class PipelinePlots:
def __init__(self, pipeline):
self.pipeline = pipeline
def __call__(self, to_file=None):
"""Create a graph of the pipeline, in a format similar to a UML diagram.
to_file (str, optional) : Path to where the plot should be saved. If set to None (as by default), the plot will not be saved.
graphviz.Digraph : Graph object that can directly be displayed in Jupyter notebooks.
import graphviz
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Please install graphviz to visualize pipelines.')
# Try rendering a dummy graph to see if a working backend is installed
except graphviz.backend.ExecutableNotFound:
raise RuntimeError(
"To plot entity sets, a graphviz backend is required.\n" +
"Install the backend using one of the following commands:\n" +
" Mac OS: brew install graphviz\n" +
" Linux (Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install graphviz\n" +
" Windows: conda install python-graphviz\n"
if to_file:
# Explicitly cast to str in case a Path object was passed in
to_file = str(to_file)
split_path = to_file.split('.')
if len(split_path) < 2:
raise ValueError("Please use a file extension like '.pdf'" +
" so that the format can be inferred")
format = split_path[-1]
valid_formats = graphviz.backend.FORMATS
if format not in valid_formats:
raise ValueError("Unknown format. Make sure your format is" +
" amongst the following: %s" % valid_formats)
format = None
# Initialize a new directed graph
graph = graphviz.Digraph(, format=format,
graph_attr={'splines': 'ortho'})
# Draw components
for component in self.pipeline.component_list:
label = '%s\l' % ( # noqa: W605
if len(component.parameters) > 0:
parameters = '\l'.join([key + ' : ' + "{:0.2f}".format(val) if (isinstance(val, float))
else key + ' : ' + str(val)
for key, val in component.parameters.items()]) # noqa: W605
label = '%s |%s\l' % (, parameters) # noqa: W605
graph.node(, shape='record', label=label)
# Draw edges
for i in range(len(self.pipeline.component_list[:-1])):
graph.edge(self.pipeline.component_list[i].name, self.pipeline.component_list[i + 1].name)
if to_file:
# Graphviz always appends the format to the file name, so we need to
# remove it manually to avoid file names like 'file_name.pdf.pdf'
offset = len(format) + 1 # Add 1 for the dot
output_path = to_file[:-offset]
graph.render(output_path, cleanup=True)
return graph
def feature_importances(self):
import plotly.graph_objects as go
feat_imp = self.pipeline.feature_importances
feat_imp['importance'] = abs(feat_imp['importance'])
# List is reversed to go from ascending order to descending order
feat_imp = feat_imp.iloc[::-1]
title = 'Feature Importances'
subtitle = 'May display fewer features due to feature selection'
data = [go.Bar(
layout = {
'title': '{0}<br><sub>{1}</sub>'.format(title, subtitle),
'height': 800,
'xaxis_title': 'Feature Importance',
'yaxis_title': 'Feature',
'yaxis': {
'type': 'category'
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
return fig