used with data sampler strategies. Args: X (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray): Data to transform. y (pd.Series, np.ndarray): Target data. Returns: Tuple(pd.DataFrame, pd.Series): Transformed X and y. """ X_ww = infer_feature_types(X) if not is_all_numeric(X_ww): raise ValueError( "Values not all numeric or there are null values provided in the dataset" ) y_ww = infer_feature_types(y) return X_ww, y_ww def _schema_is_equal(first, other): """Loosely check whether or not the Woodwork schemas are equivalent. This only checks that the string values for the schemas are equal and doesn't take the actual type objects into account. Args: first (ww.Schema): The schema of the first woodwork datatable other (ww.Schema): The schema of the second woodwork datatable Returns: bool: Whether or not the two schemas are equal """ if first.types.index.tolist() != other.types.index.tolist(): return False logical = [ x if x != "Integer" else "Double" for x in first.types["Logical Type"].astype(str).tolist() ] == [ x if x != "Integer" else "Double" for x in other.types["Logical Type"].astype(str).tolist() ] semantic = first.semantic_tags == other.semantic_tags return logical and semantic