import inspect
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from sys import stdout
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from tqdm import tqdm
from .pipeline_search_plots import PipelineSearchPlots
from evalml import guardrails
from evalml.objectives import get_objective, get_objectives
from evalml.pipelines import get_pipelines
from evalml.pipelines.components import handle_component
from evalml.problem_types import ProblemTypes
from evalml.tuners import SKOptTuner
from evalml.utils import Logger, convert_to_seconds, get_random_state
logger = Logger()
class AutoBase:
# Necessary for "Plotting" documentation, since Sphinx does not work well with instance attributes.
plot = PipelineSearchPlots
def __init__(self, problem_type, tuner, cv, objective, max_pipelines, max_time,
patience, tolerance, allowed_model_families, detect_label_leakage, start_iteration_callback,
add_result_callback, additional_objectives, random_state, n_jobs, verbose, optimize_thresholds=False):
if tuner is None:
tuner = SKOptTuner
self.problem_type = problem_type
self.max_pipelines = max_pipelines
self.allowed_model_families = allowed_model_families
self.detect_label_leakage = detect_label_leakage
self.start_iteration_callback = start_iteration_callback
self.add_result_callback = add_result_callback = cv
self.verbose = verbose
self.optimize_thresholds = optimize_thresholds
self.possible_pipelines = get_pipelines(problem_type=self.problem_type, model_families=allowed_model_families)
self.objective = get_objective(objective)
if self.problem_type != self.objective.problem_type:
raise ValueError("Given objective {} is not compatible with a {} problem.".format(, self.problem_type.value))
logger.verbose = verbose
if additional_objectives is not None:
additional_objectives = [get_objective(o) for o in additional_objectives]
additional_objectives = get_objectives(self.problem_type)
# if our main objective is part of default set of objectives for problem_type, remove it
existing_main_objective = next((obj for obj in additional_objectives if ==, None)
if existing_main_objective is not None:
self.additional_objectives = additional_objectives
if max_time is None or isinstance(max_time, (int, float)):
self.max_time = max_time
elif isinstance(max_time, str):
self.max_time = convert_to_seconds(max_time)
raise TypeError("max_time must be a float, int, or string. Received a {}.".format(type(max_time)))
if patience and (not isinstance(patience, int) or patience < 0):
raise ValueError("patience value must be a positive integer. Received {} instead".format(patience))
if tolerance and (tolerance > 1.0 or tolerance < 0.0):
raise ValueError("tolerance value must be a float between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. Received {} instead".format(tolerance))
self.patience = patience
self.tolerance = tolerance if tolerance else 0.0
self.results = {
'pipeline_results': {},
'search_order': []
self.trained_pipelines = {}
self.random_state = get_random_state(random_state)
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.possible_model_families = list(set([p.model_family for p in self.possible_pipelines]))
self.tuners = {}
self.search_spaces = {}
for p in self.possible_pipelines:
space = list(p.hyperparameters.items())
self.tuners[] = tuner([s[1] for s in space], random_state=self.random_state)
self.search_spaces[] = [s[0] for s in space]
self._MAX_NAME_LEN = 40
self._next_pipeline_class = None
self.plot = PipelineSearchPlots(self)
except ImportError:
logger.log("Warning: unable to import plotly; skipping pipeline search plotting\n")
self.plot = None
def search(self, X, y, feature_types=None, raise_errors=True, show_iteration_plot=True):
"""Find best classifier
X (pd.DataFrame): the input training data of shape [n_samples, n_features]
y (pd.Series): the target training labels of length [n_samples]
feature_types (list, optional): list of feature types, either numerical or categorical.
Categorical features will automatically be encoded
raise_errors (boolean): If True, raise errors and exit search if a pipeline errors during fitting. If False, set scores for the errored pipeline to NaN and continue search. Defaults to True.
show_iteration_plot (boolean, True): Shows an iteration vs. score plot in Jupyter notebook.
Disabled by default in non-Jupyter enviroments.
# don't show iteration plot outside of a jupyter notebook
if show_iteration_plot is True:
except NameError:
show_iteration_plot = False
# make everything pandas objects
if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
X = pd.DataFrame(X)
if not isinstance(y, pd.Series):
y = pd.Series(y)
if self.problem_type != ProblemTypes.REGRESSION:
logger.log_title("Beginning pipeline search")
logger.log("Optimizing for %s. " %, new_line=False)
if self.objective.greater_is_better:
logger.log("Greater score is better.\n")
logger.log("Lower score is better.\n")
# Set default max_pipeline if none specified
if self.max_pipelines is None and self.max_time is None:
self.max_pipelines = 5
logger.log("No search limit is set. Set using max_time or max_pipelines.\n")
if self.max_pipelines:
logger.log("Searching up to %s pipelines. " % self.max_pipelines)
if self.max_time:
logger.log("Will stop searching for new pipelines after %d seconds.\n" % self.max_time)
logger.log("Possible model families: %s\n" % ", ".join([model.value for model in self.possible_model_families]))
if self.detect_label_leakage:
leaked = guardrails.detect_label_leakage(X, y)
if len(leaked) > 0:
leaked = [str(k) for k in leaked.keys()]
logger.log("WARNING: Possible label leakage: %s" % ", ".join(leaked))
search_iteration_plot = None
if self.plot:
search_iteration_plot = self.plot.search_iteration_plot(interactive_plot=show_iteration_plot)
if self.max_pipelines is None:
pbar = tqdm(total=self.max_time, disable=not self.verbose, file=stdout, bar_format='{desc} | Elapsed:{elapsed}')
pbar = tqdm(range(self.max_pipelines), disable=not self.verbose, file=stdout, bar_format='{desc} {percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}| Elapsed:{elapsed}')
start = time.time()
while self._check_stopping_condition(start):
self._do_iteration(X, y, pbar, raise_errors)
if search_iteration_plot:
desc = "✔ Optimization finished"
desc = desc.ljust(self._MAX_NAME_LEN)
pbar.set_description_str(desc=desc, refresh=True)
def _check_stopping_condition(self, start):
# get new pipeline and check tuner
self._next_pipeline_class = self._select_pipeline()
if self.tuners[].is_search_space_exhausted():
return False
should_continue = True
num_pipelines = len(self.results['pipeline_results'])
if num_pipelines == 0:
return True
# check max_time and max_pipelines
elapsed = time.time() - start
if self.max_time and elapsed >= self.max_time:
return False
elif self.max_pipelines:
if num_pipelines >= self.max_pipelines:
return False
elif self.max_time and elapsed >= self.max_time:
logger.log("\n\nMax time elapsed. Stopping search early.")
return False
# check for early stopping
if self.patience is None:
return True
first_id = self.results['search_order'][0]
best_score = self.results['pipeline_results'][first_id]['score']
num_without_improvement = 0
for id in self.results['search_order'][1:]:
curr_score = self.results['pipeline_results'][id]['score']
significant_change = abs((curr_score - best_score) / best_score) > self.tolerance
score_improved = curr_score > best_score if self.objective.greater_is_better else curr_score < best_score
if score_improved and significant_change:
best_score = curr_score
num_without_improvement = 0
num_without_improvement += 1
if num_without_improvement >= self.patience:
logger.log("\n\n{} iterations without improvement. Stopping search early...".format(self.patience))
return False
return should_continue
def _check_multiclass(self, y):
if y.nunique() <= 2:
if self.objective.problem_type != ProblemTypes.MULTICLASS:
raise ValueError("Given objective {} is not compatible with a multiclass problem.".format(
for obj in self.additional_objectives:
if obj.problem_type != ProblemTypes.MULTICLASS:
raise ValueError("Additional objective {} is not compatible with a multiclass problem.".format(
def _transform_parameters(self, pipeline_class, parameters, number_features):
new_parameters = {}
component_graph = [handle_component(c) for c in pipeline_class.component_graph]
for component in component_graph:
component_parameters = {}
component_class = component.__class__
# Inspects each component and adds the following parameters when needed
if 'n_jobs' in inspect.signature(component_class.__init__).parameters:
component_parameters['n_jobs'] = self.n_jobs
if 'number_features' in inspect.signature(component_class.__init__).parameters:
component_parameters['number_features'] = number_features
# Inspects each component and checks the parameters list for the right parameters
# Sk_opt tuner returns a list of (name, value) tuples so must be accessed as follows
for parameter in parameters:
if parameter[0] in inspect.signature(component_class.__init__).parameters:
component_parameters[parameter[0]] = parameter[1]
new_parameters[] = component_parameters
return new_parameters
def _do_iteration(self, X, y, pbar, raise_errors):
# propose the next best parameters for this piepline
parameters = self._propose_parameters(self._next_pipeline_class)
# fit an score the pipeline
pipeline = self._next_pipeline_class(parameters=self._transform_parameters(self._next_pipeline_class, parameters, X.shape[1]))
if self.start_iteration_callback:
self.start_iteration_callback(self._next_pipeline_class, parameters)
desc = "▹ {}: ".format(
if len(desc) > self._MAX_NAME_LEN:
desc = desc[:self._MAX_NAME_LEN - 3] + "..."
desc = desc.ljust(self._MAX_NAME_LEN)
pbar.set_description_str(desc=desc, refresh=True)
start = time.time()
cv_data = []
for train, test in, y):
if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train], X.iloc[test]
X_train, X_test = X[train], X[test]
if isinstance(y, pd.Series):
y_train, y_test = y.iloc[train], y.iloc[test]
y_train, y_test = y[train], y[test]
objectives_to_score = [self.objective] + self.additional_objectives
X_threshold_tuning = None
y_threshold_tuning = None
if self.optimize_thresholds and self.objective.problem_type == ProblemTypes.BINARY and self.objective.can_optimize_threshold:
X_train, X_threshold_tuning, y_train, y_threshold_tuning = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.2, random_state=pipeline.estimator.random_state), y_train)
if self.objective.problem_type == ProblemTypes.BINARY:
pipeline.threshold = 0.5
if self.optimize_thresholds and self.objective.can_optimize_threshold:
y_predict_proba = pipeline.predict_proba(X_threshold_tuning)
y_predict_proba = y_predict_proba[:, 1]
pipeline.threshold = self.objective.optimize_threshold(y_predict_proba, y_threshold_tuning, X=X_threshold_tuning)
scores = pipeline.score(X_test, y_test, objectives=objectives_to_score)
score = scores[]
except Exception as e:
if raise_errors:
raise e
if pbar:
score = np.nan
scores = OrderedDict(zip([ for n in self.additional_objectives], [np.nan] * len(self.additional_objectives)))
ordered_scores = OrderedDict()
ordered_scores.update({ score})
ordered_scores.update({"# Training": len(y_train)})
ordered_scores.update({"# Testing": len(y_test)})
cv_data.append({"all_objective_scores": ordered_scores, "score": score})
training_time = time.time() - start
# save the result and continue
desc = "✔" + desc[1:]
pbar.set_description_str(desc=desc, refresh=True)
if self.verbose: # To force new line between progress bar iterations
def _select_pipeline(self):
return self.random_state.choice(self.possible_pipelines)
def _propose_parameters(self, pipeline_class):
values = self.tuners[].propose()
space = self.search_spaces[]
proposal = zip(space, values)
return list(proposal)
def _add_result(self, trained_pipeline, parameters, training_time, cv_data):
scores = pd.Series([fold["score"] for fold in cv_data])
score = scores.mean()
if self.objective.greater_is_better:
score_to_minimize = -score
score_to_minimize = score
self.tuners[].add([p[1] for p in parameters], score_to_minimize)
# calculate high_variance_cv
# if the coefficient of variance is greater than .2
high_variance_cv = (scores.std() / scores.mean()) > .2
pipeline_name =
pipeline_summary = trained_pipeline.summary
pipeline_id = len(self.results['pipeline_results'])
self.results['pipeline_results'][pipeline_id] = {
"id": pipeline_id,
"pipeline_name": pipeline_name,
"pipeline_summary": pipeline_summary,
"parameters": dict(parameters),
"score": score,
"high_variance_cv": high_variance_cv,
"training_time": training_time,
"cv_data": cv_data
if self.add_result_callback:
self.add_result_callback(self.results['pipeline_results'][pipeline_id], trained_pipeline)
self._save_pipeline(pipeline_id, trained_pipeline)
def _save_pipeline(self, pipeline_id, trained_pipeline):
self.trained_pipelines[pipeline_id] = trained_pipeline
def get_pipeline(self, pipeline_id):
"""Retrieves trained pipeline
pipeline_id (int): pipeline to retrieve
Pipeline: pipeline associated with id
if pipeline_id not in self.trained_pipelines:
raise RuntimeError("Pipeline not found")
return self.trained_pipelines[pipeline_id]
def describe_pipeline(self, pipeline_id, return_dict=False):
"""Describe a pipeline
pipeline_id (int): pipeline to describe
return_dict (bool): If True, return dictionary of information
about pipeline. Defaults to False.
Description of specified pipeline. Includes information such as
type of pipeline components, problem, training time, cross validation, etc.
if pipeline_id not in self.results['pipeline_results']:
raise RuntimeError("Pipeline not found")
pipeline = self.get_pipeline(pipeline_id)
pipeline_results = self.results['pipeline_results'][pipeline_id]
logger.log("Training for {} problems.".format(pipeline.problem_type))
if self.optimize_thresholds and self.objective.problem_type == ProblemTypes.BINARY and self.objective.can_optimize_threshold:
logger.log("Objective to optimize binary classification pipeline thresholds for: {}".format(self.objective))
logger.log("Total training time (including CV): %.1f seconds" % pipeline_results["training_time"])
logger.log_subtitle("Cross Validation", underline="-")
if pipeline_results["high_variance_cv"]:
logger.log("Warning! High variance within cross validation scores. " +
"Model may not perform as estimated on unseen data.")
all_objective_scores = [fold["all_objective_scores"] for fold in pipeline_results["cv_data"]]
all_objective_scores = pd.DataFrame(all_objective_scores)
for c in all_objective_scores:
if c in ["# Training", "# Testing"]:
all_objective_scores[c] = all_objective_scores[c].astype("object")
mean = all_objective_scores[c].mean(axis=0)
std = all_objective_scores[c].std(axis=0)
all_objective_scores.loc["mean", c] = mean
all_objective_scores.loc["std", c] = std
all_objective_scores.loc["coef of var", c] = std / mean
all_objective_scores = all_objective_scores.fillna("-")
with pd.option_context('display.float_format', '{:.3f}'.format, 'expand_frame_repr', False):
if return_dict:
return pipeline_results
def rankings(self):
"""Returns a pandas.DataFrame with scoring results from the highest-scoring set of parameters used with each pipeline."""
return self.full_rankings.drop_duplicates(subset="pipeline_name", keep="first")
def full_rankings(self):
"""Returns a pandas.DataFrame with scoring results from all pipelines searched"""
ascending = True
if self.objective.greater_is_better:
ascending = False
rankings_df = pd.DataFrame(self.results['pipeline_results'].values())
rankings_df = rankings_df[["id", "pipeline_name", "score", "high_variance_cv", "parameters"]]
rankings_df.sort_values("score", ascending=ascending, inplace=True)
rankings_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
return rankings_df
def best_pipeline(self):
"""Returns the best model found"""
best = self.rankings.iloc[0]
return self.get_pipeline(best["id"])