Exploring search results

After finishing a pipeline search, we can inspect the results. First, let’s build a search of 10 different pipelines to explore.

import evalml
from evalml import AutoClassificationSearch

X, y = evalml.demos.load_breast_cancer()

automl = AutoClassificationSearch(objective="f1",

automl.search(X, y)
* Beginning pipeline search *

Optimizing for F1. Greater score is better.

Searching up to 5 pipelines.
✔ Cat Boost Classification Pipeline:        20%|██        | Elapsed:00:07
✔ Logistic Regression Pipeline:             40%|████      | Elapsed:00:08
✔ Logistic Regression Pipeline:             60%|██████    | Elapsed:00:08
▹ XGBoost Classification Pipeline:          80%|████████  | Elapsed:00:08
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/feature-labs-inc-evalml/envs/v0.8.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xgboost/sklearn.py:888: UserWarning:

The use of label encoder in XGBClassifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To remove this warning, do the following: 1) Pass option use_label_encoder=False when constructing XGBClassifier object; and 2) Encode your labels (y) as integers starting with 0, i.e. 0, 1, 2, ..., [num_class - 1].

[19:57:05] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1061: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/feature-labs-inc-evalml/envs/v0.8.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xgboost/sklearn.py:888: UserWarning:

The use of label encoder in XGBClassifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To remove this warning, do the following: 1) Pass option use_label_encoder=False when constructing XGBClassifier object; and 2) Encode your labels (y) as integers starting with 0, i.e. 0, 1, 2, ..., [num_class - 1].

[19:57:08] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1061: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/feature-labs-inc-evalml/envs/v0.8.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xgboost/sklearn.py:888: UserWarning:

The use of label encoder in XGBClassifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To remove this warning, do the following: 1) Pass option use_label_encoder=False when constructing XGBClassifier object; and 2) Encode your labels (y) as integers starting with 0, i.e. 0, 1, 2, ..., [num_class - 1].

[19:57:10] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1061: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
✔ XGBoost Classification Pipeline:          80%|████████  | Elapsed:00:15
✔ Cat Boost Classification Pipeline:       100%|██████████| Elapsed:00:16
✔ Optimization finished                    100%|██████████| Elapsed:00:16

View Rankings

A summary of all the pipelines built can be returned as a pandas DataFrame. It is sorted by score. EvalML knows based on our objective function whether higher or lower is better.

id pipeline_name score high_variance_cv parameters
0 2 Logistic Regression Pipeline 0.976371 False {'impute_strategy': 'median', 'penalty': 'l2',...
1 1 Logistic Regression Pipeline 0.974941 False {'impute_strategy': 'median', 'penalty': 'l2',...
2 0 Cat Boost Classification Pipeline 0.973464 False {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent', 'n_estima...
3 4 Cat Boost Classification Pipeline 0.966453 False {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent', 'n_estima...
4 3 XGBoost Classification Pipeline 0.935899 False {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent', 'percent_...

Describe Pipeline

Each pipeline is given an id. We can get more information about any particular pipeline using that id. Here, we will get more information about the pipeline with id = 0.

* Cat Boost Classification Pipeline *

Supported Problem Types: Binary Classification, Multiclass Classification
Model Family: CatBoost Classifier
Objective to Optimize: F1 (greater is better)
Number of features: 30

Pipeline Steps
1. Simple Imputer
         * impute_strategy : most_frequent
         * fill_value : None
2. CatBoost Classifier
         * n_estimators : 369
         * eta : 0.4236547993389048
         * max_depth : 6

Training for Binary Classification problems.
Total training time (including CV): 7.0 seconds

Cross Validation
               F1  Precision  Recall   AUC  Log Loss   MCC # Training # Testing
0           0.954      0.958   0.950 0.985     0.163 0.877    379.000   190.000
1           0.983      0.967   1.000 0.996     0.092 0.955    379.000   190.000
2           0.983      0.975   0.992 0.996     0.076 0.955    380.000   189.000
mean        0.973      0.967   0.980 0.993     0.110 0.929          -         -
std         0.017      0.009   0.027 0.006     0.046 0.045          -         -
coef of var 0.018      0.009   0.028 0.007     0.418 0.049          -         -

Get Pipeline

We can get the object of any pipeline via their id as well:

<evalml.pipelines.classification.catboost.CatBoostClassificationPipeline at 0x7f434936a050>

Get best pipeline

If we specifically want to get the best pipeline, there is a convenient access

<evalml.pipelines.classification.logistic_regression.LogisticRegressionPipeline at 0x7f43480cb190>

Feature Importances

We can get the feature importances of the resulting pipeline

pipeline = automl.get_pipeline(0)
feature importance
0 worst radius 26.873775
1 worst texture 7.612433
2 mean concave points 7.145519
3 mean texture 7.024352
4 worst symmetry 6.361393
5 worst concave points 4.964684
6 worst perimeter 3.983425
7 mean fractal dimension 3.922057
8 radius error 3.447547
9 worst smoothness 2.880494
10 worst area 2.583201
11 worst concavity 2.413365
12 mean concavity 2.407919
13 mean radius 2.284723
14 mean compactness 2.012972
15 perimeter error 1.918985
16 mean symmetry 1.740673
17 worst compactness 1.655886
18 area error 1.606211
19 mean smoothness 1.443077
20 compactness error 1.435200
21 concave points error 1.040189
22 mean area 0.965964
23 smoothness error 0.834013
24 worst fractal dimension 0.436113
25 fractal dimension error 0.401008
26 mean perimeter 0.284681
27 texture error 0.182944
28 symmetry error 0.118948
29 concavity error 0.018248

We can also create a bar plot of the feature importances


Plot ROC

For binary classification tasks, we can also plot the ROC plot of a specific pipeline:


Access raw results

You can also get access to all the underlying data like this

{'pipeline_results': {0: {'id': 0,
   'pipeline_name': 'Cat Boost Classification Pipeline',
   'pipeline_summary': 'CatBoost Classifier w/ Simple Imputer',
   'parameters': {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent',
    'n_estimators': 369,
    'eta': 0.4236547993389048,
    'max_depth': 6},
   'score': 0.9734636352012647,
   'high_variance_cv': False,
   'training_time': 6.997751235961914,
   'cv_data': [{'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1',
                  ('Precision', 0.9576271186440678),
                  ('Recall', 0.9495798319327731),
                  ('AUC', 0.9850869925434962),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.16289034062986435),
                  ('MCC', 0.8767221685540966),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.02816901, 0.02816901, 0.05633803, 0.05633803, 0.07042254,
                           0.07042254, 0.08450704, 0.08450704, 0.14084507, 0.14084507,
                           1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.34453782, 0.34453782, 0.84033613,
                           0.84033613, 0.93277311, 0.93277311, 0.94117647, 0.94117647,
                           0.98319328, 0.98319328, 0.99159664, 0.99159664, 1.        ,
                           1.        ]),
                    array([1.99997424e+00, 9.99974244e-01, 9.99756520e-01, 9.99745844e-01,
                           9.88277062e-01, 9.81932629e-01, 7.35284284e-01, 6.10443075e-01,
                           5.94587484e-01, 5.82814719e-01, 9.45094859e-02, 4.30750748e-02,
                           3.99827348e-02, 1.48833097e-02, 1.48214210e-02, 3.31091266e-05]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  66    5
                   1   6  113),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.9535864978902954},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.9834710743801653),
                  ('Precision', 0.967479674796748),
                  ('Recall', 1.0),
                  ('AUC', 0.996330926736892),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.09239450377828266),
                  ('MCC', 0.9554966130892879),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.02816901, 0.02816901, 0.04225352, 0.04225352, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.80672269, 0.80672269, 0.94957983,
                           0.94957983, 0.98319328, 0.98319328, 1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([1.99998792e+00, 9.99987915e-01, 9.98961984e-01, 9.98941711e-01,
                           9.90392310e-01, 9.85250779e-01, 9.51254710e-01, 9.38505542e-01,
                           8.48666034e-01, 1.18603531e-05]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  67    4
                   1   0  119),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.9834710743801653},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.9833333333333334),
                  ('Precision', 0.9752066115702479),
                  ('Recall', 0.9915966386554622),
                  ('AUC', 0.9962785114045618),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.07598028585889369),
                  ('MCC', 0.9546019995535027),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01428571, 0.01428571,
                           0.02857143, 0.02857143, 0.04285714, 0.04285714, 0.07142857,
                           0.07142857, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.84033613, 0.84033613, 0.94957983,
                           0.94957983, 0.96638655, 0.96638655, 0.99159664, 0.99159664,
                           1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([1.99998096e+00, 9.99980963e-01, 9.93261789e-01, 9.93003955e-01,
                           9.37059262e-01, 9.21284961e-01, 8.00155771e-01, 7.72884615e-01,
                           5.89460929e-01, 4.27271558e-01, 2.71432274e-01, 1.61384342e-05]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  67    3
                   1   1  118),
                  ('# Training', 380),
                  ('# Testing', 189)]),
     'score': 0.9833333333333334}]},
  1: {'id': 1,
   'pipeline_name': 'Logistic Regression Pipeline',
   'pipeline_summary': 'Logistic Regression Classifier w/ One Hot Encoder + Simple Imputer + Standard Scaler',
   'parameters': {'impute_strategy': 'median',
    'penalty': 'l2',
    'C': 9.636990977405285},
   'score': 0.9749409107621198,
   'high_variance_cv': False,
   'training_time': 1.418722152709961,
   'cv_data': [{'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1',
                  ('Precision', 0.9586776859504132),
                  ('Recall', 0.9747899159663865),
                  ('AUC', 0.9888744230086401),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.16122177593368092),
                  ('MCC', 0.9097672817424011),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.02816901, 0.02816901, 0.04225352, 0.04225352, 0.05633803,
                           0.05633803, 0.07042254, 0.07042254, 0.21126761, 0.21126761,
                           1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.59663866, 0.59663866, 0.86554622,
                           0.86554622, 0.91596639, 0.91596639, 0.94117647, 0.94117647,
                           0.97478992, 0.97478992, 0.99159664, 0.99159664, 1.        ,
                           1.        ]),
                    array([2.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00, 9.99832384e-01, 9.99827305e-01,
                           9.78642320e-01, 9.78473934e-01, 8.85901577e-01, 8.46173258e-01,
                           8.11073923e-01, 7.85780332e-01, 5.55932686e-01, 5.12973949e-01,
                           3.58737371e-01, 3.80356180e-04, 2.16404977e-04, 3.27364828e-24]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  66    5
                   1   3  116),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.9666666666666667},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.979253112033195),
                  ('Precision', 0.9672131147540983),
                  ('Recall', 0.9915966386554622),
                  ('AUC', 0.9983429991714996),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.054377948871000094),
                  ('MCC', 0.943843520216036),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.02816901, 0.02816901, 0.05633803, 0.05633803, 0.09859155,
                           0.09859155, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.96638655, 0.96638655, 0.97478992,
                           0.97478992, 0.98319328, 0.98319328, 0.99159664, 0.99159664,
                           1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([2.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00, 9.02530651e-01, 8.56837110e-01,
                           8.32273897e-01, 7.83350982e-01, 7.29357685e-01, 5.16534638e-01,
                           5.11585048e-01, 2.30456831e-01, 2.07185770e-01, 4.44775362e-44]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  67    4
                   1   1  118),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.979253112033195},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.9789029535864979),
                  ('Precision', 0.9830508474576272),
                  ('Recall', 0.9747899159663865),
                  ('AUC', 0.9960384153661465),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.07207639820328837),
                  ('MCC', 0.9435040132749904),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01428571, 0.01428571,
                           0.02857143, 0.02857143, 0.04285714, 0.04285714, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.77310924, 0.77310924, 0.96638655,
                           0.96638655, 0.98319328, 0.98319328, 1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([2.00000000e+00, 9.99999998e-01, 9.91123955e-01, 9.89983111e-01,
                           5.77651350e-01, 5.45079286e-01, 4.73073055e-01, 4.09422136e-01,
                           3.23433980e-01, 1.26109142e-17]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  68    2
                   1   3  116),
                  ('# Training', 380),
                  ('# Testing', 189)]),
     'score': 0.9789029535864979}]},
  2: {'id': 2,
   'pipeline_name': 'Logistic Regression Pipeline',
   'pipeline_summary': 'Logistic Regression Classifier w/ One Hot Encoder + Simple Imputer + Standard Scaler',
   'parameters': {'impute_strategy': 'median',
    'penalty': 'l2',
    'C': 4.804971952026824},
   'score': 0.976371018670262,
   'high_variance_cv': False,
   'training_time': 0.3552417755126953,
   'cv_data': [{'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1',
                  ('Precision', 0.9586776859504132),
                  ('Recall', 0.9747899159663865),
                  ('AUC', 0.9899396378269617),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.13000491300733263),
                  ('MCC', 0.9097672817424011),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.02816901, 0.02816901, 0.04225352, 0.04225352, 0.07042254,
                           0.07042254, 0.12676056, 0.12676056, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.59663866, 0.59663866, 0.85714286,
                           0.85714286, 0.93277311, 0.93277311, 0.96638655, 0.96638655,
                           0.99159664, 0.99159664, 1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([2.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00, 9.99513300e-01, 9.99411733e-01,
                           9.72040206e-01, 9.64245540e-01, 8.24677844e-01, 8.13137106e-01,
                           6.23606303e-01, 5.74962709e-01, 3.88150049e-01, 1.05841228e-01,
                           8.88048039e-03, 1.95380932e-20]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  66    5
                   1   3  116),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.9666666666666667},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.979253112033195),
                  ('Precision', 0.9672131147540983),
                  ('Recall', 0.9915966386554622),
                  ('AUC', 0.9986980707776069),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.051792807657331755),
                  ('MCC', 0.943843520216036),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.04225352, 0.04225352, 0.08450704, 0.08450704, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.96638655, 0.96638655, 0.98319328,
                           0.98319328, 0.99159664, 0.99159664, 1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([2.00000000e+00, 9.99999999e-01, 9.15699240e-01, 8.64894910e-01,
                           7.51407817e-01, 6.63047926e-01, 6.26895191e-01, 4.06750268e-01,
                           3.09309176e-01, 1.59809498e-36]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  67    4
                   1   1  118),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.979253112033195},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.9831932773109243),
                  ('Precision', 0.9831932773109243),
                  ('Recall', 0.9831932773109243),
                  ('AUC', 0.9965186074429773),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.06435139219399516),
                  ('MCC', 0.9546218487394958),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01428571, 0.01428571,
                           0.02857143, 0.02857143, 0.04285714, 0.04285714, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.78151261, 0.78151261, 0.98319328,
                           0.98319328, 0.99159664, 0.99159664, 1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([1.99999996e+00, 9.99999962e-01, 9.84583454e-01, 9.76666534e-01,
                           5.25351686e-01, 5.03605398e-01, 4.55872870e-01, 4.36470183e-01,
                           4.28464345e-01, 2.38837351e-14]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  68    2
                   1   2  117),
                  ('# Training', 380),
                  ('# Testing', 189)]),
     'score': 0.9831932773109243}]},
  3: {'id': 3,
   'pipeline_name': 'XGBoost Classification Pipeline',
   'pipeline_summary': 'XGBoost Classifier w/ One Hot Encoder + Simple Imputer + RF Classifier Select From Model',
   'parameters': {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent',
    'percent_features': 0.08032569761590808,
    'threshold': 'mean',
    'eta': 0.020218397440325723,
    'max_depth': 20,
    'min_child_weight': 9.614396430577418,
    'n_estimators': 848},
   'score': 0.9358991763960539,
   'high_variance_cv': False,
   'training_time': 6.885083913803101,
   'cv_data': [{'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1',
                  ('Precision', 0.9469026548672567),
                  ('Recall', 0.8991596638655462),
                  ('AUC', 0.9666232690259202),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.2562118422632155),
                  ('MCC', 0.8027688833516422),
                   (array([0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451, 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.01408451, 0.01408451, 0.01408451, 0.04225352, 0.04225352,
                           0.07042254, 0.07042254, 0.12676056, 0.12676056, 0.12676056,
                           0.15492958, 0.16901408, 0.18309859, 0.21126761, 0.25352113,
                           0.28169014, 0.36619718, 0.3943662 , 0.3943662 , 0.42253521,
                           0.45070423, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.54621849, 0.62184874, 0.63865546, 0.65546218,
                           0.66386555, 0.71428571, 0.7394958 , 0.7394958 , 0.8487395 ,
                           0.86554622, 0.89915966, 0.89915966, 0.90756303, 0.94117647,
                           0.94117647, 0.96638655, 0.96638655, 0.96638655, 0.98319328,
                           0.99159664, 0.99159664, 0.99159664, 1.        , 1.        ,
                           1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([1.9729209 , 0.97292095, 0.9717207 , 0.9710014 , 0.970229  ,
                           0.9697926 , 0.9423327 , 0.9413457 , 0.93782085, 0.92524594,
                           0.6996592 , 0.5642555 , 0.40121877, 0.28772253, 0.27541634,
                           0.16674423, 0.15323758, 0.06644133, 0.06502564, 0.04827413,
                           0.04722596, 0.04633046, 0.04199466, 0.03978153, 0.03914706,
                           0.03638416, 0.03603544], dtype=float32))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  65    6
                   1  12  107),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.9224137931034483},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.937007874015748),
                  ('Precision', 0.8814814814814815),
                  ('Recall', 1.0),
                  ('AUC', 0.9770978814060836),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.23696691198764663),
                  ('MCC', 0.826339982903411),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.05633803, 0.05633803,
                           0.05633803, 0.08450704, 0.08450704, 0.14084507, 0.15492958,
                           0.15492958, 0.16901408, 0.16901408, 0.23943662, 0.26760563,
                           0.29577465, 0.32394366, 0.38028169, 0.43661972, 0.46478873,
                           0.49295775, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.49579832, 0.55462185, 0.85714286, 0.89915966,
                           0.90756303, 0.90756303, 0.92436975, 0.96638655, 0.96638655,
                           0.98319328, 0.99159664, 1.        , 1.        , 1.        ,
                           1.        , 1.        , 1.        , 1.        , 1.        ,
                           1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([1.9701126 , 0.97011256, 0.96989095, 0.9684937 , 0.9554615 ,
                           0.92179286, 0.9034773 , 0.83730716, 0.8372069 , 0.75368625,
                           0.63067174, 0.62702805, 0.61390054, 0.49871758, 0.48841092,
                           0.42385587, 0.41924828, 0.08368076, 0.04792023, 0.0469924 ,
                           0.04657101, 0.04570549], dtype=float32))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  55   16
                   1   0  119),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.937007874015748},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.9482758620689655),
                  ('Precision', 0.9734513274336283),
                  ('Recall', 0.9243697478991597),
                  ('AUC', 0.9885954381752702),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.1391644817456682),
                  ('MCC', 0.8681704699715063),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ,
                           0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ,
                           0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ,
                           0.01428571, 0.01428571, 0.04285714, 0.04285714, 0.07142857,
                           0.07142857, 0.08571429, 0.1       , 0.1       , 0.12857143,
                           0.12857143, 0.17142857, 0.2       , 0.22857143, 0.22857143,
                           0.28571429, 0.34285714, 0.38571429, 0.41428571, 0.42857143,
                           0.47142857, 0.55714286, 0.61428571, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.28571429, 0.42016807, 0.44537815, 0.48739496,
                           0.50420168, 0.55462185, 0.59663866, 0.60504202, 0.67226891,
                           0.71428571, 0.74789916, 0.83193277, 0.85714286, 0.87394958,
                           0.87394958, 0.90756303, 0.90756303, 0.93277311, 0.93277311,
                           0.94117647, 0.94117647, 0.95798319, 0.96638655, 0.96638655,
                           0.97478992, 0.97478992, 0.97478992, 0.97478992, 1.        ,
                           1.        , 1.        , 1.        , 1.        , 1.        ,
                           1.        , 1.        , 1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([1.9841778 , 0.9841778 , 0.9838165 , 0.98342854, 0.9833071 ,
                           0.98211664, 0.9810844 , 0.9787828 , 0.97762203, 0.9773312 ,
                           0.975222  , 0.97440153, 0.89735514, 0.8955815 , 0.86498946,
                           0.84353524, 0.810082  , 0.67681974, 0.49621513, 0.4496832 ,
                           0.44711152, 0.4437709 , 0.43844405, 0.4295119 , 0.39135826,
                           0.33074102, 0.33018234, 0.31763443, 0.29066208, 0.18481019,
                           0.03418758, 0.03268759, 0.0274495 , 0.0270752 , 0.0269705 ,
                           0.02627881, 0.02563108, 0.02260989, 0.0213987 ], dtype=float32))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  67    3
                   1   9  110),
                  ('# Training', 380),
                  ('# Testing', 189)]),
     'score': 0.9482758620689655}]},
  4: {'id': 4,
   'pipeline_name': 'Cat Boost Classification Pipeline',
   'pipeline_summary': 'CatBoost Classifier w/ Simple Imputer',
   'parameters': {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent',
    'n_estimators': 109,
    'eta': 0.7991585642167238,
    'max_depth': 4},
   'score': 0.9664525764397752,
   'high_variance_cv': False,
   'training_time': 0.9475922584533691,
   'cv_data': [{'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1',
                  ('Precision', 0.9741379310344828),
                  ('Recall', 0.9495798319327731),
                  ('AUC', 0.9865072789679252),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.16313398857144826),
                  ('MCC', 0.9001633057441626),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.02816901, 0.02816901, 0.04225352, 0.04225352, 0.05633803,
                           0.05633803, 0.07042254, 0.07042254, 0.08450704, 0.08450704,
                           1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.34453782, 0.34453782, 0.84033613,
                           0.84033613, 0.93277311, 0.93277311, 0.96638655, 0.96638655,
                           0.97478992, 0.97478992, 0.98319328, 0.98319328, 1.        ,
                           1.        ]),
                    array([1.99999633e+00, 9.99996325e-01, 9.99942123e-01, 9.99941223e-01,
                           9.83889653e-01, 9.82884213e-01, 7.60889858e-01, 7.00312819e-01,
                           4.44799151e-01, 4.02629215e-01, 3.25498190e-01, 2.40859456e-01,
                           7.31464857e-02, 4.01578493e-02, 1.91156164e-02, 3.89213440e-06]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  68    3
                   1   6  113),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.9617021276595743},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.9626556016597511),
                  ('Precision', 0.9508196721311475),
                  ('Recall', 0.9747899159663865),
                  ('AUC', 0.9874541365842111),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.14974588678331058),
                  ('MCC', 0.8984549429340701),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01408451, 0.01408451,
                           0.02816901, 0.02816901, 0.04225352, 0.04225352, 0.07042254,
                           0.07042254, 0.08450704, 0.08450704, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.41176471, 0.41176471, 0.83193277,
                           0.83193277, 0.95798319, 0.95798319, 0.96638655, 0.96638655,
                           0.97478992, 0.97478992, 1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([1.99999714e+00, 9.99997136e-01, 9.99900758e-01, 9.99895250e-01,
                           9.97706259e-01, 9.97275707e-01, 9.75388340e-01, 9.39646167e-01,
                           9.37469604e-01, 8.54371454e-01, 8.53389442e-01, 8.42251927e-01,
                           3.54062858e-01, 2.61300949e-06]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  65    6
                   1   3  116),
                  ('# Training', 379),
                  ('# Testing', 190)]),
     'score': 0.9626556016597511},
    {'all_objective_scores': OrderedDict([('F1', 0.975),
                  ('Precision', 0.9669421487603306),
                  ('Recall', 0.9831932773109243),
                  ('AUC', 0.9980792316926771),
                  ('Log Loss', 0.06313235445917639),
                  ('MCC', 0.9317727223276882),
                   (array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.01428571, 0.01428571,
                           0.02857143, 0.02857143, 0.05714286, 0.05714286, 0.07142857,
                           0.07142857, 1.        ]),
                    array([0.        , 0.00840336, 0.95798319, 0.95798319, 0.96638655,
                           0.96638655, 0.97478992, 0.97478992, 0.99159664, 0.99159664,
                           1.        , 1.        ]),
                    array([1.99999867e+00, 9.99998668e-01, 9.22815771e-01, 8.86401336e-01,
                           8.72320864e-01, 8.49344800e-01, 7.87185615e-01, 7.06786188e-01,
                           4.73751084e-01, 3.98242251e-01, 3.72969449e-01, 1.06636001e-06]))),
                  ('Confusion Matrix',
                       0    1
                   0  66    4
                   1   2  117),
                  ('# Training', 380),
                  ('# Testing', 189)]),
     'score': 0.975}]}},
 'search_order': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}