Source code for evalml.pipelines.graph_utils

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import auc as sklearn_auc
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix as sklearn_confusion_matrix
from sklearn.metrics import \
    precision_recall_curve as sklearn_precision_recall_curve
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve as sklearn_roc_curve
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels

from evalml.utils import import_or_raise

[docs]def precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_pred_proba): """ Given labels and binary classifier predicted probabilities, compute and return the data representing a precision-recall curve. Arguments: y_true (pd.Series or np.array): true binary labels. y_pred_proba (pd.Series or np.array): predictions from a binary classifier, before thresholding has been applied. Note this should be the predicted probability for the "true" label. Returns: list: Dictionary containing metrics used to generate a precision-recall plot, with the following keys: * `precision`: Precision values. * `recall`: Recall values. * `thresholds`: Threshold values used to produce the precision and recall. * `auc_score`: The area under the ROC curve. """ precision, recall, thresholds = sklearn_precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_pred_proba) auc_score = sklearn_auc(recall, precision) return {'precision': precision, 'recall': recall, 'thresholds': thresholds, 'auc_score': auc_score}
[docs]def graph_precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_pred_proba, title_addition=None): """Generate and display a precision-recall plot. Arguments: y_true (pd.Series or np.array): true binary labels. y_pred_proba (pd.Series or np.array): predictions from a binary classifier, before thresholding has been applied. Note this should be the predicted probability for the "true" label. title_addition (str or None): if not None, append to plot title. Default None. Returns: plotly.Figure representing the precision-recall plot generated """ _go = import_or_raise("plotly.graph_objects", error_msg="Cannot find dependency plotly.graph_objects") precision_recall_curve_data = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_pred_proba) title = 'Precision-Recall{}'.format('' if title_addition is None else (' ' + title_addition)) layout = _go.Layout(title={'text': title}, xaxis={'title': 'Recall', 'range': [-0.05, 1.05]}, yaxis={'title': 'Precision', 'range': [-0.05, 1.05]}) data = [] data.append(_go.Scatter(x=precision_recall_curve_data['recall'], y=precision_recall_curve_data['precision'], name='Precision-Recall (AUC {:06f})'.format(precision_recall_curve_data['auc_score']), line=dict(width=3))) return _go.Figure(layout=layout, data=data)
[docs]def roc_curve(y_true, y_pred_proba): """ Given labels and binary classifier predicted probabilities, compute and return the data representing a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. Arguments: y_true (pd.Series or np.array): true binary labels. y_pred_proba (pd.Series or np.array): predictions from a binary classifier, before thresholding has been applied. Note this should be the predicted probability for the "true" label. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing metrics used to generate an ROC plot, with the following keys: * `fpr_rates`: False positive rates. * `tpr_rates`: True positive rates. * `thresholds`: Threshold values used to produce each pair of true/false positive rates. * `auc_score`: The area under the ROC curve. """ fpr_rates, tpr_rates, thresholds = sklearn_roc_curve(y_true, y_pred_proba) auc_score = sklearn_auc(fpr_rates, tpr_rates) return {'fpr_rates': fpr_rates, 'tpr_rates': tpr_rates, 'thresholds': thresholds, 'auc_score': auc_score}
[docs]def graph_roc_curve(y_true, y_pred_proba, title_addition=None): """Generate and display a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) plot. Arguments: y_true (pd.Series or np.array): true binary labels. y_pred_proba (pd.Series or np.array): predictions from a binary classifier, before thresholding has been applied. Note this should be the predicted probability for the "true" label. title_addition (str or None): if not None, append to plot title. Default None. Returns: plotly.Figure representing the ROC plot generated """ _go = import_or_raise("plotly.graph_objects", error_msg="Cannot find dependency plotly.graph_objects") roc_curve_data = roc_curve(y_true, y_pred_proba) title = 'Receiver Operating Characteristic{}'.format('' if title_addition is None else (' ' + title_addition)) layout = _go.Layout(title={'text': title}, xaxis={'title': 'False Positive Rate', 'range': [-0.05, 1.05]}, yaxis={'title': 'True Positive Rate', 'range': [-0.05, 1.05]}) data = [] data.append(_go.Scatter(x=roc_curve_data['fpr_rates'], y=roc_curve_data['tpr_rates'], name='ROC (AUC {:06f})'.format(roc_curve_data['auc_score']), line=dict(width=3))) data.append(_go.Scatter(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1], name='Trivial Model (AUC 0.5)', line=dict(dash='dash'))) return _go.Figure(layout=layout, data=data)
[docs]def confusion_matrix(y_true, y_predicted, normalize_method='true'): """Confusion matrix for binary and multiclass classification. Arguments: y_true (pd.Series or np.array): true binary labels. y_pred (pd.Series or np.array): predictions from a binary classifier. normalize_method ({'true', 'pred', 'all'}): Normalization method. Supported options are: 'true' to normalize by row, 'pred' to normalize by column, or 'all' to normalize by all values. Defaults to 'true'. Returns: np.array: confusion matrix """ labels = unique_labels(y_true, y_predicted) conf_mat = sklearn_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_predicted) conf_mat = pd.DataFrame(conf_mat, columns=labels) if normalize_method is not None: return normalize_confusion_matrix(conf_mat, normalize_method=normalize_method) return conf_mat
[docs]def normalize_confusion_matrix(conf_mat, normalize_method='true'): """Normalizes a confusion matrix. Arguments: conf_mat (pd.DataFrame or np.array): confusion matrix to normalize. normalize_method ({'true', 'pred', 'all'}): Normalization method. Supported options are: 'true' to normalize by row, 'pred' to normalize by column, or 'all' to normalize by all values. Defaults to 'true'. Returns: A normalized version of the input confusion matrix. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: if normalize_method == 'true': conf_mat = conf_mat.astype('float') / conf_mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] elif normalize_method == 'pred': conf_mat = conf_mat.astype('float') / conf_mat.sum(axis=0) elif normalize_method == 'all': conf_mat = conf_mat.astype('float') / conf_mat.sum().sum() else: raise ValueError('Invalid value provided for "normalize_method": %s'.format(normalize_method)) if w and "invalid value encountered in" in str(w[0].message): raise ValueError("Sum of given axis is 0 and normalization is not possible. Please select another option.") return conf_mat
[docs]def graph_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, normalize_method='true', title_addition=None): """Generate and display a confusion matrix plot. If `normalize_method` is set, hover text will show raw count, otherwise hover text will show count normalized with method 'true'. Arguments: y_true (pd.Series or np.array): true binary labels. y_pred (pd.Series or np.array): predictions from a binary classifier. normalize_method ({'true', 'pred', 'all'}): Normalization method. Supported options are: 'true' to normalize by row, 'pred' to normalize by column, or 'all' to normalize by all values. Defaults to 'true'. title_addition (str or None): if not None, append to plot title. Default None. Returns: plotly.Figure representing the confusion matrix plot generated """ _go = import_or_raise("plotly.graph_objects", error_msg="Cannot find dependency plotly.graph_objects") conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, normalize_method=None) conf_mat_normalized = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, normalize_method=normalize_method or 'true') labels = conf_mat.columns title = 'Confusion matrix{}{}'.format( '' if title_addition is None else (' ' + title_addition), '' if normalize_method is None else (', normalized using method "' + normalize_method + '"')) z_data, custom_data = (conf_mat, conf_mat_normalized) if normalize_method is None else (conf_mat_normalized, conf_mat) primary_heading, secondary_heading = ('Raw', 'Normalized') if normalize_method is None else ('Normalized', 'Raw') hover_text = '<br><b>' + primary_heading + ' Count</b>: %{z}<br><b>' + secondary_heading + ' Count</b>: %{customdata} <br>' # the "<extra> tags at the end are necessary to remove unwanted trace info hover_template = '<b>True</b>: %{y}<br><b>Predicted</b>: %{x}' + hover_text + '<extra></extra>' layout = _go.Layout(title={'text': title}, xaxis={'title': 'Predicted Label', 'type': 'category', 'tickvals': labels}, yaxis={'title': 'True Label', 'type': 'category', 'tickvals': labels}) fig = _go.Figure(data=_go.Heatmap(x=labels, y=labels, z=z_data, customdata=custom_data, hovertemplate=hover_template, colorscale='Blues'), layout=layout) # plotly Heatmap y axis defaults to the reverse of what we want: fig.update_yaxes(autorange="reversed") return fig