Regression Example

import evalml
from evalml import AutoRegressionSearch
from evalml.demos import load_diabetes
from evalml.pipelines import PipelineBase, get_pipelines

X, y = evalml.demos.load_diabetes()

automl = AutoRegressionSearch(objective="R2", max_pipelines=5), y)
* Beginning pipeline search *

Optimizing for R2. Greater score is better.

Searching up to 5 pipelines.
✔ XGBoost Regression Pipeline:              20%|██        | Elapsed:00:03
✔ Cat Boost Regression Pipeline:            40%|████      | Elapsed:00:12
✔ Random Forest Regression Pipeline:        60%|██████    | Elapsed:00:15
✔ XGBoost Regression Pipeline:              80%|████████  | Elapsed:00:21
✔ XGBoost Regression Pipeline:             100%|██████████| Elapsed:00:26
✔ Optimization finished                    100%|██████████| Elapsed:00:26
id pipeline_name score high_variance_cv parameters
0 1 Cat Boost Regression Pipeline 0.397415 False {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent', 'n_estima...
1 0 XGBoost Regression Pipeline 0.245869 True {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent', 'percent_...
3 2 Random Forest Regression Pipeline 0.051449 True {'impute_strategy': 'most_frequent', 'percent_...
<evalml.pipelines.regression.catboost.CatBoostRegressionPipeline at 0x7fa9afd32550>
<evalml.pipelines.regression.xgboost_regression.XGBoostRegressionPipeline at 0x7fa9b055ce10>
* XGBoost Regression Pipeline *

Problem Type: Regression
Model Family: XGBoost
Number of features: 8

Pipeline Steps
1. One Hot Encoder
         * top_n : 10
2. Simple Imputer
         * impute_strategy : most_frequent
         * fill_value : None
3. RF Regressor Select From Model
         * percent_features : 0.8487792213962843
         * threshold : -inf
4. XGBoost Regressor
         * eta : 0.38438170729269994
         * max_depth : 7
         * min_child_weight : 1.5104167958569887
         * n_estimators : 397

Training for Regression problems.
Total training time (including CV): 3.7 seconds

Cross Validation
Warning! High variance within cross validation scores. Model may not perform as estimated on unseen data.
               R2    MAE      MSE  MedianAE  MaxError  ExpVariance # Training # Testing
0           0.265 51.909 4204.782    45.175   174.089        0.266    294.000   148.000
1           0.339 50.432 4190.876    40.601   162.048        0.340    295.000   147.000
2           0.134 56.410 4935.882    47.643   206.828        0.135    295.000   147.000
mean        0.246 52.917 4443.847    44.473   180.989        0.247          -         -
std         0.104  3.114  426.172     3.573    23.174        0.104          -         -
coef of var 0.424  0.059    0.096     0.080     0.128        0.419          -         -