"""Enum for data check message code."""
from enum import Enum
[docs]class DataCheckMessageCode(Enum):
"""Enum for data check message code."""
COLS_WITH_NULL = "cols_with_null"
"""Message code for columns with null values."""
HIGHLY_NULL_COLS = "highly_null_cols"
"""Message code for highly null columns."""
HIGHLY_NULL_ROWS = "highly_null_rows"
"""Message code for highly null rows."""
HAS_ID_COLUMN = "has_id_column"
"""Message code for data that has ID columns."""
TARGET_INCOMPATIBLE_OBJECTIVE = "target_incompatible_objective"
"""Message code for target data that has incompatible values for the specified objective"""
TARGET_IS_NONE = "target_is_none"
"""Message code for when target is None."""
TARGET_IS_EMPTY_OR_FULLY_NULL = "target_is_empty_or_fully_null"
"""Message code for target data that is empty or has all null values."""
TARGET_HAS_NULL = "target_has_null"
"""Message code for target data that has null values."""
TARGET_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = "target_unsupported_type"
"""Message code for target data that is of an unsupported type."""
TARGET_UNSUPPORTED_PROBLEM_TYPE = "target_unsupported_problem_type"
"""Message code for target data that is being checked against an unsupported problem type."""
TARGET_BINARY_NOT_TWO_UNIQUE_VALUES = "target_binary_not_two_unique_values"
"""Message code for target data for a binary classification problem that does not have two unique values."""
"""Message code for target data for a multi classification problem that does not have two examples per class."""
TARGET_MULTICLASS_NOT_ENOUGH_CLASSES = "target_multiclass_not_enough_classes"
"""Message code for target data for a multi classification problem that does not have more than two unique classes."""
TARGET_MULTICLASS_HIGH_UNIQUE_CLASS = "target_multiclass_high_unique_class_warning"
"""Message code for target data for a multi classification problem that has an abnormally large number of unique classes relative to the number of target values."""
TARGET_LOGNORMAL_DISTRIBUTION = "target_lognormal_distribution"
"""Message code for target data with a lognormal distribution."""
HIGH_VARIANCE = "high_variance"
"""Message code for when high variance is detected for cross-validation."""
TARGET_LEAKAGE = "target_leakage"
"""Message code for when target leakage is detected."""
HAS_OUTLIERS = "has_outliers"
"""Message code for when outliers are detected."""
CLASS_IMBALANCE_BELOW_THRESHOLD = "class_imbalance_below_threshold"
"""Message code for when balance in classes is less than the threshold."""
CLASS_IMBALANCE_SEVERE = "class_imbalance_severe"
"""Message code for when balance in classes is less than the threshold and minimum class is less than minimum number of accepted samples."""
CLASS_IMBALANCE_BELOW_FOLDS = "class_imbalance_below_folds"
"""Message code for when the number of values for each target is below 2 * number of CV folds."""
NO_VARIANCE = "no_variance"
"""Message code for when data has no variance (1 unique value)."""
NO_VARIANCE_ZERO_UNIQUE = "no_variance_zero_unique"
"""Message code for when data has no variance (0 unique value)"""
NO_VARIANCE_WITH_NULL = "no_variance_with_null"
"""Message code for when data has one unique value and NaN values."""
IS_MULTICOLLINEAR = "is_multicollinear"
"""Message code for when data is potentially multicollinear."""
NOT_UNIQUE_ENOUGH = "not_unique_enough"
"""Message code for when data does not possess enough unique values."""
TOO_UNIQUE = "too_unique"
"""Message code for when data possesses too many unique values."""
TOO_SPARSE = "too sparse"
"""Message code for when multiclass data has values that are too sparsely populated."""
MISMATCHED_INDICES = "mismatched_indices"
"""Message code for when input target and features have mismatched indices."""
MISMATCHED_INDICES_ORDER = "mismatched_indices_order"
"""Message code for when input target and features have mismatched indices order. The two inputs have the same index values, but shuffled."""
MISMATCHED_LENGTHS = "mismatched_lengths"
"""Message code for when input target and features have different lengths."""
DATETIME_HAS_NAN = "datetime_has_nan"
"""Message code for when input datetime columns contain NaN values."""
NATURAL_LANGUAGE_HAS_NAN = "natural_language_has_nan"
"""Message code for when input natural language columns contain NaN values."""
DATETIME_INFORMATION_NOT_FOUND = "datetime_information_not_found"
"""Message code for when datetime information can not be found or is in an unaccepted format."""
DATETIME_NO_FREQUENCY_INFERRED = "datetime_no_frequency_inferred"
"""Message code for when no frequency can be inferred in the datetime values through Woodwork's infer_frequency."""
DATETIME_HAS_UNEVEN_INTERVALS = "datetime_has_uneven_intervals"
"""Message code for when the datetime values have uneven intervals."""
DATETIME_HAS_REDUNDANT_ROW = "datetime_has_redundant_row"
"""Message code for when datetime information has more than one row per datetime."""
DATETIME_IS_MISSING_VALUES = "datetime_is_missing_values"
"""Message code for when datetime feature has values missing between the start and end dates."""
DATETIME_HAS_MISALIGNED_VALUES = "datetime_has_misaligned_values"
"""Message code for when datetime information has values that are not aligned with the inferred frequency."""
DATETIME_IS_NOT_MONOTONIC = "datetime_is_not_monotonic"
"""Message code for when the datetime values are not monotonically increasing."""
"""Message code when the time series parameters are too large for the smallest data split."""
"""Message code when any training and validation split of the time series target doesn't contain all classes."""