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What is EvalML?

EvalML is an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evalutes machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective functions.

Combined with Featuretools and Compose, EvalML can be used to create end-to-end machine learning solutions for classification and regression problems.

Quick Start

import evalml

Load Data

First, we load in the features and outcomes we want to use to train our model

X, y = evalml.demos.load_breast_cancer()

See Pipeline Rankings

After the search is finished we can view all of the pipelines searched, ranked by score. Internally, EvalML performs cross validation to score the pipelines. If it notices a high variance across cross validation folds, it will warn you.

id pipeline_name score high_variance_cv parameters
0 2 RFClassificationPipeline 0.973822 False {'n_estimators': 569, 'max_depth': 22, 'impute...
1 4 LogisticRegressionPipeline 0.971963 False {'penalty': 'l2', 'C': 8.444214828324364, 'imp...
2 1 XGBoostPipeline 0.970312 False {'eta': 0.38438170729269994, 'min_child_weight...
3 0 XGBoostPipeline 0.959800 False {'eta': 0.5928446182250184, 'min_child_weight'...
4 3 XGBoostPipeline 0.957570 False {'eta': 0.5288949197529046, 'min_child_weight'...

Describe pipeline

If we are interested in see more details about the pipeline, we can describe it using the id from the rankings table:

* XGBoost Classifier w/ One Hot Encoder + Simple Imputer + RF Classifier Select From Model *

Problem Types: Binary Classification, Multiclass Classification
Model Type: XGBoost Classifier
Objective to Optimize: F1 (greater is better)
Number of features: 10

Pipeline Steps
1. One Hot Encoder
2. Simple Imputer
         * impute_strategy : most_frequent
3. RF Classifier Select From Model
         * percent_features : 0.34402219881309576
         * threshold : -inf
4. XGBoost Classifier
         * eta : 0.5288949197529046
         * max_depth : 6
         * min_child_weight : 6.112401049845392

Training for Binary Classification problems.
Total training time (including CV): 2.4 seconds

Cross Validation
               F1  Precision  Recall   AUC  Log Loss   MCC # Training # Testing
0           0.974      0.959   0.974 0.995     0.100 0.930    303.000   152.000
1           0.946      0.967   0.946 0.985     0.147 0.863    303.000   152.000
2           0.952      0.957   0.952 0.987     0.155 0.873    304.000   151.000
mean        0.958      0.961   0.958 0.989     0.134 0.889          -         -
std         0.015      0.005   0.015 0.006     0.030 0.036          -         -
coef of var 0.015      0.005   0.015 0.006     0.222 0.041          -         -

Select Best pipeline

We can now select best pipeline and score it on our holdout data:

pipeline = clf.best_pipeline
pipeline.score(X_holdout, y_holdout)
(0.951048951048951, {})

We can also visualize the structure of our pipeline:


Getting Started