Component graph for a pipeline as a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
Module Contents#
Classes Summary#
Component graph for a pipeline as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). |
- class evalml.pipelines.component_graph.ComponentGraph(component_dict=None, cached_data=None, random_seed=0)[source]#
Component graph for a pipeline as a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
- Parameters
component_dict (dict) – A dictionary which specifies the components and edges between components that should be used to create the component graph. Defaults to None.
cached_data (dict) – A dictionary of nested cached data. If the hashes and components are in this cache, we skip fitting for these components. Expected to be of format {hash1: {component_name: trained_component, …}, hash2: {…}, …}. Defaults to None.
random_seed (int) – Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to 0.
>>> component_dict = {'Imputer': ['Imputer', 'X', 'y'], ... 'Logistic Regression': ['Logistic Regression Classifier', 'Imputer.x', 'y']} >>> component_graph = ComponentGraph(component_dict) >>> assert component_graph.compute_order == ['Imputer', 'Logistic Regression'] ... ... >>> component_dict = {'Imputer': ['Imputer', 'X', 'y'], ... 'OHE': ['One Hot Encoder', 'Imputer.x', 'y'], ... 'estimator_1': ['Random Forest Classifier', 'OHE.x', 'y'], ... 'estimator_2': ['Decision Tree Classifier', 'OHE.x', 'y'], ... 'final': ['Logistic Regression Classifier', 'estimator_1.x', 'estimator_2.x', 'y']} >>> component_graph = ComponentGraph(component_dict)
The default parameters for every component in the component graph.
>>> assert component_graph.default_parameters == { ... 'Imputer': {'categorical_impute_strategy': 'most_frequent', ... 'numeric_impute_strategy': 'mean', ... 'categorical_fill_value': None, ... 'numeric_fill_value': None}, ... 'One Hot Encoder': {'top_n': 10, ... 'features_to_encode': None, ... 'categories': None, ... 'drop': 'if_binary', ... 'handle_unknown': 'ignore', ... 'handle_missing': 'error'}, ... 'Random Forest Classifier': {'n_estimators': 100, ... 'max_depth': 6, ... 'n_jobs': -1}, ... 'Decision Tree Classifier': {'criterion': 'gini', ... 'max_features': 'auto', ... 'max_depth': 6, ... 'min_samples_split': 2, ... 'min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0}, ... 'Logistic Regression Classifier': {'penalty': 'l2', ... 'C': 1.0, ... 'n_jobs': -1, ... 'multi_class': 'auto', ... 'solver': 'lbfgs'}}
The order that components will be computed or called in.
The default parameter dictionary for this pipeline.
Outputs component graph details including component parameters.
Fit each component in the graph.
Fit and transform all components save the final one, usually an estimator.
Regenerated the topologically sorted order of the graph.
Retrieves a single component object from the graph.
Gets a list of all the estimator components within this graph.
Retrieves all inputs for a given component.
Retrieves the component that is computed last in the graph, usually the final estimator.
Generate an image representing the component graph.
Instantiates all uninstantiated components within the graph using the given parameters. An error will be raised if a component is already instantiated but the parameters dict contains arguments for that component.
Apply component inverse_transform methods to estimator predictions in reverse order.
Make predictions using selected features.
Transform the input using the component graph.
Transform all components save the final one, and gathers the data from any number of parents to get all the information that should be fed to the final component.
- property compute_order(self)#
The order that components will be computed or called in.
- property default_parameters(self)#
The default parameter dictionary for this pipeline.
- Returns
Dictionary of all component default parameters.
- Return type
- describe(self, return_dict=False)[source]#
Outputs component graph details including component parameters.
- Parameters
return_dict (bool) – If True, return dictionary of information about component graph. Defaults to False.
- Returns
Dictionary of all component parameters if return_dict is True, else None
- Return type
- fit(self, X, y)[source]#
Fit each component in the graph.
- Parameters
X (pd.DataFrame) – The input training data of shape [n_samples, n_features].
y (pd.Series) – The target training data of length [n_samples].
- Returns
- fit_and_transform_all_but_final(self, X, y)[source]#
Fit and transform all components save the final one, usually an estimator.
- Parameters
X (pd.DataFrame) – The input training data of shape [n_samples, n_features].
y (pd.Series) – The target training data of length [n_samples].
- Returns
Transformed features and target.
- Return type
Tuple (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)
- classmethod generate_order(cls, component_dict)[source]#
Regenerated the topologically sorted order of the graph.
- get_component(self, component_name)[source]#
Retrieves a single component object from the graph.
- Parameters
component_name (str) – Name of the component to retrieve
- Returns
ComponentBase object
- Raises
ValueError – If the component is not in the graph.
- get_estimators(self)[source]#
Gets a list of all the estimator components within this graph.
- Returns
All estimator objects within the graph.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the component graph is not yet instantiated.
- get_inputs(self, component_name)[source]#
Retrieves all inputs for a given component.
- Parameters
component_name (str) – Name of the component to look up.
- Returns
List of inputs for the component to use.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the component is not in the graph.
- get_last_component(self)[source]#
Retrieves the component that is computed last in the graph, usually the final estimator.
- Returns
ComponentBase object
- Raises
ValueError – If the component graph has no edges.
- graph(self, name=None, graph_format=None)[source]#
Generate an image representing the component graph.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the graph. Defaults to None.
graph_format (str) – file format to save the graph in. Defaults to None.
- Returns
Graph object that can be directly displayed in Jupyter notebooks.
- Return type
- Raises
RuntimeError – If graphviz is not installed.
- instantiate(self, parameters=None)[source]#
Instantiates all uninstantiated components within the graph using the given parameters. An error will be raised if a component is already instantiated but the parameters dict contains arguments for that component.
- Parameters
parameters (dict) – Dictionary with component names as keys and dictionary of that component’s parameters as values. An empty dictionary {} or None implies using all default values for component parameters. If a component in the component graph is already instantiated, it will not use any of its parameters defined in this dictionary. Defaults to None.
- Returns
- Raises
ValueError – If component graph is already instantiated or if a component errored while instantiating.
- inverse_transform(self, y)[source]#
Apply component inverse_transform methods to estimator predictions in reverse order.
Components that implement inverse_transform are PolynomialDetrender, LabelEncoder (tbd).
- Parameters
y – (pd.Series): Final component features.
- Returns
The target with inverse transformation applied.
- Return type
- predict(self, X)[source]#
Make predictions using selected features.
- Parameters
X (pd.DataFrame) – Input features of shape [n_samples, n_features].
- Returns
Predicted values.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If final component is not an Estimator.
- transform(self, X, y=None)[source]#
Transform the input using the component graph.
- Parameters
X (pd.DataFrame) – Input features of shape [n_samples, n_features].
y (pd.Series) – The target data of length [n_samples]. Defaults to None.
- Returns
Transformed output.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If final component is not a Transformer.
- transform_all_but_final(self, X, y=None)[source]#
Transform all components save the final one, and gathers the data from any number of parents to get all the information that should be fed to the final component.
- Parameters
X (pd.DataFrame) – Data of shape [n_samples, n_features].
y (pd.Series) – The target training data of length [n_samples]. Defaults to None.
- Returns
Transformed values.
- Return type
- evalml.pipelines.component_graph.logger#