Release Notes ------------- **Future Releases** * Enhancements * Fixes * Changes * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** **v0.84.0 Jun 5, 2024** * Enhancements * Reformatted files with updated black version :pr:`4395` * Fixes * Changes * Dropped support for Python 3.8 :pr:`4414` * Removed vowpalwabbit :pr:`4427` * Uncapped holidays :pr:`4428` * Unpinned kaleido :pr:`4423` * Unpinned shap and scipy :pr:`4436` * Unpinned most pinned dependencies under project.optional-dependencies :pr:`4431` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes * Added ability to run airflow tests in Python 3.9 :pr:`4391` * Removed iterative test from airflow runs :pr:`4424` * Updated GH actions to improve handling of potentially unsafe variables :pr:`4417` * Fixed install test :pr:`4423` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Dropped support for Python 3.8 :pr:`4414` * Removed vowpalwabbit :pr:`4427` **v0.83.0 Feb 2, 2024** * Enhancements * Added support for additional estimators for multiseries datasets :pr:`4385` * Fixes * Fixed bug in `_downcast_nullable_y` causing woodwork initialization issues :pr:`4369` * Fixed multiseries prediction interval labels :pr:`4377` * Changes * Pinned scipy version to under 1.12.0 :pr:`4380` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** **v0.82.0 Nov 3, 2023** * Enhancements * Changed target name/series ID divider and added ability to return series ID column with predictions :pr:`4357` * Fixes * Changes * Pinned networkx version below 3.2 for Python version compatibility :pr:`4351` * Documentation Changes * Added multiseries time series section to user guide in documentation :pr:`4355` * Updated release guide to include an FAQ section about fixing github actions :pr:`4346` * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** **v0.81.1 Oct 16, 2023** * Enhancements * Fixes * Fixed bug related to pypi release github action failing :pr:`4330` * Fixed bug related to conda build github action :pr:`4335` :pr:`4337`, :pr:`4338`, :pr:`4340` * Changes * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes * Updated reviewers for latest dependency updates :pr:`4309` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** **v0.81.0 Oct 5, 2023** * Enhancements * Extended STLDecomposer to support multiseries :pr:`4253` * Extended TimeSeriesImputer to support multiseries :pr:`4291` * Added datacheck to check for mismatched series length in multiseries :pr:`4296` * Added STLDecomposer to multiseries pipelines :pr:`4299` * Extended DateTimeFormatCheck data check to support multiseries :pr:`4300` * Extended TimeSeriesRegularizer to support multiseries :pr:`4303` * Fixes * Fixed forecast period generation function for multiseries :pr:`4320` * Fixed bug in ``STLDecomposer.inverse_transform`` causing incorrect seasonality projections :pr:`4328` * Changes * Updated ``split_data`` to call ``split_multiseries_data`` when passed stacked multiseries data :pr:`4312` * Pinned pandas version under 2.1.0 :pr:`4315` * Increased minimum numpy version :pr:`4321` * Documentation Changes * Removed LightGBM's excessive amount of warnings :pr:`4308` * Testing Changes * Removed old performance testing workflow :pr:`4318` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** **v0.80.0 Aug. 30, 2023** * Enhancements * Added support for prediction intervals for VARMAX regressor :pr:`4267` * Integrated multiseries time series into AutoMLSearch :pr:`4270` * Fixes * Fixed error when stacking data with no exogenous variables :pr:`4275` * Changes * Updated ``ARIMARegressor`` to be compatible with sktime v0.22.0 and beyond :pr:`4283` * Updated ``graph_prediction_vs_actual_over_time()`` to be compatible with multiseries time series :pr:`4284` * Updated ``excluded_model_families`` to take in a list of both ``str`` and ``ModelFamily`` data types :pr:`4287` * Unpinned ipywidgets :pr:`4288` * Documentation Changes * Removed erroneous warnings from Data Checks User Guide page and removed ``tqdm`` warning in all notebooks :pr:`4274` * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** **v0.79.0 Aug. 11, 2023** * Enhancements * Updated regression metrics to handle multioutput dataframes as well as single output series :pr:`4233` * Added baseline regressor for multiseries time series problems :pr:`4246` * Added stacking and unstacking utility functions to work with multiseries data :pr:`4250` * Added multiseries regression pipeline class :pr:`4256` * Added multiseries VARMAX regressor :pr:`4238` * Fixes * Added support for pandas 2 :pr:`4216` * Fixed bug where time series pipelines would fail due to MASE needing `y_train` when scoring :pr:`4258` * Update s3 bucket for docs image :pr:`4260` * Fix deps checker including any package with post in the name :pr:`4268` * Changes * Unpinned sktime version :pr:`4214` * Bumped minimum lightgbm version to 4.0.0 for nullable type handling :pr:`4237` * Pinned scikit-learn version due to incompatibility with pinned imbalanced-learn :pr:`4248` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** **v0.78.0 Jul. 10, 2023** * Enhancements * Add run_feature_selection to AutoMLSearch and Default Algorithm :pr:`4210` * Added ``SMAPE`` to the standard metrics for time series problems :pr:`4220` * Added ``MASE`` metric and ``y_train`` parameter to objectives :pr:`4221` * Fixes * `IDColumnsDataCheck` now works with Unknown data type :pr:`4203` * Changes * Upgraded minimum SHAP version to 0.42.0 and unpinned numpy version :pr:`4228` * Documentation Changes * Updated API reference :pr:`4213` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Removed Decision Tree and CatBoost Estimators from AutoML search :pr:`4205` * Removed first batch from default algorithm :pr:`4215` **v0.77.0 Jun. 07, 2023** * Enhancements * Added ``check_distribution`` function for determining if the predicted distribution matches the true one :pr:`4184` * Added ``get_recommendation_score_breakdown`` function for insight on the recommendation score :pr:`4188` * Added excluded_model_families parameter to AutoMLSearch() :pr:`4196` * Added option to exclude time index in ``IDColumnsDataCheck`` :pr:`4194` * Fixes * Fixed small errors in ``ARIMARegressor`` implementation :pr:`4186` * Fixed ``get_forecast_period`` to properly handle ``gap`` parameter :pr:`4200` * Changes * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes * Run looking glass performance tests on merge via Airflow :pr:`4198` **v0.76.0 May. 09, 2023** * Enhancements * Added optional ``recommendation_score`` to rank pipelines during AutoMLSearch :pr:`4156` * Added BytesIO support to PipelinBase.load() :pr:`4179` * Fixes * Capped numpy at <=1.23.5 as a temporary measure for SHAP :pr:`4172` * Updated our readthedocs recipe to reenable builds :pr:`4177` **v0.75.0 May. 01, 2023** * Fixes * Fixed bug where resetting the holdout data indices would cause time series ``predict_in_sample`` to be wrong :pr:`4161` * Changes * Changed per-pipeline timings to store as a float :pr:`4160` * Update Dask install commands in ``pyproject.toml`` :pr:`4164` * Capped `IPython` version to < 8.12.1 for readthedocs and plotly compatibility :pr:`3987` **v0.74.0 Apr. 18, 2023** * Enhancements * Saved computed additional_objectives computed during search to AutoML object :pr:`4141` * Remove extra naive pipelines :pr:`4142` * Fixes * Fixed usage of codecov after uploader deprecation :pr:`4144` * Fixed issue where prediction intervals were becoming NaNs due to index errors :pr:`4154` * Changes * Capped size of seasonal period used for determining whether to include STLDecomposer in pipelines :pr:`4147` **v0.73.0 Apr. 10, 2023** * Enhancements * Allowed ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` to return a ``DROP_ROWS`` ``DataCheckActionOption`` :pr:`4116` * Implemented prediction intervals for non-time series native pipelines using the naïve method :pr:`4127` * Changes * Removed unnecessary logic from imputer components prior to nullable type handling :pr:`4038`, :pr:`4043` * Added calls to ``_handle_nullable_types`` in component fit, transform, and predict methods when needed :pr:`4046`, :pr:`4043` * Removed existing nullable type handling across AutoMLSearch to just use new handling :pr:`4085`, :pr:`4043` * Handled nullable type incompatibility in ``Decomposer`` :pr:`4105`, :pr:`4043 * Removed nullable type incompatibility handling for ARIMA and ExponentialSmoothingRegressor :pr:`4129` * Changed the default value for ``null_strategy`` in ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` to ``drop`` :pr:`4131` * Pinned sktime version to 0.17.0 for nullable types support :pr:`4137` * Testing Changes * Fixed installation of prophet for linux nightly tests :pr:`4114` **v0.72.0 Mar. 27, 2023** * Enhancements * Updated `pipeline.get_prediction_intervals()` to add trend prediction interval information from STL decomposer :pr:`4093` * Added ``method=all`` support for ``TargetLeakageDataCheck`` :pr:`4106` * Fixes * Fixed ensemble pipelines not working with ``generate_pipeline_example`` :pr:`4102` * Changes * Pinned ipywidgets version under 8.0.5 :pr:`4097` * Calculated partial dependence grid values for integer data by rounding instead of truncating fractional values :pr:`4096` * Testing Changes * Updated graphviz installation in GitHub workflows to fix windows nightlies :pr:`4088` **v0.71.0 Mar. 17, 2023*** * Fixes * Fixed error in ``PipelineBase._supports_fast_permutation_importance`` with stacked ensemble pipelines :pr:`4083` **v0.70.0 Mar. 16, 2023** * Changes * Added Oversampler nullable type incompatibility in X :pr:`4068` * Removed nullable handling from objective functions, ``roc_curve``, and ``correlation_matrix`` :pr:`4072` * Transitioned from ``prophet-prebuilt`` to ``prophet`` directly :pr:`4045` **v0.69.0 Mar. 15, 2023** * Enhancements * Move black to regular dependency and use it for ``generate_pipeline_code`` :pr:`4005` * Implement ``generate_pipeline_example`` :pr:`4023` * Add new downcast utils for component-specific nullable type handling and begin implementation on objective and component base classes :pr:`4024` * Add nullable type incompatibility properties to the components that need them :pr:`4031` * Add ``get_evalml_requirements_file`` :pr:`4034` * Pipelines with DFS Transformers will run fast permutation importance if DFS features pre-exist :pr:`4037` * Add get_prediction_intervals() at the pipeline level :pr:`4052` * Fixes * Fixed ``generate_pipeline_example`` erroring out for pipelines with a ``DFSTransformer`` :pr:`4059` * Remove nullable types handling for ``OverSampler`` :pr:`4064` * Changes * Uncapped ``pmdarima`` and updated minimum version :pr:`4027` * Increase min catboost to 1.1.1 and xgboost to 1.7.0 to add nullable type support for those estimators :pr:`3996` * Unpinned ``networkx`` and updated minimum version :pr:`4035` * Increased ``scikit-learn`` version to 1.2.2 :pr:`4064` * Capped max ``holidays`` version to 0.21 :pr:`4064` * Stop allowing ``knn`` as a boolean impute strategy :pr:`4058` * Capped ``nbsphinx`` at < 0.9.0 :pr:`4071` * Testing Changes * Use ``release.yaml`` for performance tests on merge to main :pr:`4007` * Pin ``github-action-check-linked-issues`` at v1.4.5 :pr:`4042` * Updated tests to support Woodwork's object dtype inference for numeric columns :pr:`4066` * Updated ``TargetLeakageDataCheck`` tests to handle boolean targets properly :pr:`4066` **v0.68.0 Feb. 15, 2023** * Enhancements * Integrated ``determine_periodicity`` into ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`3952` * Removed frequency limitations for decomposition using the ``STLDecomposer`` :pr:`3952` * Changes * Remove requirements-parser requirement :pr:`3978` * Updated the ``SKOptTuner`` to use a gradient boosting regressor for tuning instead of extra trees :pr:`3983` * Unpinned sktime from below 1.2, increased minimum to 1.2.1 :pr:`3983` * Testing Changes * Add pull request check for linked issues to CI workflow :pr:`3970`, :pr:`3980` * Upgraded minimum `IPython` version to 8.10.0 :pr:`3987` **v0.67.0 Jan. 31, 2023** * Fixes * Re-added ``TimeSeriesPipeline.should_skip_featurization`` to fix bug where data would get featurized unnecessarily :pr:`3964` * Allow float categories to be passed into CatBoost estimators :pr:`3966` * Changes * Update pyproject.toml to correctly specify the data filepaths :pr:`3967` * Documentation Changes * Added demo for prediction intervals :pr:`3954` **v0.66.1 Jan. 26, 2023** * Fixes * Updated ``LabelEncoder`` to store the original typing information :pr:`3960` * Fixed bug where all-null ``BooleanNullable`` columns would break the imputer during transform :pr:`3959` **v0.66.0 Jan. 24, 2023** * Enhancements * Improved decomposer ``determine_periodicity`` functionality for better period guesses :pr:`3912` * Added ``dates_needed_for_prediction`` for time series pipelines :pr:`3906` * Added ``RFClassifierRFESelector`` and ``RFRegressorRFESelector`` components for feature selection using recursive feature elimination :pr:`3934` * Added ``dates_needed_for_prediction_range`` for time series pipelines :pr:`3941` * Fixes * Fixed ``set_period()`` not updating decomposer parameters :pr:`3932` * Removed second identical batch for time series problems in ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`3936` * Fix install command for alteryx-open-src-update-checker :pr:`3940` * Fixed non-prophet case of ``test_components_can_be_used_for_partial_dependence_fast_mode`` :pr:`3949` * Changes * Updated ``PolynomialDecomposer`` to work with sktime v0.15.1 :pr:`3930` * Add ruff and use pyproject.toml (move away from setup.cfg) :pr:`3928` * Pinned `category-encoders`` to 2.5.1.post0 :pr:`3933` * Remove requirements-parser and tomli from core requirements :pr:`3948` **v0.65.0 Jan. 3, 2023** * Enhancements * Added the ability to retrieve prediction intervals for estimators that support time series regression :pr:`3876` * Added utils to handle the logic for threshold tuning objective and resplitting data :pr:`3888` * Integrated ``OrdinalEncoder`` into AutoMLSearch :pr:`3765` * Fixes * Fixed ARIMA not accounting for gap in prediction from end of training data :pr:`3884` * Fixed ``DefaultAlgorithm`` adding an extra ``OneHotEncoder`` when a categorical column is not selected :pr:`3914` * Changes * Added a threshold to ``DateTimeFormatDataCheck`` to account for too many duplicate or nan values :pr:`3883` * Changed treatment of ``Boolean`` columns for ``SimpleImputer`` and ``ClassImbalanceDataCheck`` to be compatible with new Woodwork inference :pr:`3892` * Split decomposer ``seasonal_period`` parameter into ``seasonal_smoother`` and ``period`` parameters :pr:`3896` * Excluded catboost from the broken link checking workflow due to 403 errors :pr:`3899` * Pinned scikit-learn version below 1.2.0 :pr:`3901` * Cast newly created one hot encoded columns as ``bool`` dtype :pr:`3913` * Documentation Changes * Hid non-essential warning messages in time series docs :pr:`3890` * Testing Changes **v0.64.0 Dec. 8, 2022** * Enhancements * Fixes * Allowed the DFS Transformer to calculate feature values for Features with a ``dataframe_name`` that is not ``"X"`` :pr:`3873` * Stopped passing full list of DFS Transformer features into cloned pipeline in partial dependence fast mode :pr:`3875` * Changes * Update leaderboard names to show `ranking_score` instead of `validation_score` :pr:`3878` * Remove Int64Index after Pandas 1.5 Upgrade :pr:`3825` * Reduced the threshold for setting ``use_covariates`` to False for ARIMA models in AutoMLSearch :pr:`3868` * Pinned woodwork version at <=0.19.0 :pr:`3871` * Updated minimum Pandas version to 1.5.0 :pr:`3808` * Remove dsherry from automated dependency update reviews and added tamargrey :pr:`3870` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes **v0.63.0 Nov. 23, 2022** * Enhancements * Added fast mode to partial dependence :pr:`3753` * Added the ability to serialize featuretools features into time series pipelines :pr:`3836` * Fixes * Fixed ``TimeSeriesFeaturizer`` potentially selecting lags outside of feature engineering window :pr:`3773` * Fixed bug where ``TimeSeriesFeaturizer`` could not encode Ordinal columns with non numeric categories :pr:`3812` * Updated demo dataset links to point to new endpoint :pr:`3826` * Updated ``STLDecomposer`` to infer the time index frequency if it's not present :pr:`3829` * Updated ``_drop_time_index`` to move the time index from X to both ``X.index`` and ``y.index`` :pr:`3829` * Fixed bug where engineered features lost their origin attribute in partial dependence, causing it to fail :pr:`3830` * Fixed bug where partial dependence's fast mode handling for the DFS Transformer wouldn't work with multi output features :pr:`3830` * Allowed target to be present and ignored in partial dependence's DFS Transformer fast mode handling :pr:`3830` * Changes * Consolidated decomposition frequency validation logic to ``Decomposer`` class :pr:`3811` * Removed Featuretools version upper bound and prevent Woodwork 0.20.0 from being installed :pr:`3813` * Updated min Featuretools version to 0.16.0, min nlp-primitives version to 2.9.0 and min Dask version to 2022.2.0 :pr:`3823` * Rename issue templates config.yaml to config.yml :pr:`3844` * Reverted change adding a ``should_skip_featurization`` flag to time series pipelines :pr:`3862` * Documentation Changes * Added information about STL Decomposition to the time series docs :pr:`3835` * Removed RTD failure on warnings :pr:`3864` **v0.62.0 Nov. 01, 2022** * Fixes * Fixed bug with datetime conversion in ``get_time_index`` :pr:`3792` * Fixed bug where invalid anchored or offset frequencies were including the ``STLDecomposer`` in pipelines :pr:`3794` * Fixed bug where irregular datetime frequencies were causing errors in ``make_pipeline`` :pr:`3800` * Changes * Capped dask at < 2022.10.1 :pr:`3797` * Uncapped dask and excluded 2022.10.1 from viable versions :pr:`3803` * Removed all references to XGBoost's deprecated ``_use_label_encoder`` argument :pr:`3805` * Capped featuretools at < 1.17.0 :pr:`3805` * Capped woodwork at < 0.21.0 :pr:`3805` **v0.61.1 Oct. 27, 2022** * Fixes * Fixed bug where ``TimeSeriesBaselinePipeline`` wouldn't preserve index name of input features :pr:`3788` * Fixed bug in ``TimeSeriesBaselinePipeline`` referencing a static string instead of time index var :pr:`3788` * Documentation Changes * Updated Release Notes :pr:`3788` **v0.61.0 Oct. 25, 2022** * Enhancements * Added the STL Decomposer :pr:`3741` * Integrated STLDecomposer into AutoMLSearch for time series regression problems :pr:`3781` * Brought the PolynomialDecomposer up to parity with STLDecomposer :pr:`3768` * Changes * Cap Featuretools at < 1.15.0 :pr:`3775` * Remove Featuretools upper bound restriction and fix nlp-primitives import statements :pr:`3778` **v0.60.0 Oct. 19, 2022** * Enhancements * Add forecast functions to time series regression pipeline :pr:`3742` * Fixes * Fix to allow ``IDColumnsDataCheck`` to work with ``IntegerNullable`` inputs :pr:`3740` * Fixed datasets name for main performance tests :pr:`3743` * Changes * Use Woodwork's ``dependence_dict`` method to calculate for ``TargetLeakageDataCheck`` :pr:`3728` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * ``TargetLeakageDataCheck`` now uses argument ``mutual_info`` rather than ``mutual`` :pr:`3728` **v0.59.0 Sept. 27, 2022** * Enhancements * Enhanced Decomposer with ``determine_periodicity`` function to automatically determine periodicity of seasonal target. :pr:`3729` * Enhanced Decomposer with ``set_seasonal_period`` function to set a ``Decomposer`` object's seasonal period automatically. :pr:`3729` * Added ``OrdinalEncoder`` component :pr:`3736` * Fixes * Fixed holdout warning message showing when using default parameters :pr:`3727` * Fixed bug in Oversampler where categorical dtypes would fail :pr:`3732` * Changes * Automatic sorting of the ``time_index`` prior to running ``DataChecks`` has been disabled :pr:`3723` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes * Update job to use new looking glass report command :pr:`3733` **v0.58.0 Sept. 20, 2022** * Enhancements * Defined `get_trend_df()` for PolynomialDecomposer to allow decomposition of target data into trend, seasonality and residual. :pr:`3720` * Updated to run with Woodwork >= 0.18.0 :pr:`3700` * Pass time index column to time series native estimators but drop otherwise :pr:`3691` * Added ``errors`` attribute to ``AutoMLSearch`` for useful debugging :pr:`3702` * Fixes * Removed multiple samplers occurring in pipelines generated by ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`3696` * Fix search order changing when using ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`3704` * Changes * Bumped up minimum version of sktime to 0.12.0. :pr:`3720` * Added abstract Decomposer class as a parent to PolynomialDecomposer to support additional decomposers. :pr:`3720` * Pinned ``pmdarima`` < 2.0.0 :pr:`3679` * Added support for using ``downcast_nullable_types`` with Series as well as DataFrames :pr:`3697` * Added distinction between ranking and optimization objectives :pr:`3721` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes * Updated pytest fixtures and brittle test files to explicitly set woodwork typing information :pr:`3697` * Added github workflow to run looking glass performance tests on merge to main :pr:`3690` * Fixed looking glass performance test script :pr:`3715` * Remove commit message from looking glass slack message :pr:`3719` **v0.57.0 Sept. 6, 2022** * Enhancements * Added ``KNNImputer`` class and created new knn parameter for Imputer :pr:`3662` * Fixes * ``IDColumnsDataCheck`` now only returns an action code to set the first column as the primary key if it contains unique values :pr:`3639` * ``IDColumnsDataCheck`` now can handle primary key columns containing "integer" values that are of the double type :pr:`3683` * Added support for BooleanNullable columns in EvalML pipelines and imputer :pr:`3678` * Updated StandardScaler to only apply to numeric columns :pr:`3686` * Changes * Unpinned sktime to allow for version 0.13.2 :pr:`3685` * Pinned ``pmdarima`` < 2.0.0 :pr:`3679` **v0.56.1 Aug. 19, 2022** * Fixes * ``IDColumnsDataCheck`` now only returns an action code to set the first column as the primary key if it contains unique values :pr:`3639` * Reverted the ``make_pipeline`` changes that conditionally included the imputers :pr:`3672` **v0.56.0 Aug. 15, 2022** * Enhancements * Add CI testing environment in Mac for install workflow :pr:`3646` * Updated ``make_pipeline`` to only include the Imputer in pipelines if NaNs exist in the data :pr:`3657` * Updated to run with Woodwork >= 0.17.2 :pr:`3626` * Add ``exclude_featurizers`` parameter to ``AutoMLSearch`` to specify featurizers that should be excluded from all pipelines :pr:`3631` * Add ``fit_transform`` method to pipelines and component graphs :pr:`3640` * Changed default value of data splitting for time series problem holdout set evaluation :pr:`3650` * Fixes * Reverted the Woodwork 0.17.x compatibility work due to performance regression :pr:`3664` * Changes * Disable holdout set in AutoML search by default :pr:`3659` * Pinned ``sktime`` at >=0.7.0,<0.13.1 due to slowdowns with time series modeling :pr:`3658` * Added additional testing support for Python 3.10 :pr:`3609` * Documentation Changes * Updated broken link checker to exclude stackoverflow domain :pr:`3633` * Add instructions to add new users to evalml-core-feedstock :pr:`3636` **v0.55.0 July. 24, 2022** * Enhancements * Increased the amount of logical type information passed to Woodwork when calling ``ww.init()`` in transformers :pr:`3604` * Added ability to log how long each batch and pipeline take in ```` :pr:`3577` * Added the option to set the ``sp`` parameter for ARIMA models :pr:`3597` * Updated the CV split size of time series problems to match forecast horizon for improved performance :pr:`3616` * Added holdout set evaluation as part of AutoML search and pipeline ranking :pr:`3499` * Added Dockerfile.arm and .dockerignore for python version and M1 testing :pr:`3609` * Added ``test_gen_utils::in_container_arm64()`` fixture :pr:`3609` * Fixes * Fixed iterative graphs not appearing in documentation :pr:`3592` * Updated the ``load_diabetes()`` method to account for scikit-learn 1.1.1 changes to the dataset :pr:`3591` * Capped woodwork version at < 0.17.0 :pr:`3612` * Bump minimum scikit-optimize version to 0.9.0 `:pr:`3614` * Invalid target data checks involving regression and unsupported data types now produce a different ``DataCheckMessageCode`` :pr:`3630` * Updated ```` - more lenient text check :pr:`3609` * Changes * Add pre-commit hooks for linting :pr:`3608` * Implemented a lower threshold and window size for the ``TimeSeriesRegularizer`` and ``DatetimeFormatDataCheck`` :pr:`3627` * Updated ``IDColumnsDataCheck`` to return an action to set the first column as the primary key if it is identified as an ID column :pr:`3634` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes * Pinned GraphViz version for Windows CI Test :pr:`3596` * Removed skipping of PolynomialDecomposer tests for Python 3.9 envs. :pr:`3720` * Removed ``pytest.mark.skip_if_39`` pytest marker :pr:`3602` :pr:`3607` * Updated pytest==7.1.2 :pr:`3609` * Added Dockerfile.arm and .dockerignore for python version and M1 testing :pr:`3609` * Added ``test_gen_utils::in_container_arm64()`` fixture :pr:`3609` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Refactored test cases that iterate over all components to use ``pytest.mark.parametrise`` and changed the corresponding ``if...continue`` blocks to ``pytest.mark.xfail`` :pr:`3622` **v0.54.0 June. 23, 2022** * Fixes * Updated the Imputer and SimpleImputer to work with scikit-learn 1.1.1. :pr:`3525` * Bumped the minimum versions of scikit-learn to 1.1.1 and imbalanced-learn to 0.9.1. :pr:`3525` * Added a clearer error message when ``describe`` is called on an un-instantiated ComponentGraph :pr:`3569` * Added a clearer error message when time series' ``predict`` is called with its X_train or y_train parameter set as None :pr:`3579` * Changes * Don't pass ``time_index`` as kwargs to sktime ARIMA implementation for compatibility with latest version :pr:`3564` * Remove incompatible ``nlp-primitives`` version 2.6.0 from accepted dependency versions :pr:`3572`, :pr:`3574` * Updated evalml authors :pr:`3581` * Documentation Changes * Fix typo in ``long_description`` field in ``setup.cfg`` :pr:`3553` * Update install page to remove Python 3.7 mention :pr:`3567` **v0.53.1 June. 9, 2022** * Changes * Set the development status to ``4 - Beta`` in ``setup.cfg`` :pr:`3550` **v0.53.0 June. 9, 2022** * Enhancements * Pass ``n_jobs`` to default algorithm :pr:`3548` * Fixes * Fixed github workflows for featuretools and woodwork to test their main branch against evalml. :pr:`3517` * Supress warnings in ``TargetEncoder`` raised by a coming change to default parameters :pr:`3540` * Fixed bug where schema was not being preserved in column renaming for XGBoost and LightGBM models :pr:`3496` * Changes * Transitioned to use pyproject.toml and setup.cfg away from :pr:`3494`, :pr:`3536` * Documentation Changes * Updated the Time Series User Guide page to include known-in-advance features and fix typos :pr:`3521` * Add slack and stackoverflow icon to footer :pr:`3528` * Add install instructions for M1 Mac :pr:`3543` * Testing Changes * Rename yml to yaml for GitHub Actions :pr:`3522` * Remove ``noncore_dependency`` pytest marker :pr:`3541` * Changed ``test_smotenc_category_features`` to use valid postal code values in response to new woodwork type validation :pr:`3544` **v0.52.0 May. 12, 2022** * Changes * Added github workflows for featuretools and woodwork to test their main branch against evalml. :pr:`3504` * Added pmdarima to conda recipe. :pr:`3505` * Added a threshold for ``NullDataCheck`` before a warning is issued for null values :pr:`3507` * Changed ``NoVarianceDataCheck`` to only output warnings :pr:`3506` * Reverted XGBoost Classifier/Regressor patch for all boolean columns needing to be converted to int. :pr:`3503` * Updated ``roc_curve()`` and ``conf_matrix()`` to work with IntegerNullable and BooleanNullable types. :pr:`3465` * Changed ``ComponentGraph._transform_features`` to raise a ``PipelineError`` instead of a ``ValueError``. This is not a breaking change because ``PipelineError`` is a subclass of ``ValueError``. :pr:`3497` * Capped ``sklearn`` at version 1.1.0 :pr:`3518` * Documentation Changes * Updated to install prophet extras in Read the Docs. :pr:`3509` * Testing Changes * Moved vowpal wabbit in test recipe to ``evalml`` package from ``evalml-core`` :pr:`3502` **v0.51.0 Apr. 28, 2022** * Enhancements * Updated ``make_pipeline_from_data_check_output`` to work with time series problems. :pr:`3454` * Fixes * Changed ``PipelineBase.graph_json()`` to return a python dictionary and renamed as ``graph_dict()``:pr:`3463` * Changes * Added ``vowpalwabbit`` to local recipe and remove ``is_using_conda`` pytest skip markers from relevant tests :pr:`3481` * Documentation Changes * Fixed broken link in contributing guide :pr:`3464` * Improved development instructions :pr:`3468` * Added the ``TimeSeriesRegularizer`` and ``TimeSeriesImputer`` to the timeseries section of the User Guide :pr:`3473` * Updated OSS slack link :pr:`3487` * Fix rendering of model understanding plotly charts in docs :pr:`3460` * Testing Changes * Updated unit tests to support woodwork 0.16.2 :pr:`3482` * Fix some unit tests after vowpal wabbit got added to conda recipe :pr:`3486` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed ``PipelineBase.graph_json()`` to ``PipelineBase.graph_dict()`` :pr:`3463` * Minimum supported woodwork version is now 0.16.2 :pr:`3482` **v0.50.0 Apr. 12, 2022** * Enhancements * Added ``TimeSeriesImputer`` component :pr:`3374` * Replaced ``pipeline_parameters`` and ``custom_hyperparameters`` with ``search_parameters`` in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`3373`, :pr:`3427` * Added ``TimeSeriesRegularizer`` to smooth uninferrable date ranges for time series problems :pr:`3376` * Enabled ensembling as a parameter for ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`3435`, :pr:`3444` * Fixes * Fix ``DefaultAlgorithm`` not handling Email and URL features :pr:`3419` * Added test to ensure ``LabelEncoder`` parameters preserved during ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`3326` * Changes * Updated ``DateTimeFormatDataCheck`` to use woodwork's ``infer_frequency`` function :pr:`3425` * Renamed ```` to ```` :pr:`3439` * Documentation Changes * Updated the model understanding section of the user guide to include missing functions :pr:`3446` * Rearranged the user guide model understanding page for easier navigation :pr:`3457` * Update README text to Alteryx :pr:`3462` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed ```` to ```` :pr:`3439` * Replaced ``pipeline_parameters`` and ``custom_hyperparameters`` with ``search_parameters`` in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`3373` **v0.49.0 Mar. 31, 2022** * Enhancements * Added ``use_covariates`` parameter to ``ARIMARegressor`` :pr:`3407` * ``AutoMLSearch`` will set ``use_covariates`` to ``False`` for ARIMA when dataset is large :pr:`3407` * Add ability to retrieve logical types to a component in the graph via ``get_component_input_logical_types`` :pr:`3428` * Add ability to get logical types passed to the last component via ``last_component_input_logical_types`` :pr:`3428` * Fixes * Fix conda build after PR `3407` :pr:`3429` * Changes * Moved model understanding metrics from ```` into a separate file :pr:`3417` * Unpin ``click`` dependency :pr:`3420` * For ``IterativeAlgorithm``, put time series algorithms first :pr:`3407` * Use ``prophet-prebuilt`` to install prophet in extras :pr:`3407` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Moved model understanding metrics from ```` to ```` :pr:`3417` **v0.48.0 Mar. 25, 2022** * Enhancements * Add support for oversampling in time series classification problems :pr:`3387` * Fixes * Fixed ``TimeSeriesFeaturizer`` to make it deterministic when creating and choosing columns :pr:`3384` * Fixed bug where Email/URL features with missing values would cause the imputer to error out :pr:`3388` * Changes * Update maintainers to add Frank :pr:`3382` * Allow woodwork version 0.14.0 to be installed :pr:`3381` * Moved partial dependence functions from ```` to a separate file :pr:`3404` * Pin ``click`` at ``8.0.4`` due to incompatibility with ``black`` :pr:`3413` * Documentation Changes * Added automl user guide section covering search algorithms :pr:`3394` * Updated broken links and automated broken link detection :pr:`3398` * Upgraded nbconvert :pr:`3402`, :pr:`3411` * Testing Changes * Updated scheduled workflows to only run on Alteryx owned repos (:pr:`3395`) * Exclude documentation versions other than latest from broken link check :pr:`3401` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Moved partial dependence functions from ```` to ```` :pr:`3404` **v0.47.0 Mar. 16, 2022** * Enhancements * Added ``TimeSeriesFeaturizer`` into ARIMA-based pipelines :pr:`3313` * Added caching capability for ensemble training during ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`3257` * Added new error code for zero unique values in ``NoVarianceDataCheck`` :pr:`3372` * Fixes * Fixed ``get_pipelines`` to reset pipeline threshold for binary cases :pr:`3360` * Changes * Update maintainers :pr:`3365` * Revert pandas 1.3.0 compatibility patch :pr:`3378` * Documentation Changes * Fixed documentation links to point to correct pages :pr:`3358` * Testing Changes * Checkout main branch in build_conda_pkg job :pr:`3375` **v0.46.0 Mar. 03, 2022** * Enhancements * Added ``test_size`` parameter to ``ClassImbalanceDataCheck`` :pr:`3341` * Make target optional for ``NoVarianceDataCheck`` :pr:`3339` * Changes * Removed ``python_version<3.9`` environment marker from sktime dependency :pr:`3332` * Updated ``DatetimeFormatDataCheck`` to return all messages and not return early if NaNs are detected :pr:`3354` * Documentation Changes * Added in-line tabs and copy-paste functionality to documentation, overhauled Install page :pr:`3353` **v0.45.0 Feb. 17, 2022** * Enhancements * Added support for pandas >= 1.4.0 :pr:`3324` * Standardized feature importance for estimators :pr:`3305` * Replaced usage of private method with Woodwork's public ``get_subset_schema`` method :pr:`3325` * Changes * Added an ``is_cv`` property to the datasplitters used :pr:`3297` * Changed SimpleImputer to ignore Natural Language columns :pr:`3324` * Added drop NaN component to some time series pipelines :pr:`3310` * Documentation Changes * Update with Alteryx link (:pr:`3319`) * Added formatting to the AutoML user guide to shorten result outputs :pr:`3328` * Testing Changes * Add auto approve dependency workflow schedule for every 30 mins :pr:`3312` **v0.44.0 Feb. 04, 2022** * Enhancements * Updated ``DefaultAlgorithm`` to also limit estimator usage for long-running multiclass problems :pr:`3099` * Added ``make_pipeline_from_data_check_output()`` utility method :pr:`3277` * Updated ``AutoMLSearch`` to use ``DefaultAlgorithm`` as the default automl algorithm :pr:`3261`, :pr:`3304` * Added more specific data check errors to ``DatetimeFormatDataCheck`` :pr:`3288` * Added ``features`` as a parameter for ``AutoMLSearch`` and add ``DFSTransformer`` to pipelines when ``features`` are present :pr:`3309` * Fixes * Updated the binary classification pipeline's ``optimize_thresholds`` method to use Nelder-Mead :pr:`3280` * Fixed bug where feature importance on time series pipelines only showed 0 for time index :pr:`3285` * Changes * Removed ``DateTimeNaNDataCheck`` and ``NaturalLanguageNaNDataCheck`` in favor of ``NullDataCheck`` :pr:`3260` * Drop support for Python 3.7 :pr:`3291` * Updated minimum version of ``woodwork`` to ``v0.12.0`` :pr:`3290` * Documentation Changes * Update documentation and docstring for `validate_holdout_datasets` for time series problems :pr:`3278` * Fixed mistake in documentation where wrong objective was used for calculating percent-better-than-baseline :pr:`3285` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Removed ``DateTimeNaNDataCheck`` and ``NaturalLanguageNaNDataCheck`` in favor of ``NullDataCheck`` :pr:`3260` * Dropped support for Python 3.7 :pr:`3291` **v0.43.0 Jan. 25, 2022** * Enhancements * Updated new ``NullDataCheck`` to return a warning and suggest an action to impute columns with null values :pr:`3197` * Updated ``make_pipeline_from_actions`` to handle null column imputation :pr:`3237` * Updated data check actions API to return options instead of actions and add functionality to suggest and take action on columns with null values :pr:`3182` * Fixes * Fixed categorical data leaking into non-categorical sub-pipelines in ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`3209` * Fixed Python 3.9 installation for prophet by updating ``pmdarima`` version in requirements :pr:`3268` * Allowed DateTime columns to pass through PerColumnImputer without breaking :pr:`3267` * Changes * Updated ``DataCheck`` ``validate()`` output to return a dictionary instead of list for actions :pr:`3142` * Updated ``DataCheck`` ``validate()`` API to use the new ``DataCheckActionOption`` class instead of ``DataCheckAction`` :pr:`3152` * Uncapped numba version and removed it from requirements :pr:`3263` * Renamed ``HighlyNullDataCheck`` to ``NullDataCheck`` :pr:`3197` * Updated data check ``validate()`` output to return a list of warnings and errors instead of a dictionary :pr:`3244` * Capped ``pandas`` at < 1.4.0 :pr:`3274` * Testing Changes * Bumped minimum ``IPython`` version to 7.16.3 in ``test-requirements.txt`` based on dependabot feedback :pr:`3269` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed ``HighlyNullDataCheck`` to ``NullDataCheck`` :pr:`3197` * Updated data check ``validate()`` output to return a list of warnings and errors instead of a dictionary. See the Data Check or Data Check Actions pages (under User Guide) for examples. :pr:`3244` * Removed ``impute_all`` and ``default_impute_strategy`` parameters from the ``PerColumnImputer`` :pr:`3267` * Updated ``PerColumnImputer`` such that columns not specified in ``impute_strategies`` dict will not be imputed anymore :pr:`3267` **v0.42.0 Jan. 18, 2022** * Enhancements * Required the separation of training and test data by ``gap`` + 1 units to be verified by ``time_index`` for time series problems :pr:`3208` * Added support for boolean features for ``ARIMARegressor`` :pr:`3187` * Updated dependency bot workflow to remove outdated description and add new configuration to delete branches automatically :pr:`3212` * Added ``n_obs`` and ``n_splits`` to ``TimeSeriesParametersDataCheck`` error details :pr:`3246` * Fixes * Fixed classification pipelines to only accept target data with the appropriate number of classes :pr:`3185` * Added support for time series in ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`3177` * Standardized names of featurization components :pr:`3192` * Removed empty cell in text_input.ipynb :pr:`3234` * Removed potential prediction explanations failure when pipelines predicted a class with probability 1 :pr:`3221` * Dropped NaNs before partial dependence grid generation :pr:`3235` * Allowed prediction explanations to be json-serializable :pr:`3262` * Fixed bug where ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` would not check time series regression targets :pr:`3251` * Fixed bug in ``are_datasets_separated_by_gap_time_index`` :pr:`3256` * Changes * Raised lowest compatible numpy version to 1.21.0 to address security concerns :pr:`3207` * Changed the default objective to ``MedianAE`` from ``R2`` for time series regression :pr:`3205` * Removed all-nan Unknown to Double logical conversion in ``infer_feature_types`` :pr:`3196` * Checking the validity of holdout data for time series problems can be performed by calling ``pipelines.utils.validate_holdout_datasets`` prior to calling ``predict`` :pr:`3208` * Testing Changes * Update auto approve workflow trigger and delete branch after merge :pr:`3265` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed ``DateTime Featurizer Component`` to ``DateTime Featurizer`` and ``Natural Language Featurization Component`` to ``Natural Language Featurizer`` :pr:`3192` **v0.41.0 Jan. 06, 2022** * Enhancements * Added string support for DataCheckActionCode :pr:`3167` * Added ``DataCheckActionOption`` class :pr:`3134` * Add issue templates for bugs, feature requests and documentation improvements for GitHub :pr:`3199` * Fixes * Fix bug where prediction explanations ``class_name`` was shown as float for boolean targets :pr:`3179` * Fixed bug in nightly linux tests :pr:`3189` * Changes * Removed usage of scikit-learn's ``LabelEncoder`` in favor of ours :pr:`3161` * Removed nullable types checking from ``infer_feature_types`` :pr:`3156` * Fixed ``mean_cv_data`` and ``validation_score`` values in AutoMLSearch.rankings to reflect cv score or ``NaN`` when appropriate :pr:`3162` * Testing Changes * Updated tests to use new pipeline API instead of defining custom pipeline classes :pr:`3172` * Add workflow to auto-merge dependency PRs if status checks pass :pr:`3184` **v0.40.0 Dec. 22, 2021** * Enhancements * Added ``TimeSeriesSplittingDataCheck`` to ``DefaultDataChecks`` to verify adequate class representation in time series classification problems :pr:`3141` * Added the ability to accept serialized features and skip computation in ``DFSTransformer`` :pr:`3106` * Added support for known-in-advance features :pr:`3149` * Added Holt-Winters ``ExponentialSmoothingRegressor`` for time series regression problems :pr:`3157` * Required the separation of training and test data by ``gap`` + 1 units to be verified by ``time_index`` for time series problems :pr:`3160` * Fixes * Fixed error caused when tuning threshold for time series binary classification :pr:`3140` * Changes * ``TimeSeriesParametersDataCheck`` was added to ``DefaultDataChecks`` for time series problems :pr:`3139` * Renamed ``date_index`` to ``time_index`` in ``problem_configuration`` for time series problems :pr:`3137` * Updated ``nlp-primitives`` minimum version to 2.1.0 :pr:`3166` * Updated minimum version of ``woodwork`` to v0.11.0 :pr:`3171` * Revert `3160` until uninferrable frequency can be addressed earlier in the process :pr:`3198` * Documentation Changes * Added comments to provide clarity on doctests :pr:`3155` * Testing Changes * Parameterized tests in ```` :pr:`3145` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed ``date_index`` to ``time_index`` in ``problem_configuration`` for time series problems :pr:`3137` **v0.39.0 Dec. 9, 2021** * Enhancements * Renamed ``DelayedFeatureTransformer`` to ``TimeSeriesFeaturizer`` and enhanced it to compute rolling features :pr:`3028` * Added ability to impute only specific columns in ``PerColumnImputer`` :pr:`3123` * Added ``TimeSeriesParametersDataCheck`` to verify the time series parameters are valid given the number of splits in cross validation :pr:`3111` * Fixes * Default parameters for ``RFRegressorSelectFromModel`` and ``RFClassifierSelectFromModel`` has been fixed to avoid selecting all features :pr:`3110` * Changes * Removed reliance on a datetime index for ``ARIMARegressor`` and ``ProphetRegressor`` :pr:`3104` * Included target leakage check when fitting ``ARIMARegressor`` to account for the lack of ``TimeSeriesFeaturizer`` in ``ARIMARegressor`` based pipelines :pr:`3104` * Cleaned up and refactored ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` implementation and docstring :pr:`3122` * Removed indices information from the output of ``HighlyNullDataCheck``'s ``validate()`` method :pr:`3092` * Added ``ReplaceNullableTypes`` component to prepare for handling pandas nullable types. :pr:`3090` * Updated ``make_pipeline`` for handling pandas nullable types in preprocessing pipeline. :pr:`3129` * Removed unused ``EnsembleMissingPipelinesError`` exception definition :pr:`3131` * Testing Changes * Refactored tests to avoid using ``importorskip`` :pr:`3126` * Added ``skip_during_conda`` test marker to skip tests that are not supposed to run during conda build :pr:`3127` * Added ``skip_if_39`` test marker to skip tests that are not supposed to run during python 3.9 :pr:`3133` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed ``DelayedFeatureTransformer`` to ``TimeSeriesFeaturizer`` :pr:`3028` * ``ProphetRegressor`` now requires a datetime column in ``X`` represented by the ``date_index`` parameter :pr:`3104` * Renamed module ``evalml.data_checks.invalid_target_data_check`` to ``evalml.data_checks.invalid_targets_data_check`` :pr:`3122` * Removed unused ``EnsembleMissingPipelinesError`` exception definition :pr:`3131` **v0.38.0 Nov. 27, 2021** * Enhancements * Added ``data_check_name`` attribute to the data check action class :pr:`3034` * Added ``NumWords`` and ``NumCharacters`` primitives to ``TextFeaturizer`` and renamed ``TextFeaturizer` to ``NaturalLanguageFeaturizer`` :pr:`3030` * Added support for ``scikit-learn > 1.0.0`` :pr:`3051` * Required the ``date_index`` parameter to be specified for time series problems in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`3041` * Allowed time series pipelines to predict on test datasets whose length is less than or equal to the ``forecast_horizon``. Also allowed the test set index to start at 0. :pr:`3071` * Enabled time series pipeline to predict on data with features that are not known-in-advanced :pr:`3094` * Fixes * Added in error message when fit and predict/predict_proba data types are different :pr:`3036` * Fixed bug where ensembling components could not get converted to JSON format :pr:`3049` * Fixed bug where components with tuned integer hyperparameters could not get converted to JSON format :pr:`3049` * Fixed bug where force plots were not displaying correct feature values :pr:`3044` * Included confusion matrix at the pipeline threshold for ``find_confusion_matrix_per_threshold`` :pr:`3080` * Fixed bug where One Hot Encoder would error out if a non-categorical feature had a missing value :pr:`3083` * Fixed bug where features created from categorical columns by ``Delayed Feature Transformer`` would be inferred as categorical :pr:`3083` * Changes * Delete ``predict_uses_y`` estimator attribute :pr:`3069` * Change ``DateTimeFeaturizer`` to use corresponding Featuretools primitives :pr:`3081` * Updated ``TargetDistributionDataCheck`` to return metadata details as floats rather strings :pr:`3085` * Removed dependency on ``psutil`` package :pr:`3093` * Documentation Changes * Updated docs to use data check action methods rather than manually cleaning data :pr:`3050` * Testing Changes * Updated integration tests to use ``make_pipeline_from_actions`` instead of private method :pr:`3047` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Added ``data_check_name`` attribute to the data check action class :pr:`3034` * Renamed ``TextFeaturizer` to ``NaturalLanguageFeaturizer`` :pr:`3030` * Updated the ``Pipeline.graph_json`` function to return a dictionary of "from" and "to" edges instead of tuples :pr:`3049` * Delete ``predict_uses_y`` estimator attribute :pr:`3069` * Changed time series problems in ``AutoMLSearch`` to need a not-``None`` ``date_index`` :pr:`3041` * Changed the ``DelayedFeatureTransformer`` to throw a ``ValueError`` during fit if the ``date_index`` is ``None`` :pr:`3041` * Passing ``X=None`` to ``DelayedFeatureTransformer`` is deprecated :pr:`3041` **v0.37.0 Nov. 9, 2021** * Enhancements * Added ``find_confusion_matrix_per_threshold`` to Model Understanding :pr:`2972` * Limit computationally-intensive models during ``AutoMLSearch`` for certain multiclass problems, allow for opt-in with parameter ``allow_long_running_models`` :pr:`2982` * Added support for stacked ensemble pipelines to prediction explanations module :pr:`2971` * Added integration tests for data checks and data checks actions workflow :pr:`2883` * Added a change in pipeline structure to handle categorical columns separately for pipelines in ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`2986` * Added an algorithm to ``DelayedFeatureTransformer`` to select better lags :pr:`3005` * Added test to ensure pickling pipelines preserves thresholds :pr:`3027` * Added AutoML function to access ensemble pipeline's input pipelines IDs :pr:`3011` * Added ability to define which class is "positive" for label encoder in binary classification case :pr:`3033` * Fixes * Fixed bug where ``Oversampler`` didn't consider boolean columns to be categorical :pr:`2980` * Fixed permutation importance failing when target is categorical :pr:`3017` * Updated estimator and pipelines' ``predict``, ``predict_proba``, ``transform``, ``inverse_transform`` methods to preserve input indices :pr:`2979` * Updated demo dataset link for daily min temperatures :pr:`3023` * Changes * Updated ``OutliersDataCheck`` and ``UniquenessDataCheck`` and allow for the suspension of the Nullable types error :pr:`3018` * Documentation Changes * Fixed cost benefit matrix demo formatting :pr:`2990` * Update with new badge links and updated installation instructions for conda :pr:`2998` * Added more comprehensive doctests :pr:`3002` **v0.36.0 Oct. 27, 2021** * Enhancements * Added LIME as an algorithm option for ``explain_predictions`` and ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` :pr:`2905` * Standardized data check messages and added default "rows" and "columns" to data check message details dictionary :pr:`2869` * Added ``rows_of_interest`` to pipeline utils :pr:`2908` * Added support for woodwork version ``0.8.2`` :pr:`2909` * Enhanced the ``DateTimeFeaturizer`` to handle ``NaNs`` in date features :pr:`2909` * Added support for woodwork logical types ``PostalCode``, ``SubRegionCode``, and ``CountryCode`` in model understanding tools :pr:`2946` * Added Vowpal Wabbit regressor and classifiers :pr:`2846` * Added `NoSplit` data splitter for future unsupervised learning searches :pr:`2958` * Added method to convert actions into a preprocessing pipeline :pr:`2968` * Fixes * Fixed bug where partial dependence was not respecting the ww schema :pr:`2929` * Fixed ``calculate_permutation_importance`` for datetimes on ``StandardScaler`` :pr:`2938` * Fixed ``SelectColumns`` to only select available features for feature selection in ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`2944` * Fixed ``DropColumns`` component not receiving parameters in ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`2945` * Fixed bug where trained binary thresholds were not being returned by ``get_pipeline`` or ``clone`` :pr:`2948` * Fixed bug where ``Oversampler`` selected ww logical categorical instead of ww semantic category :pr:`2946` * Changes * Changed ``make_pipeline`` function to place the ``DateTimeFeaturizer`` prior to the ``Imputer`` so that ``NaN`` dates can be imputed :pr:`2909` * Refactored ``OutliersDataCheck`` and ``HighlyNullDataCheck`` to add more descriptive metadata :pr:`2907` * Bumped minimum version of ``dask`` from 2021.2.0 to 2021.10.0 :pr:`2978` * Documentation Changes * Added back Future Release section to release notes :pr:`2927` * Updated CI to run doctest (docstring tests) and apply necessary fixes to docstrings :pr:`2933` * Added documentation for ``BinaryClassificationPipeline`` thresholding :pr:`2937` * Testing Changes * Fixed dependency checker to catch full names of packages :pr:`2930` * Refactored ``build_conda_pkg`` to work from a local recipe :pr:`2925` * Refactored component test for different environments :pr:`2957` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Standardized data check messages and added default "rows" and "columns" to data check message details dictionary. This may change the number of messages returned from a data check. :pr:`2869` **v0.35.0 Oct. 14, 2021** * Enhancements * Added human-readable pipeline explanations to model understanding :pr:`2861` * Updated to support Featuretools 1.0.0 and nlp-primitives 2.0.0 :pr:`2848` * Fixes * Fixed bug where ``long`` mode for the top level search method was not respected :pr:`2875` * Pinned ``cmdstan`` to ``0.28.0`` in ``cmdstan-builder`` to prevent future breaking of support for Prophet :pr:`2880` * Added ``Jarque-Bera`` to the ``TargetDistributionDataCheck`` :pr:`2891` * Changes * Updated pipelines to use a label encoder component instead of doing encoding on the pipeline level :pr:`2821` * Deleted scikit-learn ensembler :pr:`2819` * Refactored pipeline building logic out of ``AutoMLSearch`` and into ``IterativeAlgorithm`` :pr:`2854` * Refactored names for methods in ``ComponentGraph`` and ``PipelineBase`` :pr:`2902` * Documentation Changes * Updated ``install.ipynb`` to reflect flexibility for ``cmdstan`` version installation :pr:`2880` * Updated the conda section of our contributing guide :pr:`2899` * Testing Changes * Updated ``test_all_estimators`` to account for Prophet being allowed for Python 3.9 :pr:`2892` * Updated linux tests to use ``cmdstan-builder==0.0.8`` :pr:`2880` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Updated pipelines to use a label encoder component instead of doing encoding on the pipeline level. This means that pipelines will no longer automatically encode non-numerical targets. Please use a label encoder if working with classification problems and non-numeric targets. :pr:`2821` * Deleted scikit-learn ensembler :pr:`2819` * ``IterativeAlgorithm`` now requires X, y, problem_type as required arguments as well as sampler_name, allowed_model_families, allowed_component_graphs, max_batches, and verbose as optional arguments :pr:`2854` * Changed method names of ``fit_features`` and ``compute_final_component_features`` to ``fit_and_transform_all_but_final`` and ``transform_all_but_final`` in ``ComponentGraph``, and ``compute_estimator_features`` to ``transform_all_but_final`` in pipeline classes :pr:`2902` **v0.34.0 Sep. 30, 2021** * Enhancements * Updated to work with Woodwork 0.8.1 :pr:`2783` * Added validation that ``training_data`` and ``training_target`` are not ``None`` in prediction explanations :pr:`2787` * Added support for training-only components in pipelines and component graphs :pr:`2776` * Added default argument for the parameters value for ``ComponentGraph.instantiate`` :pr:`2796` * Added ``TIME_SERIES_REGRESSION`` to ``LightGBMRegressor's`` supported problem types :pr:`2793` * Provided a JSON representation of a pipeline's DAG structure :pr:`2812` * Added validation to holdout data passed to ``predict`` and ``predict_proba`` for time series :pr:`2804` * Added information about which row indices are outliers in ``OutliersDataCheck`` :pr:`2818` * Added verbose flag to top level ``search()`` method :pr:`2813` * Added support for linting jupyter notebooks and clearing the executed cells and empty cells :pr:`2829` :pr:`2837` * Added "DROP_ROWS" action to output of ``OutliersDataCheck.validate()`` :pr:`2820` * Added the ability of ``AutoMLSearch`` to accept a ``SequentialEngine`` instance as engine input :pr:`2838` * Added new label encoder component to EvalML :pr:`2853` * Added our own partial dependence implementation :pr:`2834` * Fixes * Fixed bug where ``calculate_permutation_importance`` was not calculating the right value for pipelines with target transformers :pr:`2782` * Fixed bug where transformed target values were not used in ``fit`` for time series pipelines :pr:`2780` * Fixed bug where ``score_pipelines`` method of ``AutoMLSearch`` would not work for time series problems :pr:`2786` * Removed ``TargetTransformer`` class :pr:`2833` * Added tests to verify ``ComponentGraph`` support by pipelines :pr:`2830` * Fixed incorrect parameter for baseline regression pipeline in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2847` * Fixed bug where the desired estimator family order was not respected in ``IterativeAlgorithm`` :pr:`2850` * Changes * Changed woodwork initialization to use partial schemas :pr:`2774` * Made ``Transformer.transform()`` an abstract method :pr:`2744` * Deleted ``EmptyDataChecks`` class :pr:`2794` * Removed data check for checking log distributions in ``make_pipeline`` :pr:`2806` * Changed the minimum ``woodwork`` version to 0.8.0 :pr:`2783` * Pinned ``woodwork`` version to 0.8.0 :pr:`2832` * Removed ``model_family`` attribute from ``ComponentBase`` and transformers :pr:`2828` * Limited ``scikit-learn`` until new features and errors can be addressed :pr:`2842` * Show DeprecationWarning when Sklearn Ensemblers are called :pr:`2859` * Testing Changes * Updated matched assertion message regarding monotonic indices in polynomial detrender tests :pr:`2811` * Added a test to make sure pip versions match conda versions :pr:`2851` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Made ``Transformer.transform()`` an abstract method :pr:`2744` * Deleted ``EmptyDataChecks`` class :pr:`2794` * Removed data check for checking log distributions in ``make_pipeline`` :pr:`2806` **v0.33.0 Sep. 15, 2021** * Fixes * Fixed bug where warnings during ``make_pipeline`` were not being raised to the user :pr:`2765` * Changes * Refactored and removed ``SamplerBase`` class :pr:`2775` * Documentation Changes * Added docstring linting packages ``pydocstyle`` and ``darglint`` to `make-lint` command :pr:`2670` **v0.32.1 Sep. 10, 2021** * Enhancements * Added ``verbose`` flag to ``AutoMLSearch`` to run search in silent mode by default :pr:`2645` * Added label encoder to ``XGBoostClassifier`` to remove the warning :pr:`2701` * Set ``eval_metric`` to ``logloss`` for ``XGBoostClassifier`` :pr:`2741` * Added support for ``woodwork`` versions ``0.7.0`` and ``0.7.1`` :pr:`2743` * Changed ``explain_predictions`` functions to display original feature values :pr:`2759` * Added ``X_train`` and ``y_train`` to ``graph_prediction_vs_actual_over_time`` and ``get_prediction_vs_actual_over_time_data`` :pr:`2762` * Added ``forecast_horizon`` as a required parameter to time series pipelines and ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2697` * Added ``predict_in_sample`` and ``predict_proba_in_sample`` methods to time series pipelines to predict on data where the target is known, e.g. cross-validation :pr:`2697` * Fixes * Fixed bug where ``_catch_warnings`` assumed all warnings were ``PipelineNotUsed`` :pr:`2753` * Fixed bug where ``Imputer.transform`` would erase ww typing information prior to handing data to the ``SimpleImputer`` :pr:`2752` * Fixed bug where ``Oversampler`` could not be copied :pr:`2755` * Changes * Deleted ``drop_nan_target_rows`` utility method :pr:`2737` * Removed default logging setup and debugging log file :pr:`2645` * Changed the default n_jobs value for ``XGBoostClassifier`` and ``XGBoostRegressor`` to 12 :pr:`2757` * Changed ``TimeSeriesBaselineEstimator`` to only work on a time series pipeline with a ``DelayedFeaturesTransformer`` :pr:`2697` * Added ``X_train`` and ``y_train`` as optional parameters to pipeline ``predict``, ``predict_proba``. Only used for time series pipelines :pr:`2697` * Added ``training_data`` and ``training_target`` as optional parameters to ``explain_predictions`` and ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` to support time series pipelines :pr:`2697` * Changed time series pipeline predictions to no longer output series/dataframes padded with NaNs. A prediction will be returned for every row in the `X` input :pr:`2697` * Documentation Changes * Specified installation steps for Prophet :pr:`2713` * Added documentation for data exploration on data check actions :pr:`2696` * Added a user guide entry for time series modelling :pr:`2697` * Testing Changes * Fixed flaky ``TargetDistributionDataCheck`` test for very_lognormal distribution :pr:`2748` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Removed default logging setup and debugging log file :pr:`2645` * Added ``X_train`` and ``y_train`` to ``graph_prediction_vs_actual_over_time`` and ``get_prediction_vs_actual_over_time_data`` :pr:`2762` * Added ``forecast_horizon`` as a required parameter to time series pipelines and ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2697` * Changed ``TimeSeriesBaselineEstimator`` to only work on a time series pipeline with a ``DelayedFeaturesTransformer`` :pr:`2697` * Added ``X_train`` and ``y_train`` as required parameters for ``predict`` and ``predict_proba`` in time series pipelines :pr:`2697` * Added ``training_data`` and ``training_target`` as required parameters to ``explain_predictions`` and ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` for time series pipelines :pr:`2697` **v0.32.0 Aug. 31, 2021** * Enhancements * Allow string for ``engine`` parameter for ``AutoMLSearch``:pr:`2667` * Add ``ProphetRegressor`` to AutoML :pr:`2619` * Integrated ``DefaultAlgorithm`` into ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2634` * Removed SVM "linear" and "precomputed" kernel hyperparameter options, and improved default parameters :pr:`2651` * Updated ``ComponentGraph`` initalization to raise ``ValueError`` when user attempts to use ``.y`` for a component that does not produce a tuple output :pr:`2662` * Updated to support Woodwork 0.6.0 :pr:`2690` * Updated pipeline ``graph()`` to distingush X and y edges :pr:`2654` * Added ``DropRowsTransformer`` component :pr:`2692` * Added ``DROP_ROWS`` to ``_make_component_list_from_actions`` and clean up metadata :pr:`2694` * Add new ensembler component :pr:`2653` * Fixes * Updated Oversampler logic to select best SMOTE based on component input instead of pipeline input :pr:`2695` * Added ability to explicitly close DaskEngine resources to improve runtime and reduce Dask warnings :pr:`2667` * Fixed partial dependence bug for ensemble pipelines :pr:`2714` * Updated ``TargetLeakageDataCheck`` to maintain user-selected logical types :pr:`2711` * Changes * Replaced ``SMOTEOversampler``, ``SMOTENOversampler`` and ``SMOTENCOversampler`` with consolidated ``Oversampler`` component :pr:`2695` * Removed ``LinearRegressor`` from the list of default ``AutoMLSearch`` estimators due to poor performance :pr:`2660` * Documentation Changes * Added user guide documentation for using ``ComponentGraph`` and added ``ComponentGraph`` to API reference :pr:`2673` * Updated documentation to make parallelization of AutoML clearer :pr:`2667` * Testing Changes * Removes the process-level parallelism from the ``test_cancel_job`` test :pr:`2666` * Installed numba 0.53 in windows CI to prevent problems installing version 0.54 :pr:`2710` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed the current top level ``search`` method to ``search_iterative`` and defined a new ``search`` method for the ``DefaultAlgorithm`` :pr:`2634` * Replaced ``SMOTEOversampler``, ``SMOTENOversampler`` and ``SMOTENCOversampler`` with consolidated ``Oversampler`` component :pr:`2695` * Removed ``LinearRegressor`` from the list of default ``AutoMLSearch`` estimators due to poor performance :pr:`2660` **v0.31.0 Aug. 19, 2021** * Enhancements * Updated the high variance check in AutoMLSearch to be robust to a variety of objectives and cv scores :pr:`2622` * Use Woodwork's outlier detection for the ``OutliersDataCheck`` :pr:`2637` * Added ability to utilize instantiated components when creating a pipeline :pr:`2643` * Sped up the all Nan and unknown check in ``infer_feature_types`` :pr:`2661` * Fixes * Changes * Deleted ``_put_into_original_order`` helper function :pr:`2639` * Refactored time series pipeline code using a time series pipeline base class :pr:`2649` * Renamed ``dask_tests`` to ``parallel_tests`` :pr:`2657` * Removed commented out code in ```` :pr:`2659` * Documentation Changes * Add complete install command to README and Install section :pr:`2627` * Cleaned up documentation for ``MulticollinearityDataCheck`` :pr:`2664` * Testing Changes * Speed up CI by splitting Prophet tests into a separate workflow in GitHub :pr:`2644` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * ``TimeSeriesRegressionPipeline`` no longer inherits from ``TimeSeriesRegressionPipeline`` :pr:`2649` **v0.30.2 Aug. 16, 2021** * Fixes * Updated changelog and version numbers to match the release. Release 0.30.1 was release erroneously without a change to the version numbers. 0.30.2 replaces it. **v0.30.1 Aug. 12, 2021** * Enhancements * Added ``DatetimeFormatDataCheck`` for time series problems :pr:`2603` * Added ``ProphetRegressor`` to estimators :pr:`2242` * Updated ``ComponentGraph`` to handle not calling samplers' transform during predict, and updated samplers' transform methods s.t. ``fit_transform`` is equivalent to ``fit(X, y).transform(X, y)`` :pr:`2583` * Updated ``ComponentGraph`` ``_validate_component_dict`` logic to be stricter about input values :pr:`2599` * Patched bug in ``xgboost`` estimators where predicting on a feature matrix of only booleans would throw an exception. :pr:`2602` * Updated ``ARIMARegressor`` to use relative forecasting to predict values :pr:`2613` * Added support for creating pipelines without an estimator as the final component and added ``transform(X, y)`` method to pipelines and component graphs :pr:`2625` * Updated to support Woodwork 0.5.1 :pr:`2610` * Fixes * Updated ``AutoMLSearch`` to drop ``ARIMARegressor`` from ``allowed_estimators`` if an incompatible frequency is detected :pr:`2632` * Updated ``get_best_sampler_for_data`` to consider all non-numeric datatypes as categorical for SMOTE :pr:`2590` * Fixed inconsistent test results from `TargetDistributionDataCheck` :pr:`2608` * Adopted vectorized pd.NA checking for Woodwork 0.5.1 support :pr:`2626` * Pinned upper version of astroid to 2.6.6 to keep ReadTheDocs working. :pr:`2638` * Changes * Renamed SMOTE samplers to SMOTE oversampler :pr:`2595` * Changed ``partial_dependence`` and ``graph_partial_dependence`` to raise a ``PartialDependenceError`` instead of ``ValueError``. This is not a breaking change because ``PartialDependenceError`` is a subclass of ``ValueError`` :pr:`2604` * Cleaned up code duplication in ``ComponentGraph`` :pr:`2612` * Stored predict_proba results in .x for intermediate estimators in ComponentGraph :pr:`2629` * Documentation Changes * To avoid local docs build error, only add warning disable and download headers on ReadTheDocs builds, not locally :pr:`2617` * Testing Changes * Updated partial_dependence tests to change the element-wise comparison per the Plotly 5.2.1 upgrade :pr:`2638` * Changed the lint CI job to only check against python 3.9 via the `-t` flag :pr:`2586` * Installed Prophet in linux nightlies test and fixed ``test_all_components`` :pr:`2598` * Refactored and fixed all ``make_pipeline`` tests to assert correct order and address new Woodwork Unknown type inference :pr:`2572` * Removed ``component_graphs`` as a global variable in ```` :pr:`2609` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed SMOTE samplers to SMOTE oversampler. Please use ``SMOTEOversampler``, ``SMOTENCOversampler``, ``SMOTENOversampler`` instead of ``SMOTESampler``, ``SMOTENCSampler``, and ``SMOTENSampler`` :pr:`2595` **v0.30.0 Aug. 3, 2021** * Enhancements * Added ``LogTransformer`` and ``TargetDistributionDataCheck`` :pr:`2487` * Issue a warning to users when a pipeline parameter passed in isn't used in the pipeline :pr:`2564` * Added Gini coefficient as an objective :pr:`2544` * Added ``repr`` to ``ComponentGraph`` :pr:`2565` * Added components to extract features from ``URL`` and ``EmailAddress`` Logical Types :pr:`2550` * Added support for `NaN` values in ``TextFeaturizer`` :pr:`2532` * Added ``SelectByType`` transformer :pr:`2531` * Added separate thresholds for percent null rows and columns in ``HighlyNullDataCheck`` :pr:`2562` * Added support for `NaN` natural language values :pr:`2577` * Fixes * Raised error message for types ``URL``, ``NaturalLanguage``, and ``EmailAddress`` in ``partial_dependence`` :pr:`2573` * Changes * Updated ``PipelineBase`` implementation for creating pipelines from a list of components :pr:`2549` * Moved ``get_hyperparameter_ranges`` to ``PipelineBase`` class from automl/utils module :pr:`2546` * Renamed ``ComponentGraph``'s ``get_parents`` to ``get_inputs`` :pr:`2540` * Removed ``ComponentGraph.linearized_component_graph`` and ``ComponentGraph.from_list`` :pr:`2556` * Updated ``ComponentGraph`` to enforce requiring `.x` and `.y` inputs for each component in the graph :pr:`2563` * Renamed existing ensembler implementation from ``StackedEnsemblers`` to ``SklearnStackedEnsemblers`` :pr:`2578` * Documentation Changes * Added documentation for ``DaskEngine`` and ``CFEngine`` parallel engines :pr:`2560` * Improved detail of ``TextFeaturizer`` docstring and tutorial :pr:`2568` * Testing Changes * Added test that makes sure ``split_data`` does not shuffle for time series problems :pr:`2552` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Moved ``get_hyperparameter_ranges`` to ``PipelineBase`` class from automl/utils module :pr:`2546` * Renamed ``ComponentGraph``'s ``get_parents`` to ``get_inputs`` :pr:`2540` * Removed ``ComponentGraph.linearized_component_graph`` and ``ComponentGraph.from_list`` :pr:`2556` * Updated ``ComponentGraph`` to enforce requiring `.x` and `.y` inputs for each component in the graph :pr:`2563` **v0.29.0 Jul. 21, 2021** * Enhancements * Updated 1-way partial dependence support for datetime features :pr:`2454` * Added details on how to fix error caused by broken ww schema :pr:`2466` * Added ability to use built-in pickle for saving AutoMLSearch :pr:`2463` * Updated our components and component graphs to use latest features of ww 0.4.1, e.g. ``concat_columns`` and drop in-place. :pr:`2465` * Added new, concurrent.futures based engine for parallel AutoML :pr:`2506` * Added support for new Woodwork ``Unknown`` type in AutoMLSearch :pr:`2477` * Updated our components with an attribute that describes if they modify features or targets and can be used in list API for pipeline initialization :pr:`2504` * Updated ``ComponentGraph`` to accept X and y as inputs :pr:`2507` * Removed unused ``TARGET_BINARY_INVALID_VALUES`` from ``DataCheckMessageCode`` enum and fixed formatting of objective documentation :pr:`2520` * Added ``EvalMLAlgorithm`` :pr:`2525` * Added support for `NaN` values in ``TextFeaturizer`` :pr:`2532` * Fixes * Fixed ``FraudCost`` objective and reverted threshold optimization method for binary classification to ``Golden`` :pr:`2450` * Added custom exception message for partial dependence on features with scales that are too small :pr:`2455` * Ensures the typing for Ordinal and Datetime ltypes are passed through _retain_custom_types_and_initalize_woodwork :pr:`2461` * Updated to work with Pandas 1.3.0 :pr:`2442` * Updated to work with sktime 0.7.0 :pr:`2499` * Changes * Updated XGBoost dependency to ``>=1.4.2`` :pr:`2484`, :pr:`2498` * Added a ``DeprecationWarning`` about deprecating the list API for ``ComponentGraph`` :pr:`2488` * Updated ``make_pipeline`` for AutoML to create dictionaries, not lists, to initialize pipelines :pr:`2504` * No longer installing graphviz on windows in our CI pipelines because release 0.17 breaks windows 3.7 :pr:`2516` * Documentation Changes * Moved docstrings from ``__init__`` to class pages, added missing docstrings for missing classes, and updated missing default values :pr:`2452` * Build documentation with sphinx-autoapi :pr:`2458` * Change ``autoapi_ignore`` to only ignore files in ``evalml/tests/*`` :pr:`2530` * Testing Changes * Fixed flaky dask tests :pr:`2471` * Removed shellcheck action from ``build_conda_pkg`` action :pr:`2514` * Added a tmp_dir fixture that deletes its contents after tests run :pr:`2505` * Added a test that makes sure all pipelines in ``AutoMLSearch`` get the same data splits :pr:`2513` * Condensed warning output in test logs :pr:`2521` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * `NaN` values in the `Natural Language` type are no longer supported by the Imputer with the pandas upgrade. :pr:`2477` **v0.28.0 Jul. 2, 2021** * Enhancements * Added support for showing a Individual Conditional Expectations plot when graphing Partial Dependence :pr:`2386` * Exposed ``thread_count`` for Catboost estimators as ``n_jobs`` parameter :pr:`2410` * Updated Objectives API to allow for sample weighting :pr:`2433` * Fixes * Deleted unreachable line from ``IterativeAlgorithm`` :pr:`2464` * Changes * Pinned Woodwork version between 0.4.1 and 0.4.2 :pr:`2460` * Updated psutils minimum version in requirements :pr:`2438` * Updated ``log_error_callback`` to not include filepath in logged message :pr:`2429` * Documentation Changes * Sped up docs :pr:`2430` * Removed mentions of ``DataTable`` and ``DataColumn`` from the docs :pr:`2445` * Testing Changes * Added slack integration for nightlies tests :pr:`2436` * Changed ``build_conda_pkg`` CI job to run only when dependencies are updates :pr:`2446` * Updated workflows to store pytest runtimes as test artifacts :pr:`2448` * Added ``AutoMLTestEnv`` test fixture for making it easy to mock automl tests :pr:`2406` **v0.27.0 Jun. 22, 2021** * Enhancements * Adds force plots for prediction explanations :pr:`2157` * Removed self-reference from ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2304` * Added support for nonlinear pipelines for ``generate_pipeline_code`` :pr:`2332` * Added ``inverse_transform`` method to pipelines :pr:`2256` * Add optional automatic update checker :pr:`2350` * Added ``search_order`` to ``AutoMLSearch``'s ``rankings`` and ``full_rankings`` tables :pr:`2345` * Updated threshold optimization method for binary classification :pr:`2315` * Updated demos to pull data from S3 instead of including demo data in package :pr:`2387` * Upgrade woodwork version to v0.4.1 :pr:`2379` * Fixes * Preserve user-specified woodwork types throughout pipeline fit/predict :pr:`2297` * Fixed ``ComponentGraph`` appending target to ``final_component_features`` if there is a component that returns both X and y :pr:`2358` * Fixed partial dependence graph method failing on multiclass problems when the class labels are numeric :pr:`2372` * Added ``thresholding_objective`` argument to ``AutoMLSearch`` for binary classification problems :pr:`2320` * Added change for ``k_neighbors`` parameter in SMOTE Oversamplers to automatically handle small samples :pr:`2375` * Changed naming for ``Logistic Regression Classifier`` file :pr:`2399` * Pinned pytest-timeout to fix minimum dependence checker :pr:`2425` * Replaced ``Elastic Net Classifier`` base class with ``Logistsic Regression`` to avoid ``NaN`` outputs :pr:`2420` * Changes * Cleaned up ``PipelineBase``'s ``component_graph`` and ``_component_graph`` attributes. Updated ``PipelineBase`` ``__repr__`` and added ``__eq__`` for ``ComponentGraph`` :pr:`2332` * Added and applied ``black`` linting package to the EvalML repo in place of ``autopep8`` :pr:`2306` * Separated `custom_hyperparameters` from pipelines and added them as an argument to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2317` * Replaced `allowed_pipelines` with `allowed_component_graphs` :pr:`2364` * Removed private method ``_compute_features_during_fit`` from ``PipelineBase`` :pr:`2359` * Updated ``compute_order`` in ``ComponentGraph`` to be a read-only property :pr:`2408` * Unpinned PyZMQ version in requirements.txt :pr:`2389` * Uncapping LightGBM version in requirements.txt :pr:`2405` * Updated minimum version of plotly :pr:`2415` * Removed ``SensitivityLowAlert`` objective from core objectives :pr:`2418` * Documentation Changes * Fixed lead scoring weights in the demos documentation :pr:`2315` * Fixed start page code and description dataset naming discrepancy :pr:`2370` * Testing Changes * Update minimum unit tests to run on all pull requests :pr:`2314` * Pass token to authorize uploading of codecov reports :pr:`2344` * Add ``pytest-timeout``. All tests that run longer than 6 minutes will fail. :pr:`2374` * Separated the dask tests out into separate github action jobs to isolate dask failures. :pr:`2376` * Refactored dask tests :pr:`2377` * Added the combined dask/non-dask unit tests back and renamed the dask only unit tests. :pr:`2382` * Sped up unit tests and split into separate jobs :pr:`2365` * Change CI job names, run lint for python 3.9, run nightlies on python 3.8 at 3am EST :pr:`2395` :pr:`2398` * Set fail-fast to false for CI jobs that run for PRs :pr:`2402` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * `AutoMLSearch` will accept `allowed_component_graphs` instead of `allowed_pipelines` :pr:`2364` * Removed ``PipelineBase``'s ``_component_graph`` attribute. Updated ``PipelineBase`` ``__repr__`` and added ``__eq__`` for ``ComponentGraph`` :pr:`2332` * `pipeline_parameters` will no longer accept `` variables since hyperparameter ranges will now be specified through `custom_hyperparameters` :pr:`2317` **v0.25.0 Jun. 01, 2021** * Enhancements * Upgraded minimum woodwork to version 0.3.1. Previous versions will not be supported :pr:`2181` * Added a new callback parameter for ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` :pr:`2308` * Fixes * Changes * Deleted the ``return_pandas`` flag from our demo data loaders :pr:`2181` * Moved ``default_parameters`` to ``ComponentGraph`` from ``PipelineBase`` :pr:`2307` * Documentation Changes * Updated the release procedure documentation :pr:`2230` * Testing Changes * Ignoring ``test_saving_png_file`` while building conda package :pr:`2323` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Deleted the ``return_pandas`` flag from our demo data loaders :pr:`2181` * Upgraded minimum woodwork to version 0.3.1. Previous versions will not be supported :pr:`2181` * Due to the weak-ref in woodwork, set the result of ``infer_feature_types`` to a variable before accessing woodwork :pr:`2181` **v0.24.2 May. 24, 2021** * Enhancements * Added oversamplers to AutoMLSearch :pr:`2213` :pr:`2286` * Added dictionary input functionality for ``Undersampler`` component :pr:`2271` * Changed the default parameter values for ``Elastic Net Classifier`` and ``Elastic Net Regressor`` :pr:`2269` * Added dictionary input functionality for the Oversampler components :pr:`2288` * Fixes * Set default `n_jobs` to 1 for `StackedEnsembleClassifier` and `StackedEnsembleRegressor` until fix for text-based parallelism in sklearn stacking can be found :pr:`2295` * Changes * Updated ``start_iteration_callback`` to accept a pipeline instance instead of a pipeline class and no longer accept pipeline parameters as a parameter :pr:`2290` * Refactored ``calculate_permutation_importance`` method and add per-column permutation importance method :pr:`2302` * Updated logging information in ``AutoMLSearch.__init__`` to clarify pipeline generation :pr:`2263` * Documentation Changes * Minor changes to the release procedure :pr:`2230` * Testing Changes * Use codecov action to update coverage reports :pr:`2238` * Removed MarkupSafe dependency version pin from requirements.txt and moved instead into RTD docs build CI :pr:`2261` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Updated ``start_iteration_callback`` to accept a pipeline instance instead of a pipeline class and no longer accept pipeline parameters as a parameter :pr:`2290` * Moved ``default_parameters`` to ``ComponentGraph`` from ``PipelineBase``. A pipeline's ``default_parameters`` is now accessible via ``pipeline.component_graph.default_parameters`` :pr:`2307` **v0.24.1 May. 16, 2021** * Enhancements * Integrated ``ARIMARegressor`` into AutoML :pr:`2009` * Updated ``HighlyNullDataCheck`` to also perform a null row check :pr:`2222` * Set ``max_depth`` to 1 in calls to featuretools dfs :pr:`2231` * Fixes * Removed data splitter sampler calls during training :pr:`2253` * Set minimum required version for for pyzmq, colorama, and docutils :pr:`2254` * Changed BaseSampler to return None instead of y :pr:`2272` * Changes * Removed ensemble split and indices in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2260` * Updated pipeline ``repr()`` and ``generate_pipeline_code`` to return pipeline instances without generating custom pipeline class :pr:`2227` * Documentation Changes * Capped Sphinx version under 4.0.0 :pr:`2244` * Testing Changes * Change number of cores for pytest from 4 to 2 :pr:`2266` * Add minimum dependency checker to generate minimum requirement files :pr:`2267` * Add unit tests with minimum dependencies :pr:`2277` **v0.24.0 May. 04, 2021** * Enhancements * Added `date_index` as a required parameter for TimeSeries problems :pr:`2217` * Have the ``OneHotEncoder`` return the transformed columns as booleans rather than floats :pr:`2170` * Added Oversampler transformer component to EvalML :pr:`2079` * Added Undersampler to AutoMLSearch, as well as arguments ``_sampler_method`` and ``sampler_balanced_ratio`` :pr:`2128` * Updated prediction explanations functions to allow pipelines with XGBoost estimators :pr:`2162` * Added partial dependence for datetime columns :pr:`2180` * Update precision-recall curve with positive label index argument, and fix for 2d predicted probabilities :pr:`2090` * Add pct_null_rows to ``HighlyNullDataCheck`` :pr:`2211` * Added a standalone AutoML `search` method for convenience, which runs data checks and then runs automl :pr:`2152` * Make the first batch of AutoML have a predefined order, with linear models first and complex models last :pr:`2223` :pr:`2225` * Added sampling dictionary support to ``BalancedClassficationSampler`` :pr:`2235` * Fixes * Fixed partial dependence not respecting grid resolution parameter for numerical features :pr:`2180` * Enable prediction explanations for catboost for multiclass problems :pr:`2224` * Changes * Deleted baseline pipeline classes :pr:`2202` * Reverting user specified date feature PR :pr:`2155` until `pmdarima` installation fix is found :pr:`2214` * Updated pipeline API to accept component graph and other class attributes as instance parameters. Old pipeline API still works but will not be supported long-term. :pr:`2091` * Removed all old datasplitters from EvalML :pr:`2193` * Deleted ``make_pipeline_from_components`` :pr:`2218` * Documentation Changes * Renamed dataset to clarify that its gzipped but not a tarball :pr:`2183` * Updated documentation to use pipeline instances instead of pipeline subclasses :pr:`2195` * Updated contributing guide with a note about GitHub Actions permissions :pr:`2090` * Updated automl and model understanding user guides :pr:`2090` * Testing Changes * Use machineFL user token for dependency update bot, and add more reviewers :pr:`2189` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * All baseline pipeline classes (``BaselineBinaryPipeline``, ``BaselineMulticlassPipeline``, ``BaselineRegressionPipeline``, etc.) have been deleted :pr:`2202` * Updated pipeline API to accept component graph and other class attributes as instance parameters. Old pipeline API still works but will not be supported long-term. Pipelines can now be initialized by specifying the component graph as the first parameter, and then passing in optional arguments such as ``custom_name``, ``parameters``, etc. For example, ``BinaryClassificationPipeline(["Random Forest Classifier"], parameters={})``. :pr:`2091` * Removed all old datasplitters from EvalML :pr:`2193` * Deleted utility method ``make_pipeline_from_components`` :pr:`2218` **v0.23.0 Apr. 20, 2021** * Enhancements * Refactored ``EngineBase`` and ``SequentialEngine`` api. Adding ``DaskEngine`` :pr:`1975`. * Added optional ``engine`` argument to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1975` * Added a warning about how time series support is still in beta when a user passes in a time series problem to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2118` * Added ``NaturalLanguageNaNDataCheck`` data check :pr:`2122` * Added ValueError to ``partial_dependence`` to prevent users from computing partial dependence on columns with all NaNs :pr:`2120` * Added standard deviation of cv scores to rankings table :pr:`2154` * Fixes * Fixed ``BalancedClassificationDataCVSplit``, ``BalancedClassificationDataTVSplit``, and ``BalancedClassificationSampler`` to use ``minority:majority`` ratio instead of ``majority:minority`` :pr:`2077` * Fixed bug where two-way partial dependence plots with categorical variables were not working correctly :pr:`2117` * Fixed bug where ``hyperparameters`` were not displaying properly for pipelines with a list ``component_graph`` and duplicate components :pr:`2133` * Fixed bug where ``pipeline_parameters`` argument in ``AutoMLSearch`` was not applied to pipelines passed in as ``allowed_pipelines`` :pr:`2133` * Fixed bug where ``AutoMLSearch`` was not applying custom hyperparameters to pipelines with a list ``component_graph`` and duplicate components :pr:`2133` * Changes * Removed ``hyperparameter_ranges`` from Undersampler and renamed ``balanced_ratio`` to ``sampling_ratio`` for samplers :pr:`2113` * Renamed ``TARGET_BINARY_NOT_TWO_EXAMPLES_PER_CLASS`` data check message code to ``TARGET_MULTICLASS_NOT_TWO_EXAMPLES_PER_CLASS`` :pr:`2126` * Modified one-way partial dependence plots of categorical features to display data with a bar plot :pr:`2117` * Renamed ``score`` column for ``automl.rankings`` as ``mean_cv_score`` :pr:`2135` * Remove 'warning' from docs tool output :pr:`2031` * Documentation Changes * Fixed ```` file :pr:`2112` * Added a sentence to the automl user guide stating that our support for time series problems is still in beta. :pr:`2118` * Fixed documentation demos :pr:`2139` * Update test badge in README to use GitHub Actions :pr:`2150` * Testing Changes * Fixed ``test_describe_pipeline`` for ``pandas`` ``v1.2.4`` :pr:`2129` * Added a GitHub Action for building the conda package :pr:`1870` :pr:`2148` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed ``balanced_ratio`` to ``sampling_ratio`` for the ``BalancedClassificationDataCVSplit``, ``BalancedClassificationDataTVSplit``, ``BalancedClassficationSampler``, and Undersampler :pr:`2113` * Deleted the "errors" key from automl results :pr:`1975` * Deleted the ``raise_and_save_error_callback`` and the ``log_and_save_error_callback`` :pr:`1975` * Fixed ``BalancedClassificationDataCVSplit``, ``BalancedClassificationDataTVSplit``, and ``BalancedClassificationSampler`` to use minority:majority ratio instead of majority:minority :pr:`2077` **v0.22.0 Apr. 06, 2021** * Enhancements * Added a GitHub Action for ``linux_unit_tests``:pr:`2013` * Added recommended actions for ``InvalidTargetDataCheck``, updated ``_make_component_list_from_actions`` to address new action, and added ``TargetImputer`` component :pr:`1989` * Updated ``AutoMLSearch._check_for_high_variance`` to not emit ``RuntimeWarning`` :pr:`2024` * Added exception when pipeline passed to ``explain_predictions`` is a ``Stacked Ensemble`` pipeline :pr:`2033` * Added sensitivity at low alert rates as an objective :pr:`2001` * Added ``Undersampler`` transformer component :pr:`2030` * Fixes * Updated Engine's ``train_batch`` to apply undersampling :pr:`2038` * Fixed bug in where Time Series Classification pipelines were not encoding targets in ``predict`` and ``predict_proba`` :pr:`2040` * Fixed data splitting errors if target is float for classification problems :pr:`2050` * Pinned ``docutils`` to <0.17 to fix ReadtheDocs warning issues :pr:`2088` * Changes * Removed lists as acceptable hyperparameter ranges in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2028` * Renamed "details" to "metadata" for data check actions :pr:`2008` * Documentation Changes * Catch and suppress warnings in documentation :pr:`1991` :pr:`2097` * Change spacing in ``start.ipynb`` to provide clarity for ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`2078` * Fixed start code on README :pr:`2108` * Testing Changes **v0.21.0 Mar. 24, 2021** * Enhancements * Changed ``AutoMLSearch`` to default ``optimize_thresholds`` to True :pr:`1943` * Added multiple oversampling and undersampling sampling methods as data splitters for imbalanced classification :pr:`1775` * Added params to balanced classification data splitters for visibility :pr:`1966` * Updated ``make_pipeline`` to not add ``Imputer`` if input data does not have numeric or categorical columns :pr:`1967` * Updated ``ClassImbalanceDataCheck`` to better handle multiclass imbalances :pr:`1986` * Added recommended actions for the output of data check's ``validate`` method :pr:`1968` * Added error message for ``partial_dependence`` when features are mostly the same value :pr:`1994` * Updated ``OneHotEncoder`` to drop one redundant feature by default for features with two categories :pr:`1997` * Added a ``PolynomialDecomposer`` component :pr:`1992` * Added ``DateTimeNaNDataCheck`` data check :pr:`2039` * Fixes * Changed best pipeline to train on the entire dataset rather than just ensemble indices for ensemble problems :pr:`2037` * Updated binary classification pipelines to use objective decision function during scoring of custom objectives :pr:`1934` * Changes * Removed ``data_checks`` parameter, ``data_check_results`` and data checks logic from ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1935` * Deleted ``random_state`` argument :pr:`1985` * Updated Woodwork version requirement to ``v0.0.11`` :pr:`1996` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes * Removed ``build_docs`` CI job in favor of RTD GH builder :pr:`1974` * Added tests to confirm support for Python 3.9 :pr:`1724` * Added tests to support Dask AutoML/Engine :pr:`1990` * Changed ``build_conda_pkg`` job to use ``latest_release_changes`` branch in the feedstock. :pr:`1979` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Changed ``AutoMLSearch`` to default ``optimize_thresholds`` to True :pr:`1943` * Removed ``data_checks`` parameter, ``data_check_results`` and data checks logic from ``AutoMLSearch``. To run the data checks which were previously run by default in ``AutoMLSearch``, please call ``DefaultDataChecks().validate(X_train, y_train)`` or take a look at our documentation for more examples. :pr:`1935` * Deleted ``random_state`` argument :pr:`1985` **v0.20.0 Mar. 10, 2021** * Enhancements * Added a GitHub Action for Detecting dependency changes :pr:`1933` * Create a separate CV split to train stacked ensembler on for AutoMLSearch :pr:`1814` * Added a GitHub Action for Linux unit tests :pr:`1846` * Added ``ARIMARegressor`` estimator :pr:`1894` * Added ``DataCheckAction`` class and ``DataCheckActionCode`` enum :pr:`1896` * Updated ``Woodwork`` requirement to ``v0.0.10`` :pr:`1900` * Added ``BalancedClassificationDataCVSplit`` and ``BalancedClassificationDataTVSplit`` to AutoMLSearch :pr:`1875` * Update default classification data splitter to use downsampling for highly imbalanced data :pr:`1875` * Updated ``describe_pipeline`` to return more information, including ``id`` of pipelines used for ensemble models :pr:`1909` * Added utility method to create list of components from a list of ``DataCheckAction`` :pr:`1907` * Updated ``validate`` method to include a ``action`` key in returned dictionary for all ``DataCheck``and ``DataChecks`` :pr:`1916` * Aggregating the shap values for predictions that we know the provenance of, e.g. OHE, text, and date-time. :pr:`1901` * Improved error message when custom objective is passed as a string in ``pipeline.score`` :pr:`1941` * Added ``score_pipelines`` and ``train_pipelines`` methods to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1913` * Added support for ``pandas`` version 1.2.0 :pr:`1708` * Added ``score_batch`` and ``train_batch`` abstact methods to ``EngineBase`` and implementations in ``SequentialEngine`` :pr:`1913` * Added ability to handle index columns in ``AutoMLSearch`` and ``DataChecks`` :pr:`2138` * Fixes * Removed CI check for ``check_dependencies_updated_linux`` :pr:`1950` * Added metaclass for time series pipelines and fix binary classification pipeline ``predict`` not using objective if it is passed as a named argument :pr:`1874` * Fixed stack trace in prediction explanation functions caused by mixed string/numeric pandas column names :pr:`1871` * Fixed stack trace caused by passing pipelines with duplicate names to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1932` * Fixed ``AutoMLSearch.get_pipelines`` returning pipelines with the same attributes :pr:`1958` * Changes * Reversed GitHub Action for Linux unit tests until a fix for report generation is found :pr:`1920` * Updated ``add_results`` in ``AutoMLAlgorithm`` to take in entire pipeline results dictionary from ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1891` * Updated ``ClassImbalanceDataCheck`` to look for severe class imbalance scenarios :pr:`1905` * Deleted the ``explain_prediction`` function :pr:`1915` * Removed ``HighVarianceCVDataCheck`` and convered it to an ``AutoMLSearch`` method instead :pr:`1928` * Removed warning in ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` returned when numeric binary classification targets are not (0, 1) :pr:`1959` * Documentation Changes * Updated ``model_understanding.ipynb`` to demo the two-way partial dependence capability :pr:`1919` * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Deleted the ``explain_prediction`` function :pr:`1915` * Removed ``HighVarianceCVDataCheck`` and convered it to an ``AutoMLSearch`` method instead :pr:`1928` * Added ``score_batch`` and ``train_batch`` abstact methods to ``EngineBase``. These need to be implemented in Engine subclasses :pr:`1913` **v0.19.0 Feb. 23, 2021** * Enhancements * Added a GitHub Action for Python windows unit tests :pr:`1844` * Added a GitHub Action for checking updated release notes :pr:`1849` * Added a GitHub Action for Python lint checks :pr:`1837` * Adjusted ``explain_prediction``, ``explain_predictions`` and ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` to handle timeseries problems. :pr:`1818` * Updated ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` to check for mismatched indices in target and features :pr:`1816` * Updated ``Woodwork`` structures returned from components to support ``Woodwork`` logical type overrides set by the user :pr:`1784` * Updated estimators to keep track of input feature names during ``fit()`` :pr:`1794` * Updated ``visualize_decision_tree`` to include feature names in output :pr:`1813` * Added ``is_bounded_like_percentage`` property for objectives. If true, the ``calculate_percent_difference`` method will return the absolute difference rather than relative difference :pr:`1809` * Added full error traceback to AutoMLSearch logger file :pr:`1840` * Changed ``TargetEncoder`` to preserve custom indices in the data :pr:`1836` * Refactored ``explain_predictions`` and ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` to only compute features once for all rows that need to be explained :pr:`1843` * Added custom random undersampler data splitter for classification :pr:`1857` * Updated ``OutliersDataCheck`` implementation to calculate the probability of having no outliers :pr:`1855` * Added ``Engines`` pipeline processing API :pr:`1838` * Fixes * Changed EngineBase random_state arg to random_seed and same for user guide docs :pr:`1889` * Changes * Modified ``calculate_percent_difference`` so that division by 0 is now inf rather than nan :pr:`1809` * Removed ``text_columns`` parameter from ``LSA`` and ``TextFeaturizer`` components :pr:`1652` * Added ``random_seed`` as an argument to our automl/pipeline/component API. Using ``random_state`` will raise a warning :pr:`1798` * Added ``DataCheckError`` message in ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` if input target is None and removed exception raised :pr:`1866` * Documentation Changes * Testing Changes * Added back coverage for ``_get_feature_provenance`` in ``TextFeaturizer`` after ``text_columns`` was removed :pr:`1842` * Pin graphviz version for windows builds :pr:`1847` * Unpin graphviz version for windows builds :pr:`1851` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Added a deprecation warning to ``explain_prediction``. It will be deleted in the next release. :pr:`1860` **v0.18.2 Feb. 10, 2021** * Enhancements * Added uniqueness score data check :pr:`1785` * Added "dataframe" output format for prediction explanations :pr:`1781` * Updated LightGBM estimators to handle ``pandas.MultiIndex`` :pr:`1770` * Sped up permutation importance for some pipelines :pr:`1762` * Added sparsity data check :pr:`1797` * Confirmed support for threshold tuning for binary time series classification problems :pr:`1803` * Fixes * Changes * Documentation Changes * Added section on conda to the contributing guide :pr:`1771` * Updated release process to reflect freezing `main` before perf tests :pr:`1787` * Moving some prs to the right section of the release notes :pr:`1789` * Tweak :pr:`1800` * Fixed back arrow on install page docs :pr:`1795` * Fixed docstring for `ClassImbalanceDataCheck.validate()` :pr:`1817` * Testing Changes **v0.18.1 Feb. 1, 2021** * Enhancements * Added ``graph_t_sne`` as a visualization tool for high dimensional data :pr:`1731` * Added the ability to see the linear coefficients of features in linear models terms :pr:`1738` * Added support for ``scikit-learn`` ``v0.24.0`` :pr:`1733` * Added support for ``scipy`` ``v1.6.0`` :pr:`1752` * Added SVM Classifier and Regressor to estimators :pr:`1714` :pr:`1761` * Fixes * Addressed bug with ``partial_dependence`` and categorical data with more categories than grid resolution :pr:`1748` * Removed ``random_state`` arg from ``get_pipelines`` in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1719` * Pinned pyzmq at less than 22.0.0 till we add support :pr:`1756` * Changes * Updated components and pipelines to return ``Woodwork`` data structures :pr:`1668` * Updated ``clone()`` for pipelines and components to copy over random state automatically :pr:`1753` * Dropped support for Python version 3.6 :pr:`1751` * Removed deprecated ``verbose`` flag from ``AutoMLSearch`` parameters :pr:`1772` * Documentation Changes * Add Twitter and Github link to documentation toolbar :pr:`1754` * Added Open Graph info to documentation :pr:`1758` * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Components and pipelines return ``Woodwork`` data structures instead of ``pandas`` data structures :pr:`1668` * Python 3.6 will not be actively supported due to discontinued support from EvalML dependencies. * Deprecated ``verbose`` flag is removed for ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1772` **v0.18.0 Jan. 26, 2021** * Enhancements * Added RMSLE, MSLE, and MAPE to core objectives while checking for negative target values in ``invalid_targets_data_check`` :pr:`1574` * Added validation checks for binary problems with regression-like datasets and multiclass problems without true multiclass targets in ``invalid_targets_data_check`` :pr:`1665` * Added time series support for ``make_pipeline`` :pr:`1566` * Added target name for output of pipeline ``predict`` method :pr:`1578` * Added multiclass check to ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` for two examples per class :pr:`1596` * Added support for ``graphviz`` ``v0.16`` :pr:`1657` * Enhanced time series pipelines to accept empty features :pr:`1651` * Added KNN Classifier to estimators. :pr:`1650` * Added support for list inputs for objectives :pr:`1663` * Added support for ``AutoMLSearch`` to handle time series classification pipelines :pr:`1666` * Enhanced ``DelayedFeaturesTransformer`` to encode categorical features and targets before delaying them :pr:`1691` * Added 2-way dependence plots. :pr:`1690` * Added ability to directly iterate through components within Pipelines :pr:`1583` * Fixes * Fixed inconsistent attributes and added Exceptions to docs :pr:`1673` * Fixed ``TargetLeakageDataCheck`` to use Woodwork ``mutual_information`` rather than using Pandas' Pearson Correlation :pr:`1616` * Fixed thresholding for pipelines in ``AutoMLSearch`` to only threshold binary classification pipelines :pr:`1622` :pr:`1626` * Updated ``load_data`` to return Woodwork structures and update default parameter value for ``index`` to ``None`` :pr:`1610` * Pinned scipy at < 1.6.0 while we work on adding support :pr:`1629` * Fixed data check message formatting in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1633` * Addressed stacked ensemble component for ``scikit-learn`` v0.24 support by setting ``shuffle=True`` for default CV :pr:`1613` * Fixed bug where ``Imputer`` reset the index on ``X`` :pr:`1590` * Fixed ``AutoMLSearch`` stacktrace when a cutom objective was passed in as a primary objective or additional objective :pr:`1575` * Fixed custom index bug for ``MAPE`` objective :pr:`1641` * Fixed index bug for ``TextFeaturizer`` and ``LSA`` components :pr:`1644` * Limited ``load_fraud`` dataset loaded into ``automl.ipynb`` :pr:`1646` * ``add_to_rankings`` updates ``AutoMLSearch.best_pipeline`` when necessary :pr:`1647` * Fixed bug where time series baseline estimators were not receiving ``gap`` and ``max_delay`` in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1645` * Fixed jupyter notebooks to help the RTD buildtime :pr:`1654` * Added ``positive_only`` objectives to ``non_core_objectives`` :pr:`1661` * Fixed stacking argument ``n_jobs`` for IterativeAlgorithm :pr:`1706` * Updated CatBoost estimators to return self in ``.fit()`` rather than the underlying model for consistency :pr:`1701` * Added ability to initialize pipeline parameters in ``AutoMLSearch`` constructor :pr:`1676` * Changes * Added labeling to ``graph_confusion_matrix`` :pr:`1632` * Rerunning search for ``AutoMLSearch`` results in a message thrown rather than failing the search, and removed ``has_searched`` property :pr:`1647` * Changed tuner class to allow and ignore single parameter values as input :pr:`1686` * Capped LightGBM version limit to remove bug in docs :pr:`1711` * Removed support for `np.random.RandomState` in EvalML :pr:`1727` * Documentation Changes * Update Model Understanding in the user guide to include ``visualize_decision_tree`` :pr:`1678` * Updated docs to include information about ``AutoMLSearch`` callback parameters and methods :pr:`1577` * Updated docs to prompt users to install graphiz on Mac :pr:`1656` * Added ``infer_feature_types`` to the ``start.ipynb`` guide :pr:`1700` * Added multicollinearity data check to API reference and docs :pr:`1707` * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Removed ``has_searched`` property from ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1647` * Components and pipelines return ``Woodwork`` data structures instead of ``pandas`` data structures :pr:`1668` * Removed support for `np.random.RandomState` in EvalML. Rather than passing ``np.random.RandomState`` as component and pipeline random_state values, we use int random_seed :pr:`1727` **v0.17.0 Dec. 29, 2020** * Enhancements * Added ``save_plot`` that allows for saving figures from different backends :pr:`1588` * Added ``LightGBM Regressor`` to regression components :pr:`1459` * Added ``visualize_decision_tree`` for tree visualization with ``decision_tree_data_from_estimator`` and ``decision_tree_data_from_pipeline`` to reformat tree structure output :pr:`1511` * Added `DFS Transformer` component into transformer components :pr:`1454` * Added ``MAPE`` to the standard metrics for time series problems and update objectives :pr:`1510` * Added ``graph_prediction_vs_actual_over_time`` and ``get_prediction_vs_actual_over_time_data`` to the model understanding module for time series problems :pr:`1483` * Added a ``ComponentGraph`` class that will support future pipelines as directed acyclic graphs :pr:`1415` * Updated data checks to accept ``Woodwork`` data structures :pr:`1481` * Added parameter to ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` to show only top unique values rather than all unique values :pr:`1485` * Added multicollinearity data check :pr:`1515` * Added baseline pipeline and components for time series regression problems :pr:`1496` * Added more information to users about ensembling behavior in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1527` * Add woodwork support for more utility and graph methods :pr:`1544` * Changed ``DateTimeFeaturizer`` to encode features as int :pr:`1479` * Return trained pipelines from ``AutoMLSearch.best_pipeline`` :pr:`1547` * Added utility method so that users can set feature types without having to learn about Woodwork directly :pr:`1555` * Added Linear Discriminant Analysis transformer for dimensionality reduction :pr:`1331` * Added multiclass support for ``partial_dependence`` and ``graph_partial_dependence`` :pr:`1554` * Added ``TimeSeriesBinaryClassificationPipeline`` and ``TimeSeriesMulticlassClassificationPipeline`` classes :pr:`1528` * Added ``make_data_splitter`` method for easier automl data split customization :pr:`1568` * Integrated ``ComponentGraph`` class into Pipelines for full non-linear pipeline support :pr:`1543` * Update ``AutoMLSearch`` constructor to take training data instead of ``search`` and ``add_to_leaderboard`` :pr:`1597` * Update ``split_data`` helper args :pr:`1597` * Add problem type utils ``is_regression``, ``is_classification``, ``is_timeseries`` :pr:`1597` * Rename ``AutoMLSearch`` ``data_split`` arg to ``data_splitter`` :pr:`1569` * Fixes * Fix AutoML not passing CV folds to ``DefaultDataChecks`` for usage by ``ClassImbalanceDataCheck`` :pr:`1619` * Fix Windows CI jobs: install ``numba`` via conda, required for ``shap`` :pr:`1490` * Added custom-index support for `reset-index-get_prediction_vs_actual_over_time_data` :pr:`1494` * Fix ``generate_pipeline_code`` to account for boolean and None differences between Python and JSON :pr:`1524` :pr:`1531` * Set max value for plotly and xgboost versions while we debug CI failures with newer versions :pr:`1532` * Undo version pinning for plotly :pr:`1533` * Fix ReadTheDocs build by updating the version of ``setuptools`` :pr:`1561` * Set ``random_state`` of data splitter in AutoMLSearch to take int to keep consistency in the resulting splits :pr:`1579` * Pin sklearn version while we work on adding support :pr:`1594` * Pin pandas at <1.2.0 while we work on adding support :pr:`1609` * Pin graphviz at < 0.16 while we work on adding support :pr:`1609` * Changes * Reverting ``save_graph`` :pr:`1550` to resolve kaleido build issues :pr:`1585` * Update circleci badge to apply to ``main`` :pr:`1489` * Added script to generate github markdown for releases :pr:`1487` * Updated selection using pandas ``dtypes`` to selecting using Woodwork logical types :pr:`1551` * Updated dependencies to fix ``ImportError: cannot import name 'MaskedArray' from 'sklearn.utils.fixes'`` error and to address Woodwork and Featuretool dependencies :pr:`1540` * Made ``get_prediction_vs_actual_data()`` a public method :pr:`1553` * Updated ``Woodwork`` version requirement to v0.0.7 :pr:`1560` * Move data splitters from ``evalml.automl.data_splitters`` to ``evalml.preprocessing.data_splitters`` :pr:`1597` * Rename "# Testing" in automl log output to "# Validation" :pr:`1597` * Documentation Changes * Added partial dependence methods to API reference :pr:`1537` * Updated documentation for confusion matrix methods :pr:`1611` * Testing Changes * Set ``n_jobs=1`` in most unit tests to reduce memory :pr:`1505` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Updated minimal dependencies: ``numpy>=1.19.1``, ``pandas>=1.1.0``, ``scikit-learn>=0.23.1``, ``scikit-optimize>=0.8.1`` * Updated ``AutoMLSearch.best_pipeline`` to return a trained pipeline. Pass in ``train_best_pipeline=False`` to AutoMLSearch in order to return an untrained pipeline. * Pipeline component instances can no longer be iterated through using ``Pipeline.component_graph`` :pr:`1543` * Update ``AutoMLSearch`` constructor to take training data instead of ``search`` and ``add_to_leaderboard`` :pr:`1597` * Update ``split_data`` helper args :pr:`1597` * Move data splitters from ``evalml.automl.data_splitters`` to ``evalml.preprocessing.data_splitters`` :pr:`1597` * Rename ``AutoMLSearch`` ``data_split`` arg to ``data_splitter`` :pr:`1569` **v0.16.1 Dec. 1, 2020** * Enhancements * Pin woodwork version to v0.0.6 to avoid breaking changes :pr:`1484` * Updated ``Woodwork`` to >=0.0.5 in ``core-requirements.txt`` :pr:`1473` * Removed ``copy_dataframe`` parameter for ``Woodwork``, updated ``Woodwork`` to >=0.0.6 in ``core-requirements.txt`` :pr:`1478` * Updated ``detect_problem_type`` to use ``pandas.api.is_numeric_dtype`` :pr:`1476` * Changes * Changed ``make clean`` to delete coverage reports as a convenience for developers :pr:`1464` * Set ``n_jobs=-1`` by default for stacked ensemble components :pr:`1472` * Documentation Changes * Updated pipeline and component documentation and demos to use ``Woodwork`` :pr:`1466` * Testing Changes * Update dependency update checker to use everything from core and optional dependencies :pr:`1480` **v0.16.0 Nov. 24, 2020** * Enhancements * Updated pipelines and ``make_pipeline`` to accept ``Woodwork`` inputs :pr:`1393` * Updated components to accept ``Woodwork`` inputs :pr:`1423` * Added ability to freeze hyperparameters for ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1284` * Added ``Target Encoder`` into transformer components :pr:`1401` * Added callback for error handling in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1403` * Added the index id to the ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` output to help users identify which rows in their data are included :pr:`1365` * The top_k features displayed in ``explain_predictions_*`` functions are now determined by the magnitude of shap values as opposed to the ``top_k`` largest and smallest shap values. :pr:`1374` * Added a problem type for time series regression :pr:`1386` * Added a ``is_defined_for_problem_type`` method to ``ObjectiveBase`` :pr:`1386` * Added a ``random_state`` parameter to ``make_pipeline_from_components`` function :pr:`1411` * Added ``DelayedFeaturesTransformer`` :pr:`1396` * Added a ``TimeSeriesRegressionPipeline`` class :pr:`1418` * Removed ``core-requirements.txt`` from the package distribution :pr:`1429` * Updated data check messages to include a `"code"` and `"details"` fields :pr:`1451`, :pr:`1462` * Added a ``TimeSeriesSplit`` data splitter for time series problems :pr:`1441` * Added a ``problem_configuration`` parameter to AutoMLSearch :pr:`1457` * Fixes * Fixed ``IndexError`` raised in ``AutoMLSearch`` when ``ensembling = True`` but only one pipeline to iterate over :pr:`1397` * Fixed stacked ensemble input bug and LightGBM warning and bug in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1388` * Updated enum classes to show possible enum values as attributes :pr:`1391` * Updated calls to ``Woodwork``'s ``to_pandas()`` to ``to_series()`` and ``to_dataframe()`` :pr:`1428` * Fixed bug in OHE where column names were not guaranteed to be unique :pr:`1349` * Fixed bug with percent improvement of ``ExpVariance`` objective on data with highly skewed target :pr:`1467` * Fix SimpleImputer error which occurs when all features are bool type :pr:`1215` * Changes * Changed ``OutliersDataCheck`` to return the list of columns, rather than rows, that contain outliers :pr:`1377` * Simplified and cleaned output for Code Generation :pr:`1371` * Reverted changes from :pr:`1337` :pr:`1409` * Updated data checks to return dictionary of warnings and errors instead of a list :pr:`1448` * Updated ``AutoMLSearch`` to pass ``Woodwork`` data structures to every pipeline (instead of pandas DataFrames) :pr:`1450` * Update ``AutoMLSearch`` to default to ``max_batches=1`` instead of ``max_iterations=5`` :pr:`1452` * Updated _evaluate_pipelines to consolidate side effects :pr:`1410` * Documentation Changes * Added description of CLA to contributing guide, updated description of draft PRs :pr:`1402` * Updated documentation to include all data checks, ``DataChecks``, and usage of data checks in AutoML :pr:`1412` * Updated docstrings from ``np.array`` to ``np.ndarray`` :pr:`1417` * Added section on stacking ensembles in AutoMLSearch documentation :pr:`1425` * Testing Changes * Removed ``category_encoders`` from test-requirements.txt :pr:`1373` * Tweak settings again to avoid flakes :pr:`1413` * Modified ``make lint`` to check notebook versions in the docs :pr:`1431` * Modified ``make lint-fix`` to standardize notebook versions in the docs :pr:`1431` * Use new version of pull request Github Action for dependency check (:pr:`1443`) * Reduced number of workers for tests to 4 :pr:`1447` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * The ``top_k`` and ``top_k_features`` parameters in ``explain_predictions_*`` functions now return ``k`` features as opposed to ``2 * k`` features :pr:`1374` * Renamed ``problem_type`` to ``problem_types`` in ``RegressionObjective``, ``BinaryClassificationObjective``, and ``MulticlassClassificationObjective`` :pr:`1319` * Data checks now return a dictionary of warnings and errors instead of a list :pr:`1448` **v0.15.0 Oct. 29, 2020** * Enhancements * Added stacked ensemble component classes (``StackedEnsembleClassifier``, ``StackedEnsembleRegressor``) :pr:`1134` * Added stacked ensemble components to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1253` * Added ``DecisionTreeClassifier`` and ``DecisionTreeRegressor`` to AutoML :pr:`1255` * Added ``graph_prediction_vs_actual`` in ``model_understanding`` for regression problems :pr:`1252` * Added parameter to ``OneHotEncoder`` to enable filtering for features to encode for :pr:`1249` * Added percent-better-than-baseline for all objectives to automl.results :pr:`1244` * Added ``HighVarianceCVDataCheck`` and replaced synonymous warning in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1254` * Added `PCA Transformer` component for dimensionality reduction :pr:`1270` * Added ``generate_pipeline_code`` and ``generate_component_code`` to allow for code generation given a pipeline or component instance :pr:`1306` * Added ``PCA Transformer`` component for dimensionality reduction :pr:`1270` * Updated ``AutoMLSearch`` to support ``Woodwork`` data structures :pr:`1299` * Added cv_folds to ``ClassImbalanceDataCheck`` and added this check to ``DefaultDataChecks`` :pr:`1333` * Make ``max_batches`` argument to ```` public :pr:`1320` * Added text support to automl search :pr:`1062` * Added ``_pipelines_per_batch`` as a private argument to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1355` * Fixes * Fixed ML performance issue with ordered datasets: always shuffle data in automl's default CV splits :pr:`1265` * Fixed broken ``evalml info`` CLI command :pr:`1293` * Fixed ``boosting type='rf'`` for LightGBM Classifier, as well as ``num_leaves`` error :pr:`1302` * Fixed bug in ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` where a custom index in the target variable would cause a ``ValueError`` :pr:`1318` * Added stacked ensemble estimators to to ``evalml.pipelines.__init__`` file :pr:`1326` * Fixed bug in OHE where calls to transform were not deterministic if ``top_n`` was less than the number of categories in a column :pr:`1324` * Fixed LightGBM warning messages during AutoMLSearch :pr:`1342` * Fix warnings thrown during AutoMLSearch in ``HighVarianceCVDataCheck`` :pr:`1346` * Fixed bug where TrainingValidationSplit would return invalid location indices for dataframes with a custom index :pr:`1348` * Fixed bug where the AutoMLSearch ``random_state`` was not being passed to the created pipelines :pr:`1321` * Changes * Allow ``add_to_rankings`` to be called before AutoMLSearch is called :pr:`1250` * Removed Graphviz from test-requirements to add to requirements.txt :pr:`1327` * Removed ``max_pipelines`` parameter from ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1264` * Include editable installs in all install make targets :pr:`1335` * Made pip dependencies `featuretools` and `nlp_primitives` core dependencies :pr:`1062` * Removed `PartOfSpeechCount` from `TextFeaturizer` transform primitives :pr:`1062` * Added warning for ``partial_dependency`` when the feature includes null values :pr:`1352` * Documentation Changes * Fixed and updated code blocks in Release Notes :pr:`1243` * Added DecisionTree estimators to API Reference :pr:`1246` * Changed class inheritance display to flow vertically :pr:`1248` * Updated cost-benefit tutorial to use a holdout/test set :pr:`1159` * Added ``evalml info`` command to documentation :pr:`1293` * Miscellaneous doc updates :pr:`1269` * Removed conda pre-release testing from the release process document :pr:`1282` * Updates to contributing guide :pr:`1310` * Added Alteryx footer to docs with Twitter and Github link :pr:`1312` * Added documentation for evalml installation for Python 3.6 :pr:`1322` * Added documentation changes to make the API Docs easier to understand :pr:`1323` * Fixed documentation for ``feature_importance`` :pr:`1353` * Added tutorial for running `AutoML` with text data :pr:`1357` * Added documentation for woodwork integration with automl search :pr:`1361` * Testing Changes * Added tests for ``jupyter_check`` to handle IPython :pr:`1256` * Cleaned up ``make_pipeline`` tests to test for all estimators :pr:`1257` * Added a test to check conda build after merge to main :pr:`1247` * Removed code that was lacking codecov for ```` and unnecessary :pr:`1293` * Codecov: round coverage up instead of down :pr:`1334` * Add DockerHub credentials to CI testing environment :pr:`1356` * Add DockerHub credentials to conda testing environment :pr:`1363` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Renamed ``LabelLeakageDataCheck`` to ``TargetLeakageDataCheck`` :pr:`1319` * ``max_pipelines`` parameter has been removed from ``AutoMLSearch``. Please use ``max_iterations`` instead. :pr:`1264` * ```` will now log a warning if the input is not a ``Woodwork`` data structure (``pandas``, ``numpy``) :pr:`1299` * Make ``max_batches`` argument to ```` public :pr:`1320` * Removed unused argument `feature_types` from :pr:`1062` **v0.14.1 Sep. 29, 2020** * Enhancements * Updated partial dependence methods to support calculating numeric columns in a dataset with non-numeric columns :pr:`1150` * Added ``get_feature_names`` on ``OneHotEncoder`` :pr:`1193` * Added ``detect_problem_type`` to ``problem_type/`` to automatically detect the problem type given targets :pr:`1194` * Added LightGBM to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1199` * Updated ``scikit-learn`` and ``scikit-optimize`` to use latest versions - 0.23.2 and 0.8.1 respectively :pr:`1141` * Added ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` for pipelines and components :pr:`1218` * Included internal target check for both training and validation data in ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1226` * Added ``ProblemTypes.all_problem_types`` helper to get list of supported problem types :pr:`1219` * Added ``DecisionTreeClassifier`` and ``DecisionTreeRegressor`` classes :pr:`1223` * Added ``ProblemTypes.all_problem_types`` helper to get list of supported problem types :pr:`1219` * ``DataChecks`` can now be parametrized by passing a list of ``DataCheck`` classes and a parameter dictionary :pr:`1167` * Added first CV fold score as validation score in ``AutoMLSearch.rankings`` :pr:`1221` * Updated ``flake8`` configuration to enable linting on ```` files :pr:`1234` * Refined ``make_pipeline_from_components`` implementation :pr:`1204` * Fixes * Updated GitHub URL after migration to Alteryx GitHub org :pr:`1207` * Changed Problem Type enum to be more similar to the string name :pr:`1208` * Wrapped call to scikit-learn's partial dependence method in a ``try``/``finally`` block :pr:`1232` * Changes * Added ``allow_writing_files`` as a named argument to CatBoost estimators. :pr:`1202` * Added ``solver`` and ``multi_class`` as named arguments to ``LogisticRegressionClassifier`` :pr:`1202` * Replaced pipeline's ``._transform`` method to evaluate all the preprocessing steps of a pipeline with ``.compute_estimator_features`` :pr:`1231` * Changed default large dataset train/test splitting behavior :pr:`1205` * Documentation Changes * Included description of how to access the component instances and features for pipeline user guide :pr:`1163` * Updated API docs to refer to target as "target" instead of "labels" for non-classification tasks and minor docs cleanup :pr:`1160` * Added Class Imbalance Data Check to ``api_reference.rst`` :pr:`1190` :pr:`1200` * Added pipeline properties to API reference :pr:`1209` * Clarified what the objective parameter in AutoML is used for in AutoML API reference and AutoML user guide :pr:`1222` * Updated API docs to include ```` option for component hyperparameter range definition :pr:`1228` * Added install documentation for ``libomp`` in order to use LightGBM on Mac :pr:`1233` * Improved description of ``max_iterations`` in documentation :pr:`1212` * Removed unused code from sphinx conf :pr:`1235` * Testing Changes .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * ``DefaultDataChecks`` now accepts a ``problem_type`` parameter that must be specified :pr:`1167` * Pipeline's ``._transform`` method to evaluate all the preprocessing steps of a pipeline has been replaced with ``.compute_estimator_features`` :pr:`1231` * ``get_objectives`` has been renamed to ``get_core_objectives``. This function will now return a list of valid objective instances :pr:`1230` **v0.13.2 Sep. 17, 2020** * Enhancements * Added ``output_format`` field to explain predictions functions :pr:`1107` * Modified ``get_objective`` and ``get_objectives`` to be able to return any objective in ``evalml.objectives`` :pr:`1132` * Added a ``return_instance`` boolean parameter to ``get_objective`` :pr:`1132` * Added ``ClassImbalanceDataCheck`` to determine whether target imbalance falls below a given threshold :pr:`1135` * Added label encoder to LightGBM for binary classification :pr:`1152` * Added labels for the row index of confusion matrix :pr:`1154` * Added ``AutoMLSearch`` object as another parameter in search callbacks :pr:`1156` * Added the corresponding probability threshold for each point displayed in ``graph_roc_curve`` :pr:`1161` * Added ``__eq__`` for ``ComponentBase`` and ``PipelineBase`` :pr:`1178` * Added support for multiclass classification for ``roc_curve`` :pr:`1164` * Added ``categories`` accessor to ``OneHotEncoder`` for listing the categories associated with a feature :pr:`1182` * Added utility function to create pipeline instances from a list of component instances :pr:`1176` * Fixes * Fixed XGBoost column names for partial dependence methods :pr:`1104` * Removed dead code validating column type from ``TextFeaturizer`` :pr:`1122` * Fixed issue where ``Imputer`` cannot fit when there is None in a categorical or boolean column :pr:`1144` * ``OneHotEncoder`` preserves the custom index in the input data :pr:`1146` * Fixed representation for ``ModelFamily`` :pr:`1165` * Removed duplicate ``nbsphinx`` dependency in ``dev-requirements.txt`` :pr:`1168` * Users can now pass in any valid kwargs to all estimators :pr:`1157` * Remove broken accessor ``OneHotEncoder.get_feature_names`` and unneeded base class :pr:`1179` * Removed LightGBM Estimator from AutoML models :pr:`1186` * Changes * Pinned ``scikit-optimize`` version to 0.7.4 :pr:`1136` * Removed ``tqdm`` as a dependency :pr:`1177` * Added lightgbm version 3.0.0 to ``latest_dependency_versions.txt`` :pr:`1185` * Rename ``max_pipelines`` to ``max_iterations`` :pr:`1169` * Documentation Changes * Fixed API docs for ``AutoMLSearch`` ``add_result_callback`` :pr:`1113` * Added a step to our release process for pushing our latest version to conda-forge :pr:`1118` * Added warning for missing ipywidgets dependency for using ``PipelineSearchPlots`` on Jupyterlab :pr:`1145` * Updated ```` example to load demo dataset :pr:`1151` * Swapped mapping of breast cancer targets in ``model_understanding.ipynb`` :pr:`1170` * Testing Changes * Added test confirming ``TextFeaturizer`` never outputs null values :pr:`1122` * Changed Python version of ``Update Dependencies`` action to 3.8.x :pr:`1137` * Fixed release notes check-in test for ``Update Dependencies`` actions :pr:`1172` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * ``get_objective`` will now return a class definition rather than an instance by default :pr:`1132` * Deleted ``OPTIONS`` dictionary in ```` :pr:`1132` * If specifying an objective by string, the string must now match the objective's name field, case-insensitive :pr:`1132` * Passing "Cost Benefit Matrix", "Fraud Cost", "Lead Scoring", "Mean Squared Log Error", "Recall", "Recall Macro", "Recall Micro", "Recall Weighted", or "Root Mean Squared Log Error" to ``AutoMLSearch`` will now result in a ``ValueError`` rather than an ``ObjectiveNotFoundError`` :pr:`1132` * Search callbacks ``start_iteration_callback`` and ``add_results_callback`` have changed to include a copy of the AutoMLSearch object as a third parameter :pr:`1156` * Deleted ``OneHotEncoder.get_feature_names`` method which had been broken for a while, in favor of pipelines' ``input_feature_names`` :pr:`1179` * Deleted empty base class ``CategoricalEncoder`` which ``OneHotEncoder`` component was inheriting from :pr:`1176` * Results from ``roc_curve`` will now return as a list of dictionaries with each dictionary representing a class :pr:`1164` * ``max_pipelines`` now raises a ``DeprecationWarning`` and will be removed in the next release. ``max_iterations`` should be used instead. :pr:`1169` **v0.13.1 Aug. 25, 2020** * Enhancements * Added Cost-Benefit Matrix objective for binary classification :pr:`1038` * Split ``fill_value`` into ``categorical_fill_value`` and ``numeric_fill_value`` for Imputer :pr:`1019` * Added ``explain_predictions`` and ``explain_predictions_best_worst`` for explaining multiple predictions with SHAP :pr:`1016` * Added new LSA component for text featurization :pr:`1022` * Added guide on installing with conda :pr:`1041` * Added a “cost-benefit curve” util method to graph cost-benefit matrix scores vs. binary classification thresholds :pr:`1081` * Standardized error when calling transform/predict before fit for pipelines :pr:`1048` * Added ``percent_better_than_baseline`` to AutoML search rankings and full rankings table :pr:`1050` * Added one-way partial dependence and partial dependence plots :pr:`1079` * Added "Feature Value" column to prediction explanation reports. :pr:`1064` * Added LightGBM classification estimator :pr:`1082`, :pr:`1114` * Added ``max_batches`` parameter to ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`1087` * Fixes * Updated ``TextFeaturizer`` component to no longer require an internet connection to run :pr:`1022` * Fixed non-deterministic element of ``TextFeaturizer`` transformations :pr:`1022` * Added a StandardScaler to all ElasticNet pipelines :pr:`1065` * Updated cost-benefit matrix to normalize score :pr:`1099` * Fixed logic in ``calculate_percent_difference`` so that it can handle negative values :pr:`1100` * Changes * Added ``needs_fitting`` property to ``ComponentBase`` :pr:`1044` * Updated references to data types to use datatype lists defined in ``evalml.utils.gen_utils`` :pr:`1039` * Remove maximum version limit for SciPy dependency :pr:`1051` * Moved ``all_components`` and other component importers into runtime methods :pr:`1045` * Consolidated graphing utility methods under ``evalml.utils.graph_utils`` :pr:`1060` * Made slight tweaks to how ``TextFeaturizer`` uses ``featuretools``, and did some refactoring of that and of LSA :pr:`1090` * Changed ``show_all_features`` parameter into ``importance_threshold``, which allows for thresholding feature importance :pr:`1097`, :pr:`1103` * Documentation Changes * Update ```` URL to point to the github repo :pr:`1037` * Added tutorial for using the cost-benefit matrix objective :pr:`1088` * Updated ``model_understanding.ipynb`` to include documentation for using plotly on Jupyter Lab :pr:`1108` * Testing Changes * Refactor CircleCI tests to use matrix jobs (:pr:`1043`) * Added a test to check that all test directories are included in evalml package :pr:`1054` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * ``confusion_matrix`` and ``normalize_confusion_matrix`` have been moved to ``evalml.utils`` :pr:`1038` * All graph utility methods previously under ``evalml.pipelines.graph_utils`` have been moved to ``evalml.utils.graph_utils`` :pr:`1060` **v0.12.2 Aug. 6, 2020** * Enhancements * Add save/load method to components :pr:`1023` * Expose pickle ``protocol`` as optional arg to save/load :pr:`1023` * Updated estimators used in AutoML to include ExtraTrees and ElasticNet estimators :pr:`1030` * Fixes * Changes * Removed ``DeprecationWarning`` for ``SimpleImputer`` :pr:`1018` * Documentation Changes * Add note about version numbers to release process docs :pr:`1034` * Testing Changes * Test files are now included in the evalml package :pr:`1029` **v0.12.0 Aug. 3, 2020** * Enhancements * Added string and categorical targets support for binary and multiclass pipelines and check for numeric targets for ``DetectLabelLeakage`` data check :pr:`932` * Added clear exception for regression pipelines if target datatype is string or categorical :pr:`960` * Added target column names and class labels in ``predict`` and ``predict_proba`` output for pipelines :pr:`951` * Added ``_compute_shap_values`` and ``normalize_values`` to ``pipelines/explanations`` module :pr:`958` * Added ``explain_prediction`` feature which explains single predictions with SHAP :pr:`974` * Added Imputer to allow different imputation strategies for numerical and categorical dtypes :pr:`991` * Added support for configuring logfile path using env var, and don't create logger if there are filesystem errors :pr:`975` * Updated catboost estimators' default parameters and automl hyperparameter ranges to speed up fit time :pr:`998` * Fixes * Fixed ReadtheDocs warning failure regarding embedded gif :pr:`943` * Removed incorrect parameter passed to pipeline classes in ``_add_baseline_pipelines`` :pr:`941` * Added universal error for calling ``predict``, ``predict_proba``, ``transform``, and ``feature_importances`` before fitting :pr:`969`, :pr:`994` * Made ``TextFeaturizer`` component and pip dependencies ``featuretools`` and ``nlp_primitives`` optional :pr:`976` * Updated imputation strategy in automl to no longer limit impute strategy to ``most_frequent`` for all features if there are any categorical columns :pr:`991` * Fixed ``UnboundLocalError`` for ``cv_pipeline`` when automl search errors :pr:`996` * Fixed ``Imputer`` to reset dataframe index to preserve behavior expected from ``SimpleImputer`` :pr:`1009` * Changes * Moved ``get_estimators`` to ``evalml.pipelines.components.utils`` :pr:`934` * Modified Pipelines to raise ``PipelineScoreError`` when they encounter an error during scoring :pr:`936` * Moved ``evalml.model_families.list_model_families`` to ``evalml.pipelines.components.allowed_model_families`` :pr:`959` * Renamed ``DateTimeFeaturization`` to ``DateTimeFeaturizer`` :pr:`977` * Added check to stop search and raise an error if all pipelines in a batch return NaN scores :pr:`1015` * Documentation Changes * Updated ```` :pr:`963` * Reworded message when errors are returned from data checks in search :pr:`982` * Added section on understanding model predictions with ``explain_prediction`` to User Guide :pr:`981` * Added a section to the user guide and api reference about how XGBoost and CatBoost are not fully supported. :pr:`992` * Added custom components section in user guide :pr:`993` * Updated FAQ section formatting :pr:`997` * Updated release process documentation :pr:`1003` * Testing Changes * Moved ``predict_proba`` and ``predict`` tests regarding string / categorical targets to ```` :pr:`972` * Fixed dependency update bot by updating python version to 3.7 to avoid frequent github version updates :pr:`1002` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * ``get_estimators`` has been moved to ``evalml.pipelines.components.utils`` (previously was under ``evalml.pipelines.utils``) :pr:`934` * Removed the ``raise_errors`` flag in AutoML search. All errors during pipeline evaluation will be caught and logged. :pr:`936` * ``evalml.model_families.list_model_families`` has been moved to ``evalml.pipelines.components.allowed_model_families`` :pr:`959` * ``TextFeaturizer``: the ``featuretools`` and ``nlp_primitives`` packages must be installed after installing evalml in order to use this component :pr:`976` * Renamed ``DateTimeFeaturization`` to ``DateTimeFeaturizer`` :pr:`977` **v0.11.2 July 16, 2020** * Enhancements * Added ``NoVarianceDataCheck`` to ``DefaultDataChecks`` :pr:`893` * Added text processing and featurization component ``TextFeaturizer`` :pr:`913`, :pr:`924` * Added additional checks to ``InvalidTargetDataCheck`` to handle invalid target data types :pr:`929` * ``AutoMLSearch`` will now handle ``KeyboardInterrupt`` and prompt user for confirmation :pr:`915` * Fixes * Makes automl results a read-only property :pr:`919` * Changes * Deleted static pipelines and refactored tests involving static pipelines, removed ``all_pipelines()`` and ``get_pipelines()`` :pr:`904` * Moved ``list_model_families`` to ``evalml.model_family.utils`` :pr:`903` * Updated ``all_pipelines``, ``all_estimators``, ``all_components`` to use the same mechanism for dynamically generating their elements :pr:`898` * Rename ``master`` branch to ``main`` :pr:`918` * Add pypi release github action :pr:`923` * Updated ```` stdout output and logging and removed tqdm progress bar :pr:`921` * Moved automl config checks previously in ``search()`` to init :pr:`933` * Documentation Changes * Reorganized and rewrote documentation :pr:`937` * Updated to use pydata sphinx theme :pr:`937` * Updated docs to use ``release_notes`` instead of ``changelog`` :pr:`942` * Testing Changes * Cleaned up fixture names and usages in tests :pr:`895` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * ``list_model_families`` has been moved to ``evalml.model_family.utils`` (previously was under ``evalml.pipelines.utils``) :pr:`903` * ``get_estimators`` has been moved to ``evalml.pipelines.components.utils`` (previously was under ``evalml.pipelines.utils``) :pr:`934` * Static pipeline definitions have been removed, but similar pipelines can still be constructed via creating an instance of ``PipelineBase`` :pr:`904` * ``all_pipelines()`` and ``get_pipelines()`` utility methods have been removed :pr:`904` **v0.11.0 June 30, 2020** * Enhancements * Added multiclass support for ROC curve graphing :pr:`832` * Added preprocessing component to drop features whose percentage of NaN values exceeds a specified threshold :pr:`834` * Added data check to check for problematic target labels :pr:`814` * Added PerColumnImputer that allows imputation strategies per column :pr:`824` * Added transformer to drop specific columns :pr:`827` * Added support for ``categories``, ``handle_error``, and ``drop`` parameters in ``OneHotEncoder`` :pr:`830` :pr:`897` * Added preprocessing component to handle DateTime columns featurization :pr:`838` * Added ability to clone pipelines and components :pr:`842` * Define getter method for component ``parameters`` :pr:`847` * Added utility methods to calculate and graph permutation importances :pr:`860`, :pr:`880` * Added new utility functions necessary for generating dynamic preprocessing pipelines :pr:`852` * Added kwargs to all components :pr:`863` * Updated ``AutoSearchBase`` to use dynamically generated preprocessing pipelines :pr:`870` * Added SelectColumns transformer :pr:`873` * Added ability to evaluate additional pipelines for automl search :pr:`874` * Added ``default_parameters`` class property to components and pipelines :pr:`879` * Added better support for disabling data checks in automl search :pr:`892` * Added ability to save and load AutoML objects to file :pr:`888` * Updated ``AutoSearchBase.get_pipelines`` to return an untrained pipeline instance :pr:`876` * Saved learned binary classification thresholds in automl results cv data dict :pr:`876` * Fixes * Fixed bug where SimpleImputer cannot handle dropped columns :pr:`846` * Fixed bug where PerColumnImputer cannot handle dropped columns :pr:`855` * Enforce requirement that builtin components save all inputted values in their parameters dict :pr:`847` * Don't list base classes in ``all_components`` output :pr:`847` * Standardize all components to output pandas data structures, and accept either pandas or numpy :pr:`853` * Fixed rankings and full_rankings error when search has not been run :pr:`894` * Changes * Update ``all_pipelines`` and ``all_components`` to try initializing pipelines/components, and on failure exclude them :pr:`849` * Refactor ``handle_components`` to ``handle_components_class``, standardize to ``ComponentBase`` subclass instead of instance :pr:`850` * Refactor "blacklist"/"whitelist" to "allow"/"exclude" lists :pr:`854` * Replaced ``AutoClassificationSearch`` and ``AutoRegressionSearch`` with ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`871` * Renamed feature_importances and permutation_importances methods to use singular names (feature_importance and permutation_importance) :pr:`883` * Updated ``automl`` default data splitter to train/validation split for large datasets :pr:`877` * Added open source license, update some repo metadata :pr:`887` * Removed dead code in ``_get_preprocessing_components`` :pr:`896` * Documentation Changes * Fix some typos and update the EvalML logo :pr:`872` * Testing Changes * Update the changelog check job to expect the new branching pattern for the deps update bot :pr:`836` * Check that all components output pandas datastructures, and can accept either pandas or numpy :pr:`853` * Replaced ``AutoClassificationSearch`` and ``AutoRegressionSearch`` with ``AutoMLSearch`` :pr:`871` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Pipelines' static ``component_graph`` field must contain either ``ComponentBase`` subclasses or ``str``, instead of ``ComponentBase`` subclass instances :pr:`850` * Rename ``handle_component`` to ``handle_component_class``. Now standardizes to ``ComponentBase`` subclasses instead of ``ComponentBase`` subclass instances :pr:`850` * Renamed automl's ``cv`` argument to ``data_split`` :pr:`877` * Pipelines' and classifiers' ``feature_importances`` is renamed ``feature_importance``, ``graph_feature_importances`` is renamed ``graph_feature_importance`` :pr:`883` * Passing ``data_checks=None`` to automl search will not perform any data checks as opposed to default checks. :pr:`892` * Pipelines to search for in AutoML are now determined automatically, rather than using the statically-defined pipeline classes. :pr:`870` * Updated ``AutoSearchBase.get_pipelines`` to return an untrained pipeline instance, instead of one which happened to be trained on the final cross-validation fold :pr:`876` **v0.10.0 May 29, 2020** * Enhancements * Added baseline models for classification and regression, add functionality to calculate baseline models before searching in AutoML :pr:`746` * Port over highly-null guardrail as a data check and define ``DefaultDataChecks`` and ``DisableDataChecks`` classes :pr:`745` * Update ``Tuner`` classes to work directly with pipeline parameters dicts instead of flat parameter lists :pr:`779` * Add Elastic Net as a pipeline option :pr:`812` * Added new Pipeline option ``ExtraTrees`` :pr:`790` * Added precicion-recall curve metrics and plot for binary classification problems in ``evalml.pipeline.graph_utils`` :pr:`794` * Update the default automl algorithm to search in batches, starting with default parameters for each pipeline and iterating from there :pr:`793` * Added ``AutoMLAlgorithm`` class and ``IterativeAlgorithm`` impl, separated from ``AutoSearchBase`` :pr:`793` * Fixes * Update pipeline ``score`` to return ``nan`` score for any objective which throws an exception during scoring :pr:`787` * Fixed bug introduced in :pr:`787` where binary classification metrics requiring predicted probabilities error in scoring :pr:`798` * CatBoost and XGBoost classifiers and regressors can no longer have a learning rate of 0 :pr:`795` * Changes * Cleanup pipeline ``score`` code, and cleanup codecov :pr:`711` * Remove ``pass`` for abstract methods for codecov :pr:`730` * Added __str__ for AutoSearch object :pr:`675` * Add util methods to graph ROC and confusion matrix :pr:`720` * Refactor ``AutoBase`` to ``AutoSearchBase`` :pr:`758` * Updated AutoBase with ``data_checks`` parameter, removed previous ``detect_label_leakage`` parameter, and added functionality to run data checks before search in AutoML :pr:`765` * Updated our logger to use Python's logging utils :pr:`763` * Refactor most of ``AutoSearchBase._do_iteration`` impl into ``AutoSearchBase._evaluate`` :pr:`762` * Port over all guardrails to use the new DataCheck API :pr:`789` * Expanded ``import_or_raise`` to catch all exceptions :pr:`759` * Adds RMSE, MSLE, RMSLE as standard metrics :pr:`788` * Don't allow ``Recall`` to be used as an objective for AutoML :pr:`784` * Removed feature selection from pipelines :pr:`819` * Update default estimator parameters to make automl search faster and more accurate :pr:`793` * Documentation Changes * Add instructions to freeze ``master`` on ```` :pr:`726` * Update release instructions with more details :pr:`727` :pr:`733` * Add objective base classes to API reference :pr:`736` * Fix components API to match other modules :pr:`747` * Testing Changes * Delete codecov yml, use's default :pr:`732` * Added unit tests for fraud cost, lead scoring, and standard metric objectives :pr:`741` * Update codecov client :pr:`782` * Updated AutoBase __str__ test to include no parameters case :pr:`783` * Added unit tests for ``ExtraTrees`` pipeline :pr:`790` * If codecov fails to upload, fail build :pr:`810` * Updated Python version of dependency action :pr:`816` * Update the dependency update bot to use a suffix when creating branches :pr:`817` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * The ``detect_label_leakage`` parameter for AutoML classes has been removed and replaced by a ``data_checks`` parameter :pr:`765` * Moved ROC and confusion matrix methods from ``evalml.pipeline.plot_utils`` to ``evalml.pipeline.graph_utils`` :pr:`720` * ``Tuner`` classes require a pipeline hyperparameter range dict as an init arg instead of a space definition :pr:`779` * ``Tuner.propose`` and ``Tuner.add`` work directly with pipeline parameters dicts instead of flat parameter lists :pr:`779` * ``PipelineBase.hyperparameters`` and ``custom_hyperparameters`` use pipeline parameters dict format instead of being represented as a flat list :pr:`779` * All guardrail functions previously under ``evalml.guardrails.utils`` will be removed and replaced by data checks :pr:`789` * ``Recall`` disallowed as an objective for AutoML :pr:`784` * ``AutoSearchBase`` parameter ``tuner`` has been renamed to ``tuner_class`` :pr:`793` * ``AutoSearchBase`` parameter ``possible_pipelines`` and ``possible_model_families`` have been renamed to ``allowed_pipelines`` and ``allowed_model_families`` :pr:`793` **v0.9.0 Apr. 27, 2020** * Enhancements * Added ``Accuracy`` as an standard objective :pr:`624` * Added verbose parameter to load_fraud :pr:`560` * Added Balanced Accuracy metric for binary, multiclass :pr:`612` :pr:`661` * Added XGBoost regressor and XGBoost regression pipeline :pr:`666` * Added ``Accuracy`` metric for multiclass :pr:`672` * Added objective name in ``AutoBase.describe_pipeline`` :pr:`686` * Added ``DataCheck`` and ``DataChecks``, ``Message`` classes and relevant subclasses :pr:`739` * Fixes * Removed direct access to ``cls.component_graph`` :pr:`595` * Add testing files to .gitignore :pr:`625` * Remove circular dependencies from ``Makefile`` :pr:`637` * Add error case for ``normalize_confusion_matrix()`` :pr:`640` * Fixed ``XGBoostClassifier`` and ``XGBoostRegressor`` bug with feature names that contain [, ], or < :pr:`659` * Update ``make_pipeline_graph`` to not accidentally create empty file when testing if path is valid :pr:`649` * Fix pip installation warning about docsutils version, from boto dependency :pr:`664` * Removed zero division warning for F1/precision/recall metrics :pr:`671` * Fixed ``summary`` for pipelines without estimators :pr:`707` * Changes * Updated default objective for binary/multiclass classification to log loss :pr:`613` * Created classification and regression pipeline subclasses and removed objective as an attribute of pipeline classes :pr:`405` * Changed the output of ``score`` to return one dictionary :pr:`429` * Created binary and multiclass objective subclasses :pr:`504` * Updated objectives API :pr:`445` * Removed call to ``get_plot_data`` from AutoML :pr:`615` * Set ``raise_error`` to default to True for AutoML classes :pr:`638` * Remove unnecessary "u" prefixes on some unicode strings :pr:`641` * Changed one-hot encoder to return uint8 dtypes instead of ints :pr:`653` * Pipeline ``_name`` field changed to ``custom_name`` :pr:`650` * Removed ```` and moved methods into ``PipelineBase`` :pr:`657`, :pr:`665` * Remove s3fs as a dev dependency :pr:`664` * Changed requirements-parser to be a core dependency :pr:`673` * Replace ``supported_problem_types`` field on pipelines with ``problem_type`` attribute on base classes :pr:`678` * Changed AutoML to only show best results for a given pipeline template in ``rankings``, added ``full_rankings`` property to show all :pr:`682` * Update ``ModelFamily`` values: don't list xgboost/catboost as classifiers now that we have regression pipelines for them :pr:`677` * Changed AutoML's ``describe_pipeline`` to get problem type from pipeline instead :pr:`685` * Standardize ``import_or_raise`` error messages :pr:`683` * Updated argument order of objectives to align with sklearn's :pr:`698` * Renamed ``pipeline.feature_importance_graph`` to ``pipeline.graph_feature_importances`` :pr:`700` * Moved ROC and confusion matrix methods to ``evalml.pipelines.plot_utils`` :pr:`704` * Renamed ``MultiClassificationObjective`` to ``MulticlassClassificationObjective``, to align with pipeline naming scheme :pr:`715` * Documentation Changes * Fixed some sphinx warnings :pr:`593` * Fixed docstring for ``AutoClassificationSearch`` with correct command :pr:`599` * Limit readthedocs formats to pdf, not htmlzip and epub :pr:`594` :pr:`600` * Clean up objectives API documentation :pr:`605` * Fixed function on Exploring search results page :pr:`604` * Update release process doc :pr:`567` * ``AutoClassificationSearch`` and ``AutoRegressionSearch`` show inherited methods in API reference :pr:`651` * Fixed improperly formatted code in breaking changes for changelog :pr:`655` * Added configuration to treat Sphinx warnings as errors :pr:`660` * Removed separate plotting section for pipelines in API reference :pr:`657`, :pr:`665` * Have leads example notebook load S3 files using https, so we can delete s3fs dev dependency :pr:`664` * Categorized components in API reference and added descriptions for each category :pr:`663` * Fixed Sphinx warnings about ``BalancedAccuracy`` objective :pr:`669` * Updated API reference to include missing components and clean up pipeline docstrings :pr:`689` * Reorganize API ref, and clarify pipeline sub-titles :pr:`688` * Add and update preprocessing utils in API reference :pr:`687` * Added inheritance diagrams to API reference :pr:`695` * Documented which default objective AutoML optimizes for :pr:`699` * Create seperate install page :pr:`701` * Include more utils in API ref, like ``import_or_raise`` :pr:`704` * Add more color to pipeline documentation :pr:`705` * Testing Changes * Matched install commands of ``check_latest_dependencies`` test and it's GitHub action :pr:`578` * Added Github app to auto assign PR author as assignee :pr:`477` * Removed unneeded conda installation of xgboost in windows checkin tests :pr:`618` * Update graph tests to always use tmpfile dir :pr:`649` * Changelog checkin test workaround for release PRs: If 'future release' section is empty of PR refs, pass check :pr:`658` * Add changelog checkin test exception for ``dep-update`` branch :pr:`723` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Pipelines will now no longer take an objective parameter during instantiation, and will no longer have an objective attribute. * ``fit()`` and ``predict()`` now use an optional ``objective`` parameter, which is only used in binary classification pipelines to fit for a specific objective. * ``score()`` will now use a required ``objectives`` parameter that is used to determine all the objectives to score on. This differs from the previous behavior, where the pipeline's objective was scored on regardless. * ``score()`` will now return one dictionary of all objective scores. * ``ROC`` and ``ConfusionMatrix`` plot methods via ``Auto(*).plot`` have been removed by :pr:`615` and are replaced by ``roc_curve`` and ``confusion_matrix`` in ``evamlm.pipelines.plot_utils`` in :pr:`704` * ``normalize_confusion_matrix`` has been moved to ``evalml.pipelines.plot_utils`` :pr:`704` * Pipelines ``_name`` field changed to ``custom_name`` * Pipelines ``supported_problem_types`` field is removed because it is no longer necessary :pr:`678` * Updated argument order of objectives' ``objective_function`` to align with sklearn :pr:`698` * ``pipeline.feature_importance_graph`` has been renamed to ``pipeline.graph_feature_importances`` in :pr:`700` * Removed unsupported ``MSLE`` objective :pr:`704` **v0.8.0 Apr. 1, 2020** * Enhancements * Add normalization option and information to confusion matrix :pr:`484` * Add util function to drop rows with NaN values :pr:`487` * Renamed ```` as ``PipelineBase.summary`` and redefined ```` as class property :pr:`491` * Added access to parameters in Pipelines with ``PipelineBase.parameters`` (used to be return of ``PipelineBase.describe``) :pr:`501` * Added ``fill_value`` parameter for ``SimpleImputer`` :pr:`509` * Added functionality to override component hyperparameters and made pipelines take hyperparemeters from components :pr:`516` * Allow ``numpy.random.RandomState`` for random_state parameters :pr:`556` * Fixes * Removed unused dependency ``matplotlib``, and move ``category_encoders`` to test reqs :pr:`572` * Changes * Undo version cap in XGBoost placed in :pr:`402` and allowed all released of XGBoost :pr:`407` * Support pandas 1.0.0 :pr:`486` * Made all references to the logger static :pr:`503` * Refactored ``model_type`` parameter for components and pipelines to ``model_family`` :pr:`507` * Refactored ``problem_types`` for pipelines and components into ``supported_problem_types`` :pr:`515` * Moved ``pipelines/utils.save_pipeline`` and ``pipelines/utils.load_pipeline`` to ```` and ``PipelineBase.load`` :pr:`526` * Limit number of categories encoded by ``OneHotEncoder`` :pr:`517` * Documentation Changes * Updated API reference to remove ``PipelinePlot`` and added moved ``PipelineBase`` plotting methods :pr:`483` * Add code style and github issue guides :pr:`463` :pr:`512` * Updated API reference for to surface class variables for pipelines and components :pr:`537` * Fixed README documentation link :pr:`535` * Unhid PR references in changelog :pr:`656` * Testing Changes * Added automated dependency check PR :pr:`482`, :pr:`505` * Updated automated dependency check comment :pr:`497` * Have build_docs job use python executor, so that env vars are set properly :pr:`547` * Added simple test to make sure ``OneHotEncoder``'s top_n works with large number of categories :pr:`552` * Run windows unit tests on PRs :pr:`557` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * ``AutoClassificationSearch`` and ``AutoRegressionSearch``'s ``model_types`` parameter has been refactored into ``allowed_model_families`` * ``ModelTypes`` enum has been changed to ``ModelFamily`` * Components and Pipelines now have a ``model_family`` field instead of ``model_type`` * ``get_pipelines`` utility function now accepts ``model_families`` as an argument instead of ``model_types`` * ```` no longer returns structure of pipeline and has been replaced by ``PipelineBase.summary`` * ``PipelineBase.problem_types`` and ``Estimator.problem_types`` has been renamed to ``supported_problem_types`` * ``pipelines/utils.save_pipeline`` and ``pipelines/utils.load_pipeline`` moved to ```` and ``PipelineBase.load`` **v0.7.0 Mar. 9, 2020** * Enhancements * Added emacs buffers to .gitignore :pr:`350` * Add CatBoost (gradient-boosted trees) classification and regression components and pipelines :pr:`247` * Added Tuner abstract base class :pr:`351` * Added ``n_jobs`` as parameter for ``AutoClassificationSearch`` and ``AutoRegressionSearch`` :pr:`403` * Changed colors of confusion matrix to shades of blue and updated axis order to match scikit-learn's :pr:`426` * Added ``PipelineBase`` ``.graph`` and ``.feature_importance_graph`` methods, moved from previous location :pr:`423` * Added support for python 3.8 :pr:`462` * Fixes * Fixed ROC and confusion matrix plots not being calculated if user passed own additional_objectives :pr:`276` * Fixed ReadtheDocs ``FileNotFoundError`` exception for fraud dataset :pr:`439` * Changes * Added ``n_estimators`` as a tunable parameter for XGBoost :pr:`307` * Remove unused parameter ``ObjectiveBase.fit_needs_proba`` :pr:`320` * Remove extraneous parameter ``component_type`` from all components :pr:`361` * Remove unused ``rankings.csv`` file :pr:`397` * Downloaded demo and test datasets so unit tests can run offline :pr:`408` * Remove ``_needs_fitting`` attribute from Components :pr:`398` * Changed plot.feature_importance to show only non-zero feature importances by default, added optional parameter to show all :pr:`413` * Refactored ``PipelineBase`` to take in parameter dictionary and moved pipeline metadata to class attribute :pr:`421` * Dropped support for Python 3.5 :pr:`438` * Removed unused ```` file :pr:`449` * Clean up ``requirements.txt`` to remove unused deps :pr:`451` * Support installation without all required dependencies :pr:`459` * Documentation Changes * Update with instructions to release to internal license key :pr:`354` * Testing Changes * Added tests for utils (and moved current utils to gen_utils) :pr:`297` * Moved XGBoost install into it's own separate step on Windows using Conda :pr:`313` * Rewind pandas version to before 1.0.0, to diagnose test failures for that version :pr:`325` * Added dependency update checkin test :pr:`324` * Rewind XGBoost version to before 1.0.0 to diagnose test failures for that version :pr:`402` * Update dependency check to use a whitelist :pr:`417` * Update unit test jobs to not install dev deps :pr:`455` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * Python 3.5 will not be actively supported. **v0.6.0 Dec. 16, 2019** * Enhancements * Added ability to create a plot of feature importances :pr:`133` * Add early stopping to AutoML using patience and tolerance parameters :pr:`241` * Added ROC and confusion matrix metrics and plot for classification problems and introduce PipelineSearchPlots class :pr:`242` * Enhanced AutoML results with search order :pr:`260` * Added utility function to show system and environment information :pr:`300` * Fixes * Lower botocore requirement :pr:`235` * Fixed decision_function calculation for ``FraudCost`` objective :pr:`254` * Fixed return value of ``Recall`` metrics :pr:`264` * Components return ``self`` on fit :pr:`289` * Changes * Renamed automl classes to ``AutoRegressionSearch`` and ``AutoClassificationSearch`` :pr:`287` * Updating demo datasets to retain column names :pr:`223` * Moving pipeline visualization to ``PipelinePlot`` class :pr:`228` * Standarizing inputs as ``pd.Dataframe`` / ``pd.Series`` :pr:`130` * Enforcing that pipelines must have an estimator as last component :pr:`277` * Added ``ipywidgets`` as a dependency in ``requirements.txt`` :pr:`278` * Added Random and Grid Search Tuners :pr:`240` * Documentation Changes * Adding class properties to API reference :pr:`244` * Fix and filter FutureWarnings from scikit-learn :pr:`249`, :pr:`257` * Adding Linear Regression to API reference and cleaning up some Sphinx warnings :pr:`227` * Testing Changes * Added support for testing on Windows with CircleCI :pr:`226` * Added support for doctests :pr:`233` .. warning:: **Breaking Changes** * The ``fit()`` method for ``AutoClassifier`` and ``AutoRegressor`` has been renamed to ``search()``. * ``AutoClassifier`` has been renamed to ``AutoClassificationSearch`` * ``AutoRegressor`` has been renamed to ``AutoRegressionSearch`` * ``AutoClassificationSearch.results`` and ``AutoRegressionSearch.results`` now is a dictionary with ``pipeline_results`` and ``search_order`` keys. ``pipeline_results`` can be used to access a dictionary that is identical to the old ``.results`` dictionary. Whereas, ``search_order`` returns a list of the search order in terms of ``pipeline_id``. * Pipelines now require an estimator as the last component in ``component_list``. Slicing pipelines now throws an ``NotImplementedError`` to avoid returning pipelines without an estimator. **v0.5.2 Nov. 18, 2019** * Enhancements * Adding basic pipeline structure visualization :pr:`211` * Documentation Changes * Added notebooks to build process :pr:`212` **v0.5.1 Nov. 15, 2019** * Enhancements * Added basic outlier detection guardrail :pr:`151` * Added basic ID column guardrail :pr:`135` * Added support for unlimited pipelines with a ``max_time`` limit :pr:`70` * Updated .readthedocs.yaml to successfully build :pr:`188` * Fixes * Removed MSLE from default additional objectives :pr:`203` * Fixed ``random_state`` passed in pipelines :pr:`204` * Fixed slow down in RFRegressor :pr:`206` * Changes * Pulled information for describe_pipeline from pipeline's new describe method :pr:`190` * Refactored pipelines :pr:`108` * Removed guardrails from Auto(*) :pr:`202`, :pr:`208` * Documentation Changes * Updated documentation to show ``max_time`` enhancements :pr:`189` * Updated release instructions for RTD :pr:`193` * Added notebooks to build process :pr:`212` * Added contributing instructions :pr:`213` * Added new content :pr:`222` **v0.5.0 Oct. 29, 2019** * Enhancements * Added basic one hot encoding :pr:`73` * Use enums for model_type :pr:`110` * Support for splitting regression datasets :pr:`112` * Auto-infer multiclass classification :pr:`99` * Added support for other units in ``max_time`` :pr:`125` * Detect highly null columns :pr:`121` * Added additional regression objectives :pr:`100` * Show an interactive iteration vs. score plot when using fit() :pr:`134` * Fixes * Reordered ``describe_pipeline`` :pr:`94` * Added type check for ``model_type`` :pr:`109` * Fixed ``s`` units when setting string ``max_time`` :pr:`132` * Fix objectives not appearing in API documentation :pr:`150` * Changes * Reorganized tests :pr:`93` * Moved logging to its own module :pr:`119` * Show progress bar history :pr:`111` * Using ``cloudpickle`` instead of pickle to allow unloading of custom objectives :pr:`113` * Removed :pr:`154` * Documentation Changes * Update release instructions :pr:`140` * Include additional_objectives parameter :pr:`124` * Added Changelog :pr:`136` * Testing Changes * Code coverage :pr:`90` * Added CircleCI tests for other Python versions :pr:`104` * Added doc notebooks as tests :pr:`139` * Test metadata for CircleCI and 2 core parallelism :pr:`137` **v0.4.1 Sep. 16, 2019** * Enhancements * Added AutoML for classification and regressor using Autobase and Skopt :pr:`7` :pr:`9` * Implemented standard classification and regression metrics :pr:`7` * Added logistic regression, random forest, and XGBoost pipelines :pr:`7` * Implemented support for custom objectives :pr:`15` * Feature importance for pipelines :pr:`18` * Serialization for pipelines :pr:`19` * Allow fitting on objectives for optimal threshold :pr:`27` * Added detect label leakage :pr:`31` * Implemented callbacks :pr:`42` * Allow for multiclass classification :pr:`21` * Added support for additional objectives :pr:`79` * Fixes * Fixed feature selection in pipelines :pr:`13` * Made ``random_seed`` usage consistent :pr:`45` * Documentation Changes * Documentation Changes * Added docstrings :pr:`6` * Created notebooks for docs :pr:`6` * Initialized readthedocs EvalML :pr:`6` * Added favicon :pr:`38` * Testing Changes * Added testing for loading data :pr:`39` **v0.2.0 Aug. 13, 2019** * Enhancements * Created fraud detection objective :pr:`4` **v0.1.0 July. 31, 2019** * *First Release* * Enhancements * Added lead scoring objecitve :pr:`1` * Added basic classifier :pr:`1` * Documentation Changes * Initialized Sphinx for docs :pr:`1`